Most % bonuses work additively, e.g: +10% bonus + 25% bonus = 135% damage.
However, some % bonuses work as separate multipliers, e.g: +10% additive bonus +25% multiplicative bonus (like Tactical Cloak Evolution 6) = (1+0.1) * (1.25) = 137.5% damage.
So, the damage formula is roughly (Base Damage) * (Sum of additive damage bonuses) * (separate multiplier) * (separate multiplier) et cetera.
Damage bonuses that are separate multipliers:
- Tactical Cloak Evolution 6 (Definitive proof social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/343/index/12683470/1)
- Annihilation Field has a 1.5x multiplier against armor and barriers.
- Barrier has a 1.5x multiplier against barriers.
- Biotic Charge has a 1.5x multiplier against barriers.
- Cluster Grenades have a 1.5x multiplier against barriers.
- Concussive Shot has a 4x multiplier against barriers.
- Dark Channel has a 1.5x multiplier against armor, 2x multiplier against barriers, and 0.5x against shields.
- Electric Slash has a 1.5x multiplier against shields and barriers.
- Flamer has a 1.5x multiplier against armor.
- Lift Grenades have a 1.5x multiplier against barriers.
- Nova has a 1.5x multiplier against barriers.
- Incinerate has a base multiplier of 1.5x against armor and 0.5x against shields/barriers. The bonus against armor becomes 2.25x with Evolution 6.
- Inferno Grenades have a base multiplier of 1.5x against armor and no penalty against shields/barrier. The bonus against armor becomes 2.25x with Evolution 5.
- Reave has a 1.5x multiplier against armor, 2x against barriers, and 0.5x against shields.
- Sabotage has a 1.5x multiplier against shields.
- Shockwave has a 1.5x multiplier against barriers.
- Tech Armor detonations have a 1.5x multiplier against shields.
- Warp has a 1.5x bonus against barriers, 2x bonus against barriers, and 0.5x against shields.
- Carnage has a base multiplier of 1.5x against armor and 0.5x against shields/barriers. The bonus against armor becomes 2.475x with Evolution 5
- Energy Drain has a 3x multiplier against shields/barriers. It also has an 0.5x multiplier against armor and health of organics (does normal damage to synthetics).
- Arc Grenades have a 2x multiplier against shields/barriers. This multiplier can be increased to 3.5x with evolution 6. Alternatively, it can gain a 1.75x multiplier against armor with evolution 5.
- Overload has a 3x multiplier against shields. This bonus becomes 6x with evolution 6. It also has an 0.5x multiplier against armor and health of organics (does normal damage to synthetics).
- Biotic explosions have a 2x damage bonus against armor and barriers.
- Fire explosions have a 2x damage bonus against armor.
- Tech bursts have a 2x damage bonus against shields.
- Geth Weapon Damage bonus
- Melee attachment mods (Bayonet and Stunner)
- Proximity Mine Evolution 3 "Damage Taken"
- Annihilation Field Evolution 3 "Damage Taken"
- Tactical Scan damage bonus
- Sabotage Evolution 6 tech damage bonus
- Warp "Expose" evolution
- Cryo Blast damage vulnerability
- Stasis vulnerability
- Biotic Bubble vulnerability
- Base 2.5x Headshot damage bonus
- Charged shots from the Arc Pistol, Geth Plasma Shotgun, Kishok Harpoon Gun, and Graal Spike Thrower
- The Talon Heavy Pistol has a 1.5x multiplier against shields and barriers.
- The Typhoon has a 1.5x multiplier against armor, shields, and barriers.
- The Reegar Carbine has a 2x multiplier against shields and barriers and 0.5x penalty against armor.
- The Acolyte has a 5x multiplier against shields and barriers.
- The Krysae sniper rifle has a 1.5x multiplier against armor.
Bonuses that stack with themselves
- Proximity Mine Evolution 3 bonus.
- Sabotage Evolution 6 tech damage bonus.
- Nova Evolution 3 cooldown bonus (stacks up to ? times)
- Bloodlust (stacks up to 3 times or 1 base + 3 times... can someone clarify which it is?)
- Abilities that deal damage over time, such as Inferno Grenades or Reave, can stack additional DOTs of the same type on each other.
What others?
Ballistic Blades
- The base cone spread is 90 degrees, and is increased to 110 degrees by the Cone Spread evolution.
