I asked the mods if this was considered cheating, but it isn't.
Thomas Abram wrote...
As mentioned, remapping keys is fair game.
To clarify - Make sure you know what you're doing when editing these
files. If you do give yourself some sort of unfair advantage (accident
or not) BioWare reserves the right to ban you.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments please PM me.
Note: if after reading the following guide you're still confused, you can also check <THIS GUIDE> that was written based on this one, but trying to make it clearer and easier to understand. It's actually quite simple, but who knows - you might prefer that one

Remapping is legal, therefore I have provided a fast and easy guide on how-to add the "Used" command (reviving, hack activation, etc) to your "T" key.
A video tutorial for the 'R' key exists here, if you'd like to see the fix being applied in action..
As for "how to create your own Revive/Use key independent from Space":
1. Get the "ME3 Coalesced Utility" from somewhere. I cannot post that out publically just like that, it's available somewhere either on the forums or on FileFront, but with all the malicious changes you can make in the game, if I posted an open link just like that, I would be pretty much calling for thread deletion. Sorry about that.
2. So once you've acquired the utility, please promise you won't mod anything related to game mechanics.
Go to your installed folder, for example \\Origin Games\\Mass Effect 3\\BIOGame\\CookedPCConsole\\ and open Coalesced.bin. You should save a copy of it elsewhere for backup, by the way.
3. Go to bioinput.ini \\ sfxgame \\ sfxgamemodebase \\ bindings (multiple).

Here, you can see the commands that can be assigned to various keys.
You need to add a new command at the bottom, in this case it's PC_Use.
The format is:
( Name="PC_Use", Command="Used" )
4. Once you've added the command, go to bioinput.ini \\ sfxgame \\ sfxgamemodedefault \\ 00000409 \\ localized bindings (multiple).
Note: if you have a french localization "azerty", then you have to reassign the key not in 00000409, but in 0000040C.
Here, you can reassign key "T" to the command you've added, PC_Use.
The format is,
( Name="T", Command="PC_Use" )

Once you're done, save the file via the utility, and enjoy your new "T" key which will actually revive your fallen teammate immediately (with minor delay due to lag only), instead of jumping into cover or leaping over them.
On an added note, it makes your control more efficient if you also remove "Exclusive Used" from your Shared_Action command - thus you should not start reviving your teammate when you're trying to dodge rockets and stuff.
Keep the thread alive by saying thanks if you found it useful!

Here's another link that could be a useful guide if you truly want to seperate everything, it's more in-depth than my tiny hotfix guide, so in case you want to learn a bit more about it as you didn't find my solution perfect or suitable to your liking, check this out.
I have received a message, as there used to be a way to add custom commands to your key binding menu in the game, but that is not possible anymore.
However, if you really don't like hard-coding and want to assign your keys around in-game as well (and not just through coalesced.bin modding), you can read the following quote below.
Summed up, it says that if you override existing commands such as "Walking", you'll be able to assign "Walking" to keys in game, but the command would actually do "StormOn | OnRelease StormOff", for example instead of "PC_Walking".
xabkish wrote...
UPD: Ok, I can see I'm not the only one struggling, here's a little guide:
1. Open bioinput.ini -> sfxgame -> sfxgamemodebase
Choose 3 commands that you will alter. Choose the ones you won't use.
I'm playing MP only for time being so I've chosen Squad controls: namely
SquadAttack, SquadMove1, SquadMove2.
3. Now replace the contents of these commands with the contents of Shared_Use, etc. E.g., in my case it looks like this:
( Name="Shared_SquadAttack", Command="Exclusive Used" )
Name="Shared_SquadMove1", Command="Exclusive PressAction | OnTap 0.3
TapAction | OnHold 0.3 HoldAction | Exclusive TryStandingJump" )
( Name="Shared_SquadMove2", Command="OnRelease StormOff | OnHold 0.2 StormOn" )
Now just save it. Launch the game. Remap these actions to keys you like
(Squad Attack being the Use/Revive, Squad Move 1 being the Roll/Cover
and Squad Move 2 being the Storm/Sprint) and... Profit
I've PMed the OP to change the main post to be up to date with current version of the game.
I have been asked to make a reference to this post, as it supposedly shows a more user-friendly change than just adding "Use" to the key "T". Technically it just seperates the keys more and places the commands on other keys instead.
For me, personally, 'T' is a comfortable key - when I'm using the WASD for control, I just move my index finger fromr D to T, and revive people as easily as possible. But I guess that's just me!

