Basically, I would like to get to get to know the bones that enemy detection works off. Right now, we know there's a visual element and a non-visual element. Just how this affect gameplay though, is unknown.
EDIT: Some updated info from this thread.
- Enemy reacts to the players sufficiently "realistically" that it appears the system traces LOS from all enemy to each player and react accordingly.
- There appears to be a "front visibility" arc which each enemy unit has. Detection appears higher in this front visibility, as a player can sneak up on an enemy from the rear.
- There may be a visual distance limit after which detection does not work, but this is not proven.
- Enemies also always roughly know where the player is; this is a necessity, otherwise I suspect the mooks would spawn and just idle at the spawn point. The "wall hack" is needed for the mooks to be "encouraged" to work out a path to get to the player. That's also why you see stupid behavior sometimes, like shooting at a wall or clustering in a corner (on White, especially). Sometimes, this can be exploited.
Brenon Holmes wrote...
There are some instances when enemies will cheat, for example if there's only one player left alive (or only one player at all) they will periodically peek behind the curtain to get an idea about where the player is...
- Side note: Player turrets and drones are especially prone to this stupidity, IMO observing Turret and Drone behaviors give some insights into detection algorithms (assuming they use the same algo, which is code efficiency).
- It is also known that the enemy can react to sneaky gits from behind; the implication is that there has to be some sort of non-visual detection algorithm.
- It is observed that AI tracks visibility arcs from the players, and AI would have different behaviour in and out of visibility arcs.
- It is unknown whether the AI observe and back trace tracer fire. This is particularly important for snipers.
- It is unknown whether the AI is drawn to weapons fire and explosions.
- It is unknown how cover/ concealment affects detection.
- It is now known that AI -- likely each enemy -- tracks a player's position (meaning, they keep tabs on each of the 4 player individually).
Brenon Holmes wrote...
A bunch of the Geth AIs (Hunter, Pyro) move to the player's location - generally this will bring them within hearing distance if you don't vacate the area they were moving to.
- Under specific circumstances, the AI would cheat and load your current position. This is necessity. Otherwise the AI would not be very intelligent.
Brenon Holmes wrote...
If you're soloing (or everyone is dead except you), you're in a bit of a tough situation since they'll be peeking relatively often. Your best bet in that situation is to stay mobile. If you're specced for duration on your cloak, use it before you get to cover or whatever position you want to fire from so that they think your last position was out in the open. When you shoot, they'll know where you are again so you need to pick up and move again... etc.
If you're just playing normally most of the above applies, if you need to pass by an enemy - storm past it and keep running for a bit. Make sure you clear the immediate vicinity of an enemy, otherwise they'll know where you are (AI hearing).
- Non-visual detection is likely to work on a distance based algorithm, with factors such as player running/ firing or making noise being factors that would up detection count.
Brenon Holmes wrote...
There is a sound model, so certain things cause sound that the AIs can hear - footsteps, powers, gunfire, death... etc.
Footstep sounds only travel 3m though, if I recall correctly. So if you were to run past an enemy, they'd probably hear you - but they still wouldn't know exactly where you were once you passed outside of footstep range.
Just went and looked at the data - footstep hearing distance is somewhat variable from 3-6m depending on the enemy type.
- However, if detection algorithms are worked such that weapons fire and running noise would "weigh" one Player above the others, this can create a possible tactic where a "Feint/ Decoy" character can deliberately make noise to draw fire. This is somewhat pausible already, as during objective waves it is possible for a lone teammate to draw off enough enemies to make life easier for the rest.
- Note that after reviewing what is said by Brenon Holmes, I personally believe that the system works on a broadcast method; When the player takes an action, the action is broadcasted and any enemy that is within detectable range updates their tracking of you. Different actions likely has different weightage; gunfire should weigh more, running less, so there can be an element of stealth in this game... except the AI cheats.
- In particular, Tactical Cloak can be seen as a detection de-buff, but not a total "null detection" power. It's powerful, but not perfect, particularly if the player cloaked in visual or is moving fast. (Shooting does not matter as it would immediately decloak).
- Specific to Tact Cloak:
Brenon Holmes wrote...
Enemies remember where you were - if you've just cloaked they'll keep spraying that area. If you clear the area immediately after you cloak (or are cloaking while moving) you shouldn't get hit by gunfire.
Conversely, if you cloak while remaining still and under fire, you'll have to wait for them to retarget... which could take up to a couple seconds in the worst cases. - Suspicion is that there is no "aggro" mechanics, just a weighted "detected" mechanism, in which the easiest detected Player is attacked preferentially.
Would appreciate if the Devs can share some insights, so that we can come up with interesting tactics to better our game.
Edited by Lynx7725, 23 July 2012 - 05:41 PM.