- Coalesced suggests that it does 80% of its base damage instantly and 20% of its base damage over 10 seconds. I'm not sure how this interacts with power damage bonuses.
- Ballistic Blades has a base force of 800.
- The explosions from Explosive Blades have a radius of 0.5 meters and a base force of 800.
Questions: What's the relationship between range and damage? What about its bleed damage mechanics?
Biotic Charge
- According to Coalesced it actually grants 50% damage reduction for 4 seconds. Coalesced also suggests it has a 300% force bonus against frozen targets.
Blade Armor
- Blade Armor apparently has some sort of cap on its damage returned, which is set at 2000. I'm not precisely sure about the implications of this, though.
- Carnage has a 2 second damage over time effect. 75% of Carnage's damage is dealt instantly and 25% is dealt over the next 2 seconds (unsure how this interacts with power damage bonuses).
- Carnage can impact a maximum of 2 targets.
- Carnage has an inherent 1.5x damage multiplier against armor and 0.5x damage against shields and barriers.
- Carnage Evolution 5 ("65% extra armor damage") actually increases the damage multiplier against armor to 2.475 (a 97.5% damage increase).
Combat Drone
- The combat drone's basic attack has 40 base damage, 175 base force, and has a cooldown of 3 seconds.
- The kamikaze detonation from the evolution 2 upgrade can trigger combos such as tech bursts.
- The kamikaze detonation from the evolution 2 upgrade has 400 base damage, 800 base force, and a radius of 5 meters.
- The shock attack from the evolution 3 upgrade has a 3 second cooldown, 1000 base force, and a radius of 5 meters. It has an attack range of only 1.9 meters and can impact up to 2 targets.
- The rocket attack from the evolution 5 upgrade has a 3 second cooldown, 300 base damage, 300 base force, and a radius of 2.5 meters. It has a minimum range of 4 meters, under which it will not attack.
- The evolution 6 Chain Lightning upgrade modifies the basic attack to jump to up to 3 targets. There is a jump delay of 0.5 seconds, and a max jump distance of 10 meters.
Energy Drain
- Has a 3x multiplier against shields / barriers, -50% penalty against organic health.
- The melee damage bonus lasts 20 seconds and is not cancelled if you purge and then reactivate the armor, essentially allowing you to repeatedly give yourself the melee damage bonus with little risk in between encounters.
Hunter Mode
- Rate of fire bonuses shorten your reload time as well, making them useful for single shot weapons.
- Coalesced suggests that Incinerate does 75% of its base damage immediately and 25% of it as a DOT over the course of 3 seconds. Again I am not sure how this interacts with power damage bonuses and such.
- Incinerate has a 1.5x damage multiplier against armor, no damage multiplier against health (despite the tooltip saying it does heavy damage to health AND armor, bloody lying tooltips), and has a damage penalty against shields.
- Incinerate Evolution 6 is a 1.5x damage multiplier (not an additive bonus) against armor, giving Incinerate a total of a 2.25x damage multiplier against armor.
Inferno Grenades
- Inferno Grenades will not damage Guardians. They will do the "aahhh I'm on fire" animation and everything, but won't actually take any damage (at least in my tests on the X360 version).
- Inferno Grenades have an inherent 1.5x damage multiplier against armor.
- Inferno Grenades Evolution 5 ("50% extra damage against armor") increases the damage multiplier against armor to 2.25x.
Question: What EXACTLY is the deal with the shrapnel evolution? It clearly doesn't work like with Cluster Grenades.
Krogan Vanguard Rage
- Rage doesn't do anything other than change the color of your screen and make you do happy Krogan laugh animations.
Lift Grenade
- Can only actually lift one target, making it rather bad at actually, well, lifting things.
- Does not trigger a biotic detonation on shielded or armored enemies.
- Rate of fire bonuses shorten your reload time as well, making them useful for single shot weapons.
- Nova grants 1.5 seconds of invulnerability
- Has a 3x multiplier against shields / barriers, -50% penalty against organic health. The bonus against shields increases to 6x with Evolution 6.
- Asari Justicar Reave deals 100 base damage, while Drell Reave deals only 70 base dase damage.
- The tooltip lists only the lift duration. The duration of the actual singularity is 25 seconds.
- Evolution 1 says it lifts additional enemies, but doesn't.
