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{Guide} Veilfire Torch Event: Do's and Don'ts

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"I'm going to volunteer my leadership to this platoon. An army without leaders is like a foot without a big toe." - John Winger

I threw this guide together after leaving a comment to a fellow player about the Veilfire event but I figure why waste good material to leave in a comment. I've edited the original comment and threw in a few more points plus a video to go along with it.

Do/Don't list:
1. Don't try to run the torch with a Lvl1 kit. All my stats are above 55 and I have great gear but even I can go down on a Threatening match if I get surrounded (without good backup). Let someone with a higher lvl run it.


2. Let the melee kit run the torch if you have one around, preferably warrior. Melee kits tend to have more CON and aren't as useful as a ranged fighter by being restrained inside the circle.

3. Don't loot during the event. *in Obama voice* That's just dumb. If the rest of the team decides to skip the zone rather than go back to loot, then don't throw a fit on mic.


4. Walking can be more advantageous than running. The zones are small enough that you don't really need to sprint the entire way there. Walking also allows the rest of your party to keep up with you and a Barrier kit to protect the runner because they can cast while keeping up. The runner can use sprint to blow by or shake mobs while giving the rest of the team time to distract them.


5. If the runner gets hit, then the person closest to him/her should pick up the torch and keep it moving. The original runner will need to defend him/herself, so recovering the torch should be secondary.


6. Don't get ahead of the runner. The person carrying the torch has the element of surprise. If someone sprints ahead of them then they will trigger the alerted state of the enemy AI. The AI then select who they will attack. This doesn't bode well for the runner since he/she loses the advantage of shaking unalerted mobs.


7. If the person who grabs the torch is a noob (he/she is forcing players to loot treasure rooms or doesn't know where he/she is going), then go alert an enemy unit and make it follow you back to the runner. Unfortunately they didn't make a way for you force them to drop the torch other than enemy contact or team kick.

8. Take the path of least resistance. Some areas have backdoors or alternate paths to the brazier. Take those routes instead of taking on enemies head on.


9. Stick together like bees in a glue factory. At the most, the Veilfire Torch event should take all of 60 seconds to complete (most are less than 30). Now is not the time to be running off to do your own thing (that applies to both SpeedRacers and Leprechauns).


10. Don't try to kill everything. The objective is the get from Point A to Point B while taking a little damage as possible... in a timely manner. Once you reach the end of the zone and lit the brazier, then you worry about kill the remaining enemy units as well as new spawns.


Veilfire Torch Event Vutorial


Update: According to Jesheezy alot of you suck at Darkspawn (their words not mine :lol: ). He or she recommends that you stop Rambroing Zone 4. If you're not sure what Rambroing is then see my other guide in sigblock.

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Is sprinting better than walking?
Answer: Getting there faster is always better, but not always the best method. If the carrier sprints the entire way then it makes it difficult for his/her teammates to keep up. Keepers/Elementalists also cannot cast barrier on the carrier if they sprint the entire way. Sprinting also increases the likelihood of your team separating and one or more of them dying.


Is this hybrid walking/sprinting method "Perilous-viable"?
Answer: Yes. The question really is "are you and your teammates Perilous material". New players could make the same comparison for Routine and Threatening. It really comes down to if you're playing over your head.


Is this strategy "PUG-friendly"?
Answer: Yes. 85-90% my games are done with PUGs. I have tested multiple methods and noted how other player's behavior changed based on how I ran the torch. Running the torch with sprint the entire way tended to yield worse results than using a combination of walking and running.


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If I can trust the torch holder I generally just ignore him and let the poison try to kill me and survive from HoK while I break pots and open doors. I realize that isn't a solution for everyone though, especially not on perilous.

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Alternate pathing is usually more difficult than chokepoints via traditional pathing due to more open areas and less controlled flow of enemies. I can't recommend it to weaker parties.


Why shouldn't the level 1 carry the torch? They're the least useful.


Ranged are arguably better than melee for carrying the torch, as they can just drop it and attack, while melee needs to position themselves. Rogues can't stealth with the torch, right?


Not killing everything is the antithesis to speed clearers, however the order clearing mobs will vary.


The poison event barely tickles health when Heal on Kill is readily available. Looting in poison is no different.


As an aside:
The quote is especially bad when leadership isn't a voluntary task, let alone that feet don't need the big toe

  • lJustAlexl, Ghost Of N7_SP3CTR3 and ThatBruhYouDK like this


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1. Be the first at the torch

2. Grab the torch and run towards the brazier

3. Light the brazier and proceed to kill all the enemies

4. ???????

5. Profit!

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As an aside:

The quote is especially bad when leadership isn't a voluntary task, let alone that feet don't need the big toe


I daresay you shot yourself in the foot by attempting to show the flaw in that quote:

Leadership is voluntary, as much as voluntary being taking the lead in a social environment.


Furthermore, the quote did not say that an army cannot function without a leader, just as it did not say a foot cannot operate without a big toe. However both are more efficient and thus have a much greater impact.





Is the Veilfire Torch Event that much of a problem for people? Of the couple dozen times of completing it with PuGs, I have never had a serious problem, except once when a PuG grabbed the torch then went AFK. We still completed the event even then after booting that player.


