Major crippling bugs fixed! Now with one single unified version! No more setup scripts! No more rogue environmental variables! It just runs right out of the box.
Stay in game and use user-definable hotkeys to trigger analysis of whatever lobby/match you are loading into or are already in. The program will then use text-to-speech to tell you the latency of what it deduces as the lobby's host, or if the pings are blocked by the IP, then it will you their geographical location. If you are more curious, you can alt-tab out and look at the corresponding values for each of the other people in the lobby/match. There is also a "realtime" mode for continuous monitoring.
Pings may often show up as "not available" due to the other person being behind something that is blocking the ping requests. The locations of the IPs are generated using a free web service, so the accuracy at the city/region level may not always be correct.

Installation notes:
This requires Java 1.6 or later. It also requires you to install the WinPCap packet analysis library (included in this distribution). Other than that, just run the included setup batch file to configure it for your system (checks for 32 or 64 bit). This program itself is portable and doesn't touch your registry or anything invasive like that.
DOWNLOAD LINK for current veresion (v1.1.1):
It's around 10 megs mainly because of the Text-to-Speech library I used. So that's why it is that big. If this helps even a few folks, that's all good. It's saved me from quite a few laggy matches already so I'm satisfied. Please let me know if there are any problems.
CHANGES in 1.1.0
--Eliminated setup.bat script, as no external setup is needed anymore.
--Addressed major start-up issues with regards to 32/64 bit differences
as well as Java-related issues.
--Fixes allowed for decluttering of the distribution package
--Added realtime mode for continual capturing
Edited by Creakazoid, 16 August 2012 - 06:17 PM.