- Singularity WILL stagger shielded enemies periodically.
- Singularity will lift up to two enemies at a time.
- Evolution 6 Detonate will only cause a detonation when the duration (25 seconds) runs out.
- Walking through a singularity destroys the singularity effect for some reason.
- Expand... anyone have precise details on this?
- Can hit 2 targets, 3 with Evolution 6.
- Coalesced suggests that Warp does 75% of its base damage immediately and 25% of it as a DOT over the course of 10 seconds. Again I am not sure how this interacts with power damage bonuses and such.
- Warp's DOT seems to have a strange interaction with Incendiary Ammo. I don't know why.
- Stasis only has a threshold of *health* damage taken to break out of it (and it's a pretty small threshold), so the Stasis Strength upgrade isn't helping you out much while you're sniping shields and barriers off an enemy and then one-shotting them in the head to finish them off.
- The base health damage threshold for breaking out of stasis is 150 damage.
- Stasis does a very small amount of "token damage" (25 base according to Coalesced) which is why you get assists for it or can sometimes get credited for kills with it.
Tactical Cloak
- Tactical Cloak's damage bonus applies to a 2.5 second window, not just to the first shot after the cloak ends.
- If you break tactical cloak using a power, Tactical Cloak's cooldown will cancel the cooldown of that power.
- Tactical Cloak's cooldown is proportional to the % of Tactical Cloak's duration that was used up. So, for example, if you take the Duration spec of Tactical Cloak, your cooldown for a 4-second long Cloak will be shorter.
- Tactical Cloak's minimum cooldown is always 3 seconds.
- Grenades thrown while in Tactical Cloak will receive the damage bonus but will not end the cloak effect, unlike using other powers or weapons.
Tactical Scan
- Will kill geth prime drones and turrets instantly when used on them.
Mods that don't work on some guns:
- The Shredder/Piercing mod won't do anything on the Geth Plasma Shotgun, Graal Spike Thrower, Kishok Harpoon Gun, Scorpion, Falcon, Striker, or Krysae. It is worth noting that the projectile on the Kishock is so large that it can actually hit Guardians through their shields.
Heat Sink and Magazine Mods
- The SMG Heat Sink mod works exactly like the tooltip suggests it does, as far as I can tell. However, some people still seem to be confused about how this works, so I'll lay it out clearly. If Heat Sink recycle % = R, and your magazine size increase % is M, then your average number of shots per clip will be (Base*(1+M)) * E(1*R^n) for n from 0 to infinity. So, for example, if you have a
- Magazine Size Mod V and a Heat Sink Mod V: You can expect an average of about 3.3x your base magazine capacity.
- Heat Sink Mod V: You can expect an average of about 1.82x your base magazine capacity.
- Magazine Size Mod V: You will have 1.8x your base magazine capacity.
Charged Shots:
- Charged shots provide a multiplicative damage bonus.
- Charge weapons have an "instant fire" feature which allow them to be fired again more quickly than usual immediately following a charged shot. This isn't really noticeable on the Arc Pistol and is irrelevant to the Kishok, but is very noticeable for the Geth Plasma Sh, Graal, and Krysae
- Arc Pistol: Damage is multiplied by 6x at a full charge (1 second) and ramps up proportionally to how much it's charged. (e.g. 300% damage with charged 0.5 seconds) (Not 100% sure on these values). Uses up 3 shots for a fully charged shot.
- Geth Plasma Shotgun: The Geth Plasma Shotgun is weird. It fires 3 projectiles, a middle one which does 100% of its base damage, and two more than do 30% of its base damage each. This is multiplied by 45%, giving the uncharged GPS a total of 72% base weapon damage when uncharged (if all projectiles hit). The GPS damage ramps up proportionally to how much it's charged, scaling from 45% to 100% (or 2.22x original damage), for 160% of its base weapon damage (if all projectiles hit). The Geth Plasma Shotgun uses up 2 shots for a fully charged shot. (SOURCE: Peddroelmz)
- Graal Spike Thrower: Damage is multiplied by 2x at a full charge (2 seconds) and ramps up proportionally to how much it's charged (e.g. 150% damage when charged 1 second). (Not 100% sure on these values). Uses up 1 shot for a fully charged shot.
- Kishok Harpoon Gun: Damage is multiplied by 1.5x at a full charge (1.5 seconds) and ramps up proportionally to how much it's charged. (Not 100% sure on these values) Uses up 1 shot for a fully charged shot.
