This is my personal attempt to make a guide that includes information that can take time to research or learn through experience. I did some searches on the Forums trying to find similar information but was never personally able to find anything in one location that was very comprehensive or ordered. Many of the guides available from other sources on the net were lacking similarly.
Unfortunately the guide is long. It was never my original intent to provide much of what is included. However, a friend of mine pointed out certain areas in which new players often are sorely lacking an understanding, so....
Multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 is a cooperative game. Meaning, you and three teammates form a group with the express goal of accomplishing three sets of objectives and surviving to be extracted from the mission. While this part of the game was designed to be multiplayer it is possible to do these missions solo.
*** I Table of Contents ***
II N7 Rating
III Difficulties
IV Objectives
V Extraction
VI Mission Scores
VII Consumables
IX classes
X Team Setups
XI Maps
XII Becoming a good player
XIII Resources
XIV Summary
XV Glossary
*** II N7 Rating ***
An N7 Rating is reflective of how many times someone has promoted their classes. To increase your rating you need only get a class type to 20 and then promote them on the selection screen. Each such progression for a given class grants you 30 points to your N7 rating.
1. N7 Rating = 120: This is the first rating of interest. It indicated a given player has played all the different class types up to level 20.
2. N7 Rating < 200 or 250: These are generally people new to the multiplayer aspect of the game. I mention this because, if said person didn't have guidance they usually haven't figured things out yet. They also haven't generally accrued the better gear. In either case they don't normally belong in gold or platinum difficulties unless someone is intending to carry them.
3. N7 Rating > 250: A very high rating does not imply skill on the part of the player or even a high degree of knowledge. It implies, at least, a passing understanding of the game. It also implies a fair amount of gear. But mostly it implies a willingness to promote their characters for whatever reason.
4. In other words you'll find that not everyone with a low N7 rating is out of their depth in gold and platinum difficulties. You'll also find that people with very high N7 ratings aren't necessarily the best players around. When considering someones N7 rating (at least in a non-competitive fashion) it's only useful as a guide rather than a rule.
*** III Difficulties ***
1. Bronze
a. A strong bronze player “can” finish off a bronze wave should their party members get killed. This level of player can support some number of teammates whose skill sets are not very strong yet.
b. Generally tactics aren't needed here, though they certainly can help accomplish a mission.
2. Silver
a. A strong silver player is likely able to solo a bronze mission and “can” finish off a silver wave should their party members get killed. This level of player can support some number of teammates whose skill sets are perhaps not up to par for silver.
b. A full team of bronze accomplished players can certainly do a silver match with good teamwork and tactics.
3. Gold
a. A strong gold level player is likely able to solo a silver mission and “can” finish off a gold wave should their party members get killed. This level of player can support some number of teammates whose skill sets are perhaps not up to par for gold.
b. A full team of silver accomplished players can certain do a gold match with good teamwork and tactics.
c. Most people who run gold and platinum games do so with friends. They will pick up a random to fill out spots they might be short on. However, they will almost always look at the random players N7 rating, choice of class, gun selection, and equipment they are outfitted with. Having a low N7 rating coupled with a strange or incorrect set of guns/equipment for the class isn't going to bolster their faith in you, and often will get you kicked from such a group.
4. Platinum
a. A strong platinum player is likely able to solo a gold mission and “can” finish off a wave should their party members get killed.
b. While in many of the other levels one or more strong players can carry a member or three of less ability this isn't so true on platinum. Generally speaking a person shouldn't be attempting this difficulty unless they are at least somewhat comfortable with gold.
c. There are a few elite players that can solo platinum. Currently this is fairly rare and as implied previously involves a certain element of luck.
*** IV Objectives ***
These are the waves in which you earn your money. One does not need to finish off these waves (or even the mission) in order to earn the credits for the wave, merely finish the task. With all of the objectives, bonus credits are awarded based on the speed of its completion. A time limit of 1 minute 30 seconds is granted to earn these. The bonus you get is proportional to how much of it is left by the time of completion. Be aware that you can't kill all the enemies on an objective wave until its been completed. Any enemies that are killed will respawn.
Note that a new feature has been added which gives an additional 10% bonus to a given player for successful extraction.
1. Devices
a. You are required to enable or disable four devices in a sequence. A set amount of time is allocated to accomplish this.
b. An infiltrator spec'd for duration in their cloak is the most suitable for this task.
c. Two people working on a device doesn't make it happen faster. When the first person who started completes, it's done.
d. No more than one person should ever be at a device if it can be helped.
e. Someone should be mid-ranged to the person performing the action in order to lend support.