So this is the referenced post:
I personally remapped my Walking command to be "Command="StormOn | OnRelease StormOff" )" (as who the hell uses Walking, really), but I found that I don't really have a need for an individual storm button. Others might.Djoums wrote...
So there's actually a double layer of
keybindings (1st from coalesced, 2nd from ingame key mapping) and the
ingame one takes precedence, so if you want to remap already used keys
(like left shift) you need to unbind them in the ingame menu first.
Here's what I did so far.
Map E key to Use :
- Change ingame key binding for "order 2nd squadmate" to anything else, I chosed Y.
- Change coalesced file using Zhuinden's guide, but replace E binding instead of T.
I wrote ( Name="PC_Use", Command="Exclusive Used | Exclusive
PressAction" ) , not sure about the difference but it works well.
- Optional : remove these actions from "Shared_Action" so that your space bar isn't used for it anymore.
Map shift to Run :
Change ingame key binding for "Command Menu" to anything else, I chose
Ctrl (and remapped Walking command to another useless key)
- Create
an entry in coalesced file under bioinput.ini/sfxgame/sfxgamemodebase :
( Name="PC_Storm", Command="StormOn | OnRelease StormOff" )
- In bioinput.ini/sfxgame/sfxgamemodedefault change the Shift key assignment : ( Name="LeftShift", Command="PC_Storm" )
- Optional : remove the "Storm" actions from "Shared_Action", your space bar won't be used to run anymore
Please note that you can assign commands to keys ONLY if they don't have another command assigned to them.
Meaning, you can't assign two different commands on key "R", for example, just one.
There is a way to fix the FOV (Field of View) on PC without any external tools apart from the same tool mentioned above.
Here's a video that shows the result - it's quite an impacting change.
Note, with merely this change, your zoom on various weapons can get messy, so I recommend using the method described underneath, as in changing Shared_Aim. This is merely to demonstrate the mechanics of the fix.
Under bioinput.ini > sfxgame > sfxgamemodebase > bindings = (multiple)
I put this ( Name="FOV100", Command="FOV 100" ) as a new line.
Then, add to bioinput.ini > sfxgame > sfxgamemodedefault > bindings = (multiple):
Name="NumpadNine", Command="FOV100" )
This will bind the command that sets the FOV to 100 to your Numpad 9 key.
However, it is worth noting that the above technique would mess up your zoom (as the Zoom is using definite FOV values, but using the above command locks it to your specified value), so it needs to be reset before you zoom.
Therefore, an easier way to create a FOV fix is by adding it to right click's command, Shared_Aim - as it will reset the zoom with the command FOV 0, then on release it will set the FOV value to your specified amount.
Under bioinput.ini > sfxgame > sfxgamemodebase > bindings = (multiple)
( Name="Shared_Aim", Command="SwapWeaponIfEmpty | TightAim | FOV 0 | OnRelease FOV 100 | OnRelease StopTightAim" )
And this way, your right-click will serve as fixing your FOV after zooming with your weapon at least once, and the zoom will also work as intended.
p.s.: The only downside of this change is that whenever there's a new update, your Coalesced.bin gets overwritten (for example, with wave data changes) ~ and then, the changes have to be reapplied each time there's a major update.
But to be honest, it's still worth it. The gaming experience is no longer frustrating, and your eyes aren't strained nearly as much afterwards. So obviously, I recommend it, regardless.

(Especially considering these changes take like a total of 2 minutes when you know what you're doing, and that includes finding the ME3 Coalesced Editor on your hard drive if you don't have a shortcut to it

If you're still confused,
Blind2Society wrote...
Made a video tutorial to show how to make the changes.
Edited by Zhuinden, 09 February 2014 - 10:14 AM.