- Krysae Sniper Rifle: The Krysae doesn't get a damage bonus from charging, but instead increases scope zoom. It still has the "instant fire" feature of other charge weapons though, allowing it to fire more quickly than it otherwise could.
The Acolyte
- Has a 5x damage multiplier against shields and barriers.
- Takes 1 second to charge a shot, hits an area, and shots rebound off of walls.
- Cannot headshot or pierce.
Geth Plasma Shotgun
- Fires 3 shots at a time, which will home in on enemies if the reticule is red.
- The first shot does 100% of the base damage, the second and third each do 30% of the base damage.
- Ammo power damage only applies to the first shot.
- Can't score headshots.
- Ignores armor damage reduction and the shield gate.
- Can be charged (charge shots are detailed above).
Graal Spike Thrower
- Fires 6 blades at a time.
- Ignores armor damage reduction.
- Can be charged (charge shots are detailed above).
The Kishok Harpoon Gun
- Deals 80% of its base damage immediately and 20% as bleed damage over 10 seconds. Not 100% sure on how this interacts with damage bonuses.
- Has a 300% headshot modifier, as opposed to the regular 250%.
- The projectile is so large it can hit Guardians through their shields despite a lack of a piercing property.
- Fires an arcing projectile, rather than shooting straight.
- Ignores the shield gate entirely.
- Does not have a hipfire penalty like other sniper rifles.
- Ignores armor damage reduction.
- Can be charged (charge shots are detailed above).
The Geth Plasma SMG
- Starts at 250 ROF, and ramps up to 1500 ROF over the course of 5 rounds, effectively wasting about ~0.5 seconds of firing time during the ramp up. (Source: Grimy_Bunyip)
The Krysae Sniper Rifle
- Has a 1.5x damage multiplier against armor.
- Ignores the shield gate entirely.
- Can be charged for increased scope zoom (charge shots are detailed above). A key effect of this is that you can "double shot" with it.
The Striker Assault Rifle
- The Striker's first shot has a cooldown of ~0.6 seconds (IE 100 RoF), second shot has a cooldown of ~0.36 seconds (IE 166 RoF), third shot and additional shots have a CD of ~0.22 seconds (IE 275 RoF). Effectively, this means the Striker has 275 ROF, only you waste an extra ~0.5 seconds initially, ramping up to the 275 ROF. (Source: Grimy_Bunyip)
The N7 Hurricane
- Each shot costs 2 bullets, meaning it essentially has 20 bullets per magazine.
The Reegar Carbine:
- Has an 0.25 second delay between pressing the trigger and actually firing.
- Has a 2x damage multiplier against shields.
- Has a 0.5x damage multiplier against armor.
- Damage apparently varies according to an "ideal range." Not sure of the specifics.
- The Reegar Carbine can be fired during the animation of various powers, such as the Flamer power. This is surely a glitch.
The Scorpion Heavy Pistol
Could use some information about how the proximity detonations are set off or how long the delay for the explosion is. Also, does it ignore armor DR? What about other explosive weapons? What's the radius on the explosions for various weapons?
The Talon Heavy Pistol
- Has a 1.5x damage multiplier against shields and barriers.
Grimy_Bunyip's Weapon Information Spreadsheet:
This sheet includes DPS calculations for sustained (with and without active reload cancelling) and burst damage, and is supposed to account for factors like human refire error in its formulas.
Weapon bonuses
Rail Amps provide a 10 / 20 / 30% additve damage bonus to weapon damage with the specified weapon type.
Targeting VIs provide a 25% / 50% / 100% bonus to headshot damage
Armor bonuses:
Cyclonic Modulators provide a 30% / 60% / 100% additive bonus to base shields
Stabilization Modules increase stability by 10 / 20 / 30%
Shield Power Cells decrease shield recharge delay by 10 / 20 / 30%
Power Amplification Modules provide a 10 / 20 / 30% additive bonus to power damage.
Power Efficiency Modules provide a 10 / 20 / 30% additive bonus to power recharge speed.
Strength Enhancers provide a 25 / 50 / 100% additive bonus to melee damage.
Adrenaline Modules increase movement speed by 10 / 20 / 30%
Ammo Powers:
I could use some more info here.