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Making way steadily towards the objective as a group and killing the enemies as you go is perfectly fine as a strategy, as long as the enemies die and the torch gets lit the order does not matter. and a team lacking in hok taking time to deal with enemies at choke points with all four people can be easier than rushing the pyre, and getting stomped later.


As long as you work together it does not matter how you do the objective as long as it gets done, not working together renders every strategy invalid.

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As an aside:

The quote is especially bad when leadership isn't a voluntary task, let alone that feet don't need the big toe

I'm too tired for rebuttals so here's the original topic and the movie so you understand the context of the quote.



It's satirical, not literal.



Is the Veilfire Torch Event that much of a problem for people? Of the couple dozen times of completing it with PuGs, I have never had a serious problem, except once when a PuG grabbed the torch then went AFK. We still completed the event even then after booting that player.

I had already had the footage and was planning to make a guide on it anyway. After the posters comment I figured I may as well finish it. To answer your question, yes I still do randomly hear ppl clashing over mics about the event. Seeing things the both sides tends to help change or at least help someone understand another person's POV.

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Ghost Of N7_SP3CTR3

Ghost Of N7_SP3CTR3
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I think running the torch to the end quickly,then clearing the mobs and rooms in reverse works the best,if you have a competent crew.

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Ive had a few perilous pug fails last couple days where random guy grabs torch and dies halfway there by running straight at the archers lining him up.  Torch tunnel vision then overtakes me and i bend over to pick up the torch in front of the same archers.


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btw ... a question regarding the poison:

does it have an impact to your healthbar even if you have a barrier active? I thought I saw my healthbar dwindle although I had barrier :huh:

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btw ... a question regarding the poison:

does it have an impact to your healthbar even if you have a barrier active? I thought I saw my healthbar dwindle although I had barrier :huh:


It seems to have an impact, I noticed the same thing. 

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btw ... a question regarding the poison:

does it have an impact to your healthbar even if you have a barrier active? I thought I saw my healthbar dwindle although I had barrier :huh:

Yeah, it still damages your health through barrier and guard.

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Idk, Shadoz, I like your guide and I think it's useful but in practice it's a bit more difficult to coordinate with pugs, especially if we don't have mics (and I don't). 


The fastest way to clear the zone is obviously for someone who can take the damage to run ahead and light the torch. I have been in perilous groups that manage to do it, but it's trickier there obviously. Otherwise, if no one does it I don't mind walking slowly in a tight ball of death killing everything and just carrying the torch along with us.

Kenny Bania

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Nice guide, but i prefer to rush it.


I am not sure but i feel like the enemy is blind outside the range of veil, so i always pick it up and run to the end without problems. The issue is when i light up the fire at the end, they notice me and you know..... the "Humanity!"


But i am glad to be a sacrifice for the team.  :lol:  


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btw ... a question regarding the poison:

does it have an impact to your healthbar even if you have a barrier active? I thought I saw my healthbar dwindle although I had barrier :huh:


 I've consistently observed it over a number of matches so I think it definitely does.


EDIT:  should have kept reading; answered elsewhere.  Just ignore me.


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I just run off on my own and kill everything while standing in the gas. Seems to work for me.

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I'm pretty sure the best method is to grab the torch, sprint well ahead of the group, and then die right before you light the fire while the squad is still 2 rooms back.

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Ive had a few perilous pug fails last couple days where random guy grabs torch and dies halfway there by running straight at the archers lining him up.  Torch tunnel vision then overtakes me and i bend over to pick up the torch in front of the same archers.

It works better if the whole party runs, ignoring the mobs until the end. Obviously this does not include parties that die to one ot two stray arrows or cannot run and gun  the archers down while moving.


I usually just rambo to the end when I pug if I am on a class that can survive such a thing. But I've seen it get close to backfiring before. what annoys me is when someone grabs the torch and insists on doing all the doors with the poison still up. But it's probably because they don't trust that we will come back for them.


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The easiest way is to have a Virtuoso put movement speed on, then bodyguard torchbearer with a shield in a rush to the end. Even without Virtuoso I run straight to the end if I think I can make it. Or move with the group until I think I can make it then rush ahead. On threatening it's easy to keep your health up by killing things in the mist with a HoK ring.

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I'm pretty sure the best method is to grab the torch, sprint well ahead of the group, and then die right before you light the fire while the squad is still 2 rooms back.

i never thought of this...

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Sorry to necro this, but here's a request for update regarding darkspawn. In wave 4 torch, people probably shouldn't want to run unless they want the torchbearer to eat a couple face-fulls of bolts and end up dying.

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Sorry to necro this, but here's a request for update regarding darkspawn. In wave 4 torch, people probably shouldn't want to run unless they want the torchbearer to eat a couple face-fulls of bolts and end up dying.

Even on those bolter-less zone 4 runs where you get the animals the dwarves possess so much knockdown power to make running the torch problematic.  In my opinion, on zone 4 darkspawn, the best choice is a methodical front to rear clear.

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Sorry to necro this, but here's a request for update regarding darkspawn. In wave 4 torch, people probably shouldn't want to run unless they want the torchbearer to eat a couple face-fulls of bolts and end up dying.


1. Run to torch

2. Pop a Rock Armor Tonic

3. Run the torch to the brazier

4. Get killed by Bolters anyway because they ignore your armor and the tonic

5. ???????

6. No profit

  • Sothalor and kaileena_sands like this