All credit for the french version goes to ds108j.
Thanks to heshkelgaii and Snoteye for their help in filling in values.
Big thanks to Creakazoid for fixing the tooltips.
Thank you to everyone who submitted bugs for making the builder better for everyone!
Known Current Issues
I am aware of the following issues. I might fix them at some point.
Armour Modules: Adrenaline Module, Power Efficiency Module, Shield Power Cells, Stabilisation Module do not have a level IV option in-game.
Just ignore these.
The melee damage increase from the weapon mods do not apply to Shadow Strike.
All Volus kits: Volus Training rank 5 "Shield Boost" doesn't apply to shield boost power.
N7 Paladin: "Shield Mastery" 2nd and 5th (shield health) bonuses don't apply to base omni shield health.
N7 Shadow "Sword Mastery" tree evo's 5 and 6 do not apply their melee damage bonus' to shield/barriers and armour respectively
Shadow Strike's damage modifiers are effected by 'Sword Mastery' evo's 5 (Shields/Barriers) and 6 (Armour)
All "Damage Taken" attributes not being applied. This includes QFI Tech Vulnerability applying to Sabotage.
Ammo Power are missing. These have weird effects, it would be a pain to add them. Maybe at some point.
If there's interest, I'll complete it; or if someone want's to help me, send me a message^^.
EDIT 4th April 2012:
The skills have now all been added, thanks to heshkelgaii!
It would also be possible to add a weapon selection so that you can choose which weapon you want and it would show you the actual weapon damage as well as the adjusted cooldown times; again, only if there is interest^^.
EDIT: The BB code doesn't like my links :-/
EDIT 2: Fixed the links:
Drell Adept: http://narida.pytalh...lasses/#01BAAAA
Human Soldier: http://narida.pytalh...lasses/#10BAAAA
Salarian Infiltrator: http://narida.pytalh...lasses/#41BAAAA
Edited by Narida L, 15 December 2012 - 07:03 PM.