Assault Rifle Amp
- Increases Assault Rifle damage by 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
Berserker Package
- Increases Shotgun damage by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
- Increases melee damage by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
Commando Package
- Increases Heavy Pistol damage by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
- Increases biotic damage by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
Expert Package
- Increases SMG damage by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
- Increases Power Recharge Speed by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
Grenade Capacity
- Increases grenade capacity by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hydraulic Joints
- Increases melee damage by 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
Mental Focuser
- Increases power damage by 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 /12%
- Increases Shield Regen Speed by 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
Operative Package
- Increases sniper rifle damage by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
- Increases tech damage by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
Pistol Amp
- Increases Pistol damage by 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
Shield Booster
- Increases Shields by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%
Shotgun Amp
- Increases Shotgun damage by 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
- Increases SMG damage by 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
Sniper Rifle Amp
- Increases Sniper Rifle damage by 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
Stronghold Package
- Increases Shields by 6 / 10 / 14 / 17.5 / 20%
- Increases Shield Regen Speed by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
Structural Ergonomics
- Increases Power Recharge Speed by 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
Vulnerability VI
- Increases headshot damage by 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20% (Not sure exactly where this fits into the damage formula though)
Warfighter Package
- Increases Assault Rifle damage by 3 / 5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10%
- Increases Grenade Capacity by 1 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
Cobra Missiles
This should tell you everything you need to know about missiles: social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/343/index/11757263
Some key points: They hit through walls, they do damage which is boosted by weapon damage boosting effects, and they aren't an automatic kill... they have an actual damage value which seems to correspond to how far away from the blast an enemy is.
Grenade Boxes:
Some grenade boxes provide 2 grenades per restock instead of 1. Here is a guide to which ones:
Sync Kills:
Enemies with sync kill attacks will only use sync kills after a melee attack, with the exception of Banshees (and maybe Phantoms?). Banshees seem to sync kill randomly, sometimes through walls or from over 50 meters away.

I'm sure we could use some more information on these especially dangerous attacks. Anybody have any more solid info about ranges, patterns, and what "sync kill rate" really means?
Cerberus Turrets have a timed lifespan at the end of which they explode automatically (and will credit a kill to whatever last affected them).
Swarmers live for 60 seconds, and have a DOT that lasts 5 seconds when they hit you.
Atlas Weak Points:
An Atlas has 5 weak points... its shoulder flanges, its kneecaps, and its crotch plate. These weak points can be targeted and visibly shot off once the Atlas's shields are down. Shooting off these weak points will cause a small damage spike (how much?)
Armor provides a flat reduction to incoming damage (down to a minimum of X damage per shot). This number varies based on difficulty. On Gold it's 50, on Silver it's 30, and on Bronze it's 15. As such, weapons that deal high damage per shot will lose significantly less damage against armor. Armor penetration reduces this flat number. Will add more precise information on this in a bit.
Enemy Wave Costs:
Each time you kill an enemy, you deplete a "spawn budget" for the wave. Deplete the spawn budget, complete the wave.
Assault Trooper: 20
Centurion: 30
Combat Engineer: 40
Turret: 10
Guardian: 40
Nemesis: 40
Phantom: 80
Atlas: 100
Geth Trooper: 25
Geth Pyro: 40
Geth Hunter: 40
Geth Rocket Trooper: 40
Geth Prime: 100
Geth Shield Drone: 5
Geth Turret: 5
Husk: 10
Cannibal: 25
Marauder: 35
Brute: 70
Ravager: 60
Banshee: 100
Swarmer: 2
Wave Budgets (On Gold):
Wave 1: 600
Wave 2: 720
Wave 4: 960
Wave 5: 1080
Wave 7: 1320
Wave 8: 1440
Wave 9: 1560
(Source: Cyonan)
Cyonan was kind enough to make a handy spreadsheet for this. docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc
Enemy Health (On Gold):
Assault Trooper: 1687.5 Health
Centurion: 1860 Health, 1687.5 Shields, 6 second shield regen delay.
Engineer: 1687.5 Health, 1687.5 Shields, 6.5 second shield regen delay.
Turret: 2025 Health, 2025 Armor, 8 second shield regen delay.
Guardian: 1687.5 Health
Nemesis: 1012.5 Health, 1687.5 Shields, 6.5 second shield regen delay.
