BW may, of course, change grenade spawn amounts. This info was good as of Dec. 6th, 2012. If you just want to know which maps have the most grenades, skip to the list below.
With the additional capacity from some of the class buffs and the new Grenade capacity gear, I've seen a lot of increased interest in using grenades around here. On Gold, I've known that some boxes give 2 grenades, while others only give 1. If you want to experiment heavily with a grenade user, trying any of the rich maps would be advisable.
If anyone wants to incorporate this into any other guides or maps, be my guest! It would be great if this data, plus spawn points and all box locations were all incorporated into a map. I initially used Lynx7725's maps to get better once I started playing Gold more.
If you find that any of these are wrong, let me know. During a match, you may find that some 2 count boxes only give you one if another player has already picked up one grenade from it.
Interestingly, of the original maps, only Ghost spawns multiple grenades per box. Of the expansion maps, only Condor and Vancouver spawn a single grenade per box (except for a single 2 grenade box on Van).
A note on Platinum - As near as I can tell, Plat ammo boxes give the same number of grenades as Gold boxes. I did not test every map, but did check all Earth Maps, Ghost and Glacier.
Gold and Platinum Grenade Rich Maps
Firebase Ghost - Normal and Hazard - 4 Ammo Boxes - 8 Total Grenades - Only original map that spawns multiple grenades
AB1 - 2 Grenades - Near Extraction Point
AB2 - 2 Grenades - At end of alley moving away from AB1 (just to the left of the end of the alley)
AB3 - 2 Grenades - At the end of the last room in the center row of buildings
AB4 - 2 Grenades - Turn left moving away from AB1 into the courtyard, it's at the far end of the courtyard, on the ground.
Firebase Goddess - 4 Ammo Boxes - 7 Total Grenades
AB1 - 2 Grenades - Next to Extraction Point
AB2 - 2 Grenades - In room off of the stairway going down to the fountain
AB3 - 2 Grenades - In room at bottom of stairs
AB4 - 1 Grenade - At opposite side of map from AB3, next to a wall that faces into fountain area
Firebase Hydra - 4 Ammo Boxes - 7 Total Grenades
AB1 - 2 Grenades - Next to Extraction Point
AB2 - 2 Grenades - At Bottom of stairs leading into courtyard
AB3 - 2 Grenades - On back platform outside of Globe room
AB4 - 1 Grenade - In hallway leading to Globe Room
Firebase Jade - 4 Ammo Boxes - 7 Total Grenades
AB1 - 1 Grenade - Going down the stairs from Extraction point, towards the lower balcony, in corner
AB2 - 2 Grenades - From AB1, follow edge wall to where it ends
AB3 - 2 Grenades - In the center hallway of the three paths on the opposite side of the map from AB1 and AB2
AB4 - 2 Grenades - In the lowest courtyard area in the middle
Firebase Rio - The ultimate Grenade Map - 8 Ammo Boxes - 16 Total Grenades
Starting from the Richest Side, the one with the maze of shipping containers:
AB1 - Hidden in shipping container - 3 Grenades
AB2 - Hidden in shipping container - 3 Grenades
AB3 - In caged off area - 2 Grenades
AB4 - Near stairs going up - 2 Grenades
AB5 - At center spawn point - 1 Grenade
AB6 - At center spawn point - 1 Grenade
AB7 - Stairs down towards Extraction - 2 Grenades
AB8 - Stairs down towards Extraction - 2 Grenades
Firebase London - 4 Ammo Boxes - 8 Total Grenades
AB1 - Near stairs up to balcony - 2 Grenades
AB2 - Near other stairs up to balcony - 2 Grenades
AB3 - Spilled on bench on opposite of map from initial spawn - 2 Grenades
AB4 - Opposite side of map from balcony - 2 Grenades
Firebase Vancouver - Basically a poor map - 4 Ammo Boxes - 5 Total Grenades
AB1 - In Extraction zone - 1 Grenade
AB2 - In back office - 1 Grenade
AB3 - Near ramp going down from office - 1 Grenade
AB4 - At bottom of very long ladder - 2 Grenades
Firebase Dagger Hazard - Excellent Grenade map, 4 boxes, 8 Total Grenades
AB1 - Directly behind Sniper room (start point) - 2 Grenades
AB2 - In back corner behind the long hallway of the sniper room - 2 Grenades
AB3 - In the courtyard, directly opposite Sniper room - 2 Grenades
AB4 - In back right corner of map, near what is the extraction point for some difficulties - 2 Grenades
Firebase White - Both Normal and Hazard - 5 boxes, 9 Total Grenades
AB1 - On walkway next to Extraction/Start - 1 Grenade
AB2 - At top of ladder - 2 Grenades
AB3 - At bottom of original stairs inside - 2 Grenades
AB4 - In the catwalk area of the lower half of the map - 2 Grenades
AB5 - Deadend at far back of map - 2 Grenades
Firebase Reactor Hazard - 4 boxes, 8 Total Grenades
AB1 - At Extraction/Start - 2 Grenade
AB2 - Behind the pillars next to the entrance to the Reactor - 2 Grenades
AB3 - In alcove behind Reactor at back of map - 2 Grenades
AB4 - Near the U-Shaped hallway on the edge of the map (by electrical generator things) - 2 Grenades
Firebase Giant Hazard - 4 boxes, 8 Total Grenades
AB1 - At Extraction/Start - 2 Grenade
AB2 - Near cliff/edge in lower portion - 2 Grenades
AB3 - In room with rubble behind control room - 2 Grenades
AB4 - Next to ramp going up to control room - 2 Grenades
Grenade Poor Maps - Listed from most to fewest total Ammo Boxes, only 1 Grenade per box
Firebase Condor - 5 Ammo Boxes - 5 Total Grenades
Firebase Dagger - 4 Ammo Boxes - 4 Total Grenades
Firebase Reactor - 4 Ammo Boxes - 4 Total Grenades
Firbase Giant - 4 Ammo Boxes - 4 Total Grenades
Firebase Glacier - Normal and Hazard - 3 Ammo Boxes - 3 Total Grenades
Edited by BjornDaDwarf, 06 December 2012 - 03:32 PM.