I don't take any credit for the work they have done, I am merely doing some additional guesswork using their data.
These forum-goers have provided significant evidence that the DR only applies to 75% of your health, meaning that a DR of 100% would come out to only 75%, or 40% coming out to only 30%. Some testing has found that it is possible to reach 100% invulnerability, but these circumstances are very limited at this time. Clearly, there is still more math at work here that I certainly am not aware of. That being said, I decided to do a bit of my own math, using the information we currently have available; I roughly calculated the functional health every class in the game has, assuming you have maxed Fitness and are using their best DR abilities. Furthermore, I included a list of common DR percentages, their functional DR, and the number you use to find out the functional health your character has, so you can figure out your own combinations of health/DR.
First, in order from highest to lowest, are a list of the classes at their highest health/DR. The number in parenthesis is the listed DR, while the percentage outside of the parenthesis is their functional DR.
1. Krogan Sentinel
Maxed Tech Armor- (50)37.5% = 5180
Maxed Tech Armor with Maxed Rage - (80)60% = 8092
2. Krogan Vanguard
Maxed Barrier - (40)30% = 5285
Maxed Barrier with (currently bugged) Maxed Rage - (70)52.5% = 7789
3. Krogan Soldier
Maxed Fortification - (40)30% = 4624
Maxed Fortification with Maxed Rage - (70)52.5% = 6814
4. Asari Justicar
Normal - 0% = 1815
Maxed Reave OR Bubble - (40)30% = 2592
Maxed Reave AND Bubble - (80)60% = 4537
5. Human Soldier
Normal - 0% = 1650
Maxed Adrenaline Rush - (40)30% = 3535
6-7. Batarian Soldier/Sentinel
Maxed Blade Armor - (40)30% = 3537
8. Turian Sentinel
Maxed Tech Armor - (50)37.5% = 3300
9. Human Sentinel
Maxed Tech Armor - (50)37.5% = 2640
10-11. Salarian Infiltrator/Engineer
Normal - 0% = 1815
Maxed Shield Drain - (40)30% = 2592
12. Turian Soldier
Normal - 0% = 2063
13. Drell Adept
Normal - 0% = 1350
Maxed Reave - (40)30% = 1928
14-15. Male Quarian Infiltrator/Engineer
Normal - 0% = 1925
16-17. Female Quarian Infiltrator/Engineer
Normal - 0% = 1815
18-19. Vorcha Soldier/Sentinel
Normal - 0% = 1751
20-21. Geth Infiltrator/Engineer
Normal - 0% = 1651
Hunter Mode - 0% = 1032
22-29. All Other Humans + Asari + Phoenixes
Normal - 0% = 1650
30. Drell Vanguard
Normal - 0% = 1350
If you have a different combination of health and DR, you can find your own combination by taking your total health/shields and dividing it by the decimal in the "divide by" column.
Listed DR Actual DR Divide By for Total
20 15 .85
25 18.75 .81
30 22.5 .78
35 26.25 .74
40 30 .70
45 33.75 .66
50 37.5 .625
55 41.25 .59
60 45 .55
65 48.75 .51
70 52.5 .475
75 56.25 .44
80 60 .40
All Heavy Melees add 50% DR (37.5 functional DR), except for the Batarians, who are believed to get 75% DR (56.25% functional DR). To calculate Heavy Melee DR, subtract .37 from your "divide by" number, unless its a batarian, in which case you subtract .56. For instance, a 30% Blade Armor Batarian would divide by .78, but during a Heavy Melee, it would be about .22.
A Justicar's Bubble can add 20, 30, or 40% DR (15, 22.5, or 30% functional DR) depending on its level. Subtract .15, .22, or .30 depending on how much the bubble adds, if you can find out.
Being behind cover and facing said cover provides 40% DR (30% functional DR). Subtract .30 from your divide by total to calculate cover DR.
The thread I linked to indicates that a Batarian soldier in a Justicar Bubble, with maxed BA and in a Heavy Melee is invulnerable at 145% listed DR. An approximation of this number SHOULD be possible to reach through several other combinations. Being behind cover and in a Justicar bubble can add as much as 80%, so theoretically this can be reached through the following conditions:
- Any Raged Krogan with maxed Rage/DR Power, in a Biotic Bubble and Behind Cover should be able to reach 150%, with the Sentinel reaching 160%
- Any meleeing Raged Krogan with maxed Rage/DR Power, while in a BB, should be able to reach 160%, with the Sentinel reaching 170%
- A Raged Krogan Sentinel with maxed Rage/DR power meleeing should hit 130%, VERY close.
- A Turian/Human Sentinel with maxed Tech Armor, inside of a maxed Bubble and Heavy Meleeing should also be able to reach 140%.
Edited by DarkerCompanion, 14 July 2012 - 03:58 AM.