Phantom: 1687.5 Health, 2362.5 Barriers, 6.5 second barrier regen delay.
Atlas: 21094 Health, 21094 Shields, 8 second shield regen delay.
Geth Trooper: 1856 Health
Geth Hunter: 2025 Health, 2278 Shields, 6.5 second shield regen delay
Geth Pyro: 2362.5 Armor (Tangster's spreadsheet's value was mistaken), 2633 Shields, 6.5 second shield regen delay
Geth Rocket Trooper: 1350 Health, 1350 Shields, 6.5 second shield regen delay
Geth Prime: 16875 Armor, 11812 Shields, 8 second shield regen delay
Geth Turret: ? Shields
Geth Shield Drone: ? Shields
Cannibal: 2025 health
Marauder: 2025 health, 1518.75 shields, 6.5 second shield regen delay
Husk: 928.125 health
Brute: 9000 armor
Banshee: 16875 Armor, 10125 Barriers, 8 second barrier regen delay.
Ravager: 8100 armor.
Enemy Damage:
docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc (Thanks to Cyonan for this)
Assassination Objectives
- Targets gain damage reduction if they're below a certain wave cost:
Cost >= 90 grants 0% DR
Cost 70-89 grants 15% DR
Cost 40-69 grants 30% DR
Cost 20-39 grants 50% DR
Hacking Circle Objectives
- Each player in the circle nets 0.4% of the amount needed to fill the bar per tick. This number is increased if less players are in the game, but not if players are dead. This means that playing with bad teammates on hack objectives can be much harder than soloing hack objectives.
Here's a SPREADSHEET: docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc
Human Engineer, Human Sentinel, Human Soldier, Human Infiltrator, Quarians (Male and Female), and Salarians:
- Light Melee base damage: 150
- Heavy Melee base damage: 600
- Light Melee base damage: 150
- Heavy Melee base damage: 500
- Heavy Melee radius: 4.5 meters (Maximum impact targets 3, maximum ragdoll targets 1)
- Light Melee base damage: 190
- Heavy Melee base damage: 1000
- Light Melee base damage: 225
- Heavy Melee base damage: 600
- Light Melee base damage: 400
- Heavy Melee base damage: 350
- Heavy Melee radius: 6 meters (Maximum impact targets 3, maximum ragdoll targets 1)
- Light Melee base damage: 200
- Heavy Melee base damage: 375
- Heavy Melee radius: 5 meters (Maximum impact targets 3)
Human Adept:
- Light Melee base damage: 150
- Heavy Melee base damage: 500
- Heavy Melee radius: 4.5 meters (Maximum impact targets 3, maximum ragdoll targets 1)
Human Vanguard:
- Light Melee base damage: 150
- Heavy Melee base damage: 500
- Light Melee base damage: 300
- Heavy Melee base damage: 700
- Light Melee base damage: 200
- Heavy Melee base damage: 675
- Light Melee base damage: 250
- Heavy Melee base damage: 600
N7 Fury
- Light melee base damage: 350
- Heavy melee base damage: 350
- Heavy melee radius: 6 meters (Maximum impact targets 3, maximum ragdoll targets 1)
N7 Demolisher
- Light melee base damage: 300
- Heavy melee base damage: 550
- Heavy melee radius: 3.5 meters (Maximum impact targets 3, maximum ragdoll targets 1)
N7 Shadow
- Light melee base damage: 250
- Heavy melee base damage: 700
- Heavy melee radius: 2 meters (Maximum impact targets 3)
N7 Paladin
- Heavy melee base damage: 400
- Heavy melee radius: 2.5 meters (Maximum impact targets 3, maximum ragdoll targets 1)
N7 Destroyer
- Light melee base damage: 450
- Heavy melee base damage: 500
- Heavy melee radius: 6 meters (Maximum impact targets 3, maximum ragdoll targets 1)
N7 Slayer
- Light melee base damage: 250
- Heavy melee base damage: 700
- Heavy melee radius: 2.5 meters (Maximum impact targets 3, maximum ragdoll targets 1)
Racial Starting Encumbrance Capacity:
Every race has a base encumbrance capacity bonus which affects their weapon loadout weight power recharge speed bonus. They are as follows:
Asari Justicar: +40%
Batarian Sentinel: +45%
Drell Adept: +45%
Drell Vanguard: +60%
Human Soldier: +45%
Krogan Soldier: +60%
Krogan Sentinel: +60%
Krogan Vanguard: +50%
Turian Sentinel: +40%
Turian Soldier: +55%
Everyone Else: +30%
Weapon Weight Reduction Passives
These abilities do not reduce the weight of the weapon itself by a percentage, instead they reduce the weight by a flat value (so, if it would reduce the weight by 30%, it reduces the weight by 0.3. So a Saber X would weigh 1.1 instead of 1.4).
