We all know the drill, cast a biotic power on an enemy, and once an enemy is affected by it, finish it off with another biotic power for a damaging AoE explosion.
-Not all biotic powers are compatible with each other (E.G. Singularity --> Pull will not cause a biotic combo).
-Stasis is unique, because it can bypass defenses (such as shields and barriers), and enemies can be detonated while their defenses are still present. It is, however, completely ineffective vs. armored targets such as Atlas mechs and Turrets.
-Warp, Reave and Biotic Sphere (with Warp Effect evolution) are unique because they can either set up or set off biotic combos. They can set up combos on enemies with defenses (shields/barriers). They can also set up combos on armored targets, such as Turrets and Atlas mechs.
-Lift Grenade and Shockwave (with Lifting evolution) are able to set up biotic combos on unprotected non-armored targets (targets with health bar only). They are also able to detonate biotic combos.
-Slam (SP only) is able to set up biotic combos on unprotected non-armored targets (targets with health bar only). It can also detonate combos, but only on enemies that can be "slammed" (unprotected non-armored targets/targets with health bar only).
-Dark Channel is able set up biotic combos on every type of enemy (targets with shields/barriers, health only, armored). Basically, it works like Reave or Warp, the only difference is, that it is unable to detonate combos.
-Smash can only set up biotic combos with the rank 4 Biotic Combo evolution. If you take Electrical Damage evolution instead, you will set up you targets for Tech Bursts.
-Lash can detonate biotic combos on all non-armored targets. It can also set up biotic combos on shieldless non-armored targets, and shielded non-armored targets, if you take the rank 6 Shield Penetration evolution.
-Annihilation Field can set up biotic combos on every type of enemy, if the enemy is in range of it's aura. When detonated, it can set off biotic explosions, if your targets are primed by another biotic power. It cannot combo with itself.
List of biotic combos below.
-Sigularity --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Pull --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Stasis --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Warp --> Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Reave --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Biotic Sphere (only with Rank 6 Warp Effect evolution) --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Shockwave (only with Rank 6 Lifting Shockwave evolution) --> Warp/Throw/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Barrier (when detonated) --> Warp/Throw/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Lift Grenade --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Smash (with Rank 4 Biotic Combo evolution) --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Lash --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Smash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Dark Channel --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Slam/Smash/Lash/Annihilation Field (when detonated)/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Annihilation Field (aura) --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Reave/Biotic Sphere/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade/Smash/Lash/Biotic Slash/Biotic Orbs
-Slam (SP only) --> Warp/Throw/Shockwave/Charge/Nova/Cluster Grenade/Lift Grenade
There are also some new combos in ME3, that involve Tech or Combat elemental based powers. It's the same principle as with biotic combos, but they function in a slightly different manner.
-Can be set up by: Incinerate, Inferno Grenade, Carnage, Geth Turret (with rank 6 Flamethrower upgrade), Sentry Turret (with rank 6 Flamethrover upgrade), Flamer, Omni Shield (with Fire Shield Upgrade), Incendiary Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by any of the fire based powers, cause an AoE fire explosion, once they are killed by a direct damage power. The effect is similar to blowing up Pyros with Overload in ME2.
-Note: As of the latest patch, Fire Explosions function the same way as Tech Bursts. Hit the target with a fire primer, and then detonate it with any power that can deal direct damage.
-Can be set up by: Cryo Blast, Snap Freeze, Omni Shield (with Cryo Shield upgrade), Cryo Ammo
-Can be detonated with any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers that can deal direct damage.
-Effect: Frozen enemies killed by damage based powers, cause an AoE cryo explosion, freezing any enemy that is nearby.
-Note: Enemies MUST be frozen in order to trigger Cryo Explosion, so this will only work on unshielded non-armores targets (targets with health only). As of the latest patch, frozen enemies do not require be killed by the secondary power in order to trigger the explosion.
-Special note about Snap Freeze: Unlike every other Cryo based power, Snap Freeze can also prime chilled and not just frozen targets. It functions as a primer on every type of defense (shields, barriers, armor and health).
-Can be set up by: Overload, Energy Drain, Sabotage (backfire), Submission Net, Arc Grenade, Smash (with rank 4 Electrical Damage evolution), Shadow Strike (with rank 5 Electric Damage upgrade), Disruptor Ammo
-Can be detonated by any Biotic/Tech/Combat powers taht can deal direct damage (except for the powers that are used to set up the combo).
-Effect: Enemies effected by electricity based powers, discharge multiple electricity bolts to nearby enemies, when hit with direct damage powers. Effect is similar to Overload's Chain Overload upgrade.
-Note: Works the same way as Fire Explosions. Hit the target with one of the electrical primers, and then detonate it with any power that can deal direct damage.
Concussive Shot Rank 6 Amplification evolution
When coupled with Incendiary Ammo, it can prime targets for Fire Explosions, and when coupled with Cryo Ammo, it can prime targets for Cryo Explosions. For some reason, it does not prime targets for Tech Bursts, when coupled with Disruptor Ammo.
-Credit for this goes to RedCaesar97 and more info about Amplified Concussive Shot can be found in his thread here.
Direct damage powers (aka the powers able to set off tech combos)
Biotic: Warp, Shockwave, Throw, Biotic Sphere, Biotic Charge, Nova, Cluster Grenade, Lift Grenade, Smash, Lash, Annihilation Field (when detonated), Biotic Slash, Biotic Orbs
Tech: Incinerate, Overload, Enegry Drain, Combat Drone (when detonated, rank 4 detonate evolution required),
Snap Freeze, Arc Grenade, Homing Grenade, Electric Slash, Recon Mine
Combat: Concussive Shot, Carnage, Proximity Mine, Frag Grenade, Sticky Grenade, Phase Disruptor, Multi-Frag Grenade, Havoc Strike
I hope this explains the combo mechanics to everyone not so familiar with them, and I hope you will be able to put them to good use.

If I have by any chance missed anything, be sure to let me know, and I will include it in the OP.
Make sure you also check out the official Gameplay Data and Mechanics thread for a more in-depth explanation about the mechanics behind power combos.
Combo explosion damage formula (Tested in-game). This excellent thread provides numbers and info on combo modifiers, power lvl's, combo damage (difficulty) scaling, and debuffs (such as Sabotage's Tech Vulnerability and Warp's Expose) and their effects on power combos. -Courtesy of corlist & tyhw.
Info on the new Cryo and Fire Exlosion combos (damage, radius, dot, etc...) can be found here.
Edited by Relix28, 18 December 2012 - 08:26 PM.