Latest version is 1.8.9d (10/13/2012)
This is a script to add a bevy of stats to all multiplayer items in Mass Effect 3 in as seamless a manner as possible. There are selectable weapon mods, gear, and consumables as well as various calculated damagestats like Damage Vs Armor and multiple DPS calculations. This script supports all Earth DLC items and is updated with weekly balance changes. There are multiple display settings to choose from as well.

Install the GreaseMonkey extension for Firefox if you do not have it yet. Then, use the Install button on the UserScripts link to install.
Install the TamperMonkey extension for Chrome. Then, use the Install button on the UserScripts link to install. Make sure to click OK when Crome asks you whether you want to install the script in TamperMonkey or "native" Chrome.
Install the NinjaKit extension. Then, use the Install button on the UserScripts link to install.
No extension is needed for Opera. Installing and updating is manual, however. Download the zipped Opera version of this script. Follow the instructions in the included readme file.
If the script doesn't work after installation and even a browser restart, try reinstalling the script. Sometimes something during the install randomly fails along the way.
-- added Argus, Raider, and balance changes
NOW supporting all site languages. You are no longer limited to English.
Edited by Creakazoid, 13 October 2012 - 05:33 PM.