Power Recharge Speed Formula
If the power recharge bonus is positive, the power recharge speed formula is (base rechard speed) * (1 / (1 + bonuses, which are all additive)). So, if your base recharge speed is 12 and you have a 180% bonus, your recharge speed will be 12 * (1 / (1+1.8)) = 4.29 seconds
If the power recharge bonus is negative, the power recharge speed formula is (base recharge speed) * (1 - bonuses, which are all additive). So, if your base recharge speed is 12 and you have a -180% bonus, your recharge speed will be 12 * (1 - -1.8) = 33.6 seconds
The bonus from racial starting encumbrance bonus and weapon weight is capped at +/- 200%, but additional bonuses (such as from power evolutions) can give you recharge speed bonuses higher than +200%.
This means that negative weight bonuses can get very nasty, but that very high bonuses have diminishing returns. Essentially, the way BW implemented the weight formula (both this aspect and the base bonuses) means that a decently heavy weapon isn't too bad for you, but carrying two weapons is murderous to your cooldowns.
Here's a handy SPREADSHEET I made for power recharge speeds which illustrates the diminishing returns as well as how fast your recharge speed will be for various abilities with various bonuses:
Global Game Speed
- The game apparently actually speeds up time on higher difficulties. Everything happens on a time scale determined by a variable in Coalesced's difficulty handler called "GlobalGameSpeed." It's 1x on Bronze, 1.0375x on Silver, and 1.075x on Gold. This explains why cooldowns were actually shorter on Gold than expected in our tests. The speed is still 1.075x on Platinum.
- The damage (and other parameters such as radius) of Biotic Explosions, Tech Bursts, et cetera do not benefit from power damage bonuses. Instead, their damage is determined by the rank of powers used to set up or trigger them.
- Combo damage is applied after the damage of the triggering power.
- Combos (except biotic explosions) can be triggered by any of the following powers so long as they are not the same power as the one that was used to set up said combo: Arc Grenade, Biotic Charge, Biotic Sphere, Carnage, Cluster Grenade, Combat Drone (Evolution 2 kamikaze explosion only), Concussive Shot, Energy Drain, Frag Grenade, Incinerate, Lash, Lift Grenade, Nova, Overload, Proximity Mine, Reave, Shockwave, Slam, Smash, Throw, and Warp
- Biotic explosions can be triggered by Biotic Charge, Biotic Sphere, Cluster Grenade, Lash, Lift Grenade, Nova, Reave, Shockwave, Slam, Smash, Throw, and Warp, so long as they are not the same power as the one that was used to set up said combo.
- Cryo and Fire Explosions are only triggered if the triggering power kills the enemy set up for a fire/cryo explosion. This mechanic can actually be changed through ini edits (and thus weekly balance changes).
Biotic Explosions
- Have a 2-4 meter radius
- Deal 100-250 damage (this scales somehow)
- Have 500-1000 force
- Hit up to 4 targets
- Biotic Explosions can be set up by Barrier (only if it actually lifts an enemy), Biotic Sphere (with Evolution 6 upgrade only), Dark Channel, Lash, Lift Grenade (only if it actually lifts an enemy), Pull, Reave, Shockwave (only if it actually lifts an enemy with the Evolution 6 upgrade), Singularity, Slam, Smash (with Evolution 1 upgrade only) Stasis, and Warp.
Tech Bursts
- Have a 4.5-7.5 meter radius
- Deal 100-250 damage (this scales somehow)
- Have 200-450 force
- Hit up to 4 targets
- Tech Bursts can be set up by Overload, Energy Drain, Submission Net, Arc Grenade, Smash (with rank 4 Electrical Damage evolution), and Disruptor Ammo.