1) This person is responsible for immediately killing anything able or about to stagger/kill the person working on the device. If the person lending support isn't able to do this via a power or weapon it should be done with rockets.
f. All other teammates should be elsewhere on the map drawing the enemy away from the two working on the device.
g. If the device is in the bad place, as sometimes happens, the entire party should move as far away as possible from the device and draw the enemy towards them. In other words “kite them”. Note that I said “draw”, not kill. Once clear or relatively clear the two assigned to the device should skirt around the enemy without drawing attention and take care of the it.
2. Assassination
a. The objective is to kill four indicated targets. A period of time is allocated for doing this and upon each kill that time is extended.
b. When first receiving this objective the target will be a boss enemy. If one can simultaneously kill him and one other different type of enemy the subsequent three “targets” will be lesser enemies. Thus, it is recommended that the first target received be rocketed and surrounding spawn be killed if possible.
c. Dependent on the availability of missiles within the group often all targets are rocketed making this the fastest objective possible to complete.
3. Retrieval
a. This objective entails picking up a device and carrying it to some designated location. Often termed “pizza delivery” by many players.
b. When getting this objective one or more party members should be behind the person carrying in order to protect them from fire. Another one or more scouts ahead and clears the path of the person.
c. Being aware of where the enemy is located is especially important for this task. The path of least resistance is the best to take.
d. Some abilities do not work while engaged in such activity. Or rather will work, but cause the person to drop the object (cloaking, and charging).
e. One can't run while carrying or they will drop the object. Oddly enough though, walking sideways or backwards is faster than walking forwards. In consideration however, walking backwards to a drop zone that's occupied by the enemy isn't the best idea.
f. Also oddly enough certain classes light and heavy melees that move you forward will make the trip go along faster (such as by a Krogan).
3. Escort
a. The objective here is to escort a drone from a given starting to some ending location. A certain period of time is given in order to complete this objective.
b. The more people within the circle of influence the faster the drone will move.
c. Team members should be directing fire mainly towards the direction that the drone is moving, but also taking out any enemy firing upon them, either from the rear or flank positions.
1) Try not to kill enemies that aren't an immediate threat unless you know where their replacements are going to spawn.
d. Generally all the team members should be by the drone unless engaging the enemy as a distraction, but only as long as a distraction is necessary. The best class at doing this is the Krogan Vanguard.
e. When moving through very open areas, cover should be taken as needed. You don't need to actually be moving with the drone, you need only be within its circle. Thus, one can leap frog between various cover and still keep it moving.
f. The drone will loose track of a party member if they are cloaked. This will slow down its speed. Thus infiltrators should try to remain uncloaked if possible during the escort.
g. Sometimes no matter how good the party or easy the difficulty, a group can be overwhelmed. It is completely appropriate for the entire group to run off to the furthest point of the map drawing the enemy with them so they can circle back around (kiting).
4. Hacking
a. This objective is to stay within a certain area for a period of time. It also happens to be the most dreaded objective one can get. Many times the “hack” will be in a location with little or no cover and enemies coming from multiple directions.
b. The more party members within the location the faster the hack goes. However, it is not always advisable to have everyone located in the hack for several reasons.
1) A ravenger or two, a grenade, one or more phantoms, one or more banshees can easily make short work of the entire team given the right circumstances. Especially if you are in a tight space.
2) For these instances having one or more party members outside the hack drawing the enemy away is one of the best ways to handle things. Generally this is best accomplished by a Krogan Vanguard, and/or the highest damage dealing class in the group. It also leaves one or two people alive to either raise fallen members or continue on without them should the worst happen.
c. Sometimes the only way to finish a hack is for everyone to leave and again run to the furthest distance possible drawing the enemy away. Once done the members of the team can move back into position again (kiting).
1) Again drawing the enemy away. If you kill them they will just respawn, probably back at the location of the hack.
*** V Extraction ***
1. Making it all the way through extraction can be very difficult or very easy depending on how it's approached. I've seen groups set up in the extraction zone and have to handle swarms of enemies, and multiple bosses. They use up whatever they have left of their medigel, rockets, Ops packs, and still don't get full extraction. If done correctly, it can be easier than the previous ten waves.
a. Do not camp at the extraction zone.
1) That is unless your trying to challenge yourselves. I've been on teams where we've done it on purpose.
b. This trick involves something called “kiting”. Basically you shoot at (without being too serious about killing) the enemy and slowly retreat in a circular pattern to end up exactly where you wanted to be by the end of the countdown. It takes some timing and a bit of practice, but if done correctly you end up at the extraction zone with little or no effort.
2. Note that a new feature has been added which gives an additional 10% bonus to a given player for successful extraction.
*** