DAMP - Glorious Casuals
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A group for players who want to try Dragon Age Multiplayer (DAMP) in a fun, non-competitive and non-judgemental environment.
Is this group for you?
- Have you ever called another player "a scrub"?
- Do you think PVP is the only correct way to do multiplayer?
- Have you ever said "L2P" in response to another player complaining that they find something hard?
- Have you ever quit a MP game or lobby because you thought the other players were clearly n00bs?
- have you ever raged at or mocked another player because they clearly didn't know how to play their class?
If you answered 'Yes' to any of these questions, this group is not for you. Please go be awesome somewhere else.
- If you are not confident about your combat skills or are anxious about playing DAMP but would like to give it a go, then sign up here.
- If you are a more seasoned or confident player and would like to help others experience DAMP without being elitist then you too are welcome.
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- Apologies to you all...
by KoorahUK
Sep 29 2015 03:29 PM - Member Contacts (Gamertags, etc)
by mitts281
May 28 2015 12:05 AM - Member Contacts (Gamertags, etc)
by Alan Drifter13
May 24 2015 10:41 AM - Member Contacts (Gamertags, etc)
by mfr001
May 17 2015 05:46 PM - Member Contacts (Gamertags, etc)
by Commander Penguin
May 06 2015 03:39 PM

The Wait Is Finally Over!
by KoorahUK Nov 26 2014 04:50 PM
Hi Guys,
Well DA:I has been out for a week for some of us, how are we finding it? I’m loving the heck out of it myself. Sorry its been a bit quiet around here, all my spare time has been absorbed by DA:I single player and I suspect I’m not alone J. Still apologies for the lack of activity.
I’ve been discussing trying to get platform specific sub forums going with Allan Schumacher, but he seems to be… a little busy at present (poor guy), so we’ll just have to muddle through.
I’ll be trying to get the platform threads updated but I think it may be easier if people post LFG (Looking for Group) threads directly in Group Discussion. We have a lot of people saying that they are around but not many saying they are actively looking for a group and they may be getting lost in the other bigger threads pinned to the board. I think we need a few active DAMPers to take the lead until more people have got the hang of joining in.
I’d suggest a thread stating your platform and timezone and when you are looking for a group. Something like:LFG [PC UTC -5] Tuesday Nov 26
LFG [XBONE UTC +1] Thursday 28/11
Hopefully if any fellow Casuals are about at that time they can post in the thread and arrange to hook up with you.
Also, if anyone has any general questions about DAMP or multiplayer in general pleas...
Glorious Launch Event?
by KoorahUK Nov 13 2014 02:28 PM
DalishRanger tells me that some folks are asking about any DAMP launch event plans.
I don't have any but we could make some if there was enough interest.
So please comment below if you could be pulled away from single player long enough for a few DAMP matches on or after launch, and we'll see what we can see.
Its Nearly Here
by KoorahUK Nov 03 2014 01:57 PM
Wow! I wander off for a bit and when I return the group is up to 114 members as of today! Thats a lot of casuals and by gum, you are all GLORIOUS!
So, a very warm welcome to you all
As I've always maintained, this group is about people dabbling in DAMP at a pace and skill level that suits them, therefore nobody is required to play a minimum number of hours per week or any of that malarky. This place is for you to find your own games and folks to play with who are all on the same page.
That said, with the game now on the very near horizon, I'll be giving some thought to how we can get ourselves organised. I've never really run a group like this before so any suggestions are welcome.
My colleage DalishRanger has been kind enough to compile a spreadsheet of Gamertags, platforms and availability which is a great start, and as it saved me a job that I was planning on doing I'm doubly pleased
Please pay a visit to the Gamertags thread if you haven't already so we know who you are
http://forum.bioware...-gamertags-etc/I think most of us are planning on hitting the SP for a while after release so...
by KoorahUK Sep 28 2014 04:33 PM
Hi All,
Crescent_Moon has kindly created a sig for use if you'd like to help promote the group. Its a lot less crass than mine
See below:
DAMP Glorious Casuals. A group for players who want to try Dragon Age Multiplayer (DAMP) in a fun, non-competitive and non-judgemental environment. Join us here: http://forum.bioware...orious-casuals/
Welcome to the Glorious Casuals
by KoorahUK Sep 26 2014 12:49 PM
Hey folks and Welcome to the Glorious Casuals!
This group was inspired by a discussion on this thread: http://forum.bioware...sting-gameplay/
I realised that there may be a significant number of BSN members who were put off multiplayer because they found DA combat challenging - for whatever reason - and didn't want to expose themselves to ridicule or abuse due to the attitudes of other players who were more confident in their abilities.
The goals of this group are:
- Allow players who are inexperienced, not confident or just plain bad at DA:I combat to talk about it without worrying that other people are judging them for it.
- To provide a place where like minded players of any skill level can arrange to get together into DAMP teams to bring order to Thedas at a challenge level that suits them all.
- Ask questions and seek advice from other player
This group may go nowhere and if so, fair enough, at least I tried! I'm hopeful we can get some "good" players involved to help out struggling teams, but this group is not intended as a training ground. No one is under any expection to either provide training or receive it, there is no requirement for you to "improve".
The only...