Fire Explosions
- Have a 3-6 meter radius
- Deal 150-375 damage (this scales somehow)
- Deal 20-50 damage per second for 4 seconds
- Have 300-600 force
- Only occurs if the enemy died from the triggering power
- Hit up to 4 targets
- Fire Explosions can be set up by Incendiary Grenades, Incinerate, and Inferno Ammo, Carnage, Sentry Turret (w/ Flamethrower upgrade), and GethTurret (w/ Flamethrower upgrade).
Cryo Explosions
- Have a 3-5 meter radius
- Freeze for 2-5 seconds
- Reduce movement speed 30%
- Deal 50-125 damage (this scales somehow)
- Have 200-450 force
- Only occurs if the enemy died from the triggering power
- Hit up to 4 targets
- Cryo Explosions can be set up by Cryo Blast or Cryo Ammo.
Questions: How much damage do the various bursts actually do? What ranks do things like disruptor ammo or the extra biotic effect from Smash count as for the sake of combo damage?
Damage Reduction mechanics:
The damage reduction mechanics are weird. They seem to be additive, except that X DR is actually a bit less than X DR, so you actually need more than 100% DR to take zero damage. According to this ( social.bioware.com/forum/Mass-Effect-3/Mass-Effect-3-Multiplayer-Discussion-/So-proof-of-Batarian-Heavy-Melee-DR-and-numbers-11485213-1.html ) You need 133% DR to take no damage.
This handy chart can help you figure out how much your "true" health is with damage reduction.
Damage Reduction Formula: [Damage Suffered] = [Base Damage] * 0.75 * (1 - [Total DR, numbers simply added together] / 100) + [Base Damage] * 0.25 (Source: Egermano)
Here's a handy spreadsheet so that you can figure out how much damage reduction you're actually getting:
GP's Damage Reduction Spreadsheet
Unlisted Sources of Damage Reduction:
- During the animation for a heavy melee attack (with the exception of the Batarian heavy melee attack), you receive 50% damage reduction.
- During the animation for a Batarian's heavy melee attack, you receive 75% damage reduction.
- For four seconds after a biotic charge, you receive 50% damage reduction.
- When revived, you receive 75% (Bronze) / 50% (Silver) / 25% (Gold) damage reduction for 2.5 seconds.
- Being fully in cover (e.g. pressed up against and facing a wall) provides you with some damage reduction.
Shield Regeneration
On Gold, base shield recharge delay if your shield is completely broken is 4 seconds. If your shield is only partially depleted, the delay is 3 seconds. I am not sure how exactly this interacts with percentage bonuses to shield recharge delay. Shield regeneration rates apparently vary by difficulty.
Bronze: 33% regeneration per second, 3.5 second delay before regeneration from shields being completely destroyed destroyed, 2.5 second delay before regeneration after shields are partially depleted.
Silver: 28.6% regeneration per second, 4 second delay before regeneration from shields being completely destroyed, 3 second delay before regeneration after shields are partially depleted.
Gold: 25% regeneration per second, 4 second delay before regeneration from shields being completely destroyed, 3 second delay before regeneration after shields are partially depleted.
Platinum: 20% regeneration per second, 4.5 second delay before regeneration from shields being completely destroyed, 3.5
second delay before regeneration after shields are partially depleted.
Shield Regeneration Bonuses Formula
Bonuses such as Fitness Evolution 4, Multicapacitors, and Shield Power Cells reduce the delay before your shield regenerates according to the following formula:
Shield regeneration delay = base delay * (1-(Bonus 1 + Bonus 2 + Bonus 3 + et cetera)
This means you can get a 0 second delay to your shield regeneration with a properly specced Krogan or Batarian in a defensive specced Asari Justicar bubble, causing your shields to constantly regenerate. The -100% shield recharge delay bonus test.
(Thanks to dimitrie for helping to do testing on this. The video and analysis for said testing can be found on page 10 of this thread)
When you get revived, you gain back a certain percentage of your health along with some damage reduction.
Bronze: 100% health restored, 75% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds.
Silver: 50% health restored, 50% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds.
Gold: 25% health restored, 25% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds.
Platinum: 10% health restore, 10% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds.
Headshots add a 250% multiplicative bonus. Headshot bonuses however (such as from training passives, powers, and VIs) are additive. (Source: Cyonan) (Note: Peddroelmz disagrees, may have to test this myself)
Insert "Know ALL of the things!" meme here.
Edited by GodlessPaladin, 08 August 2012 - 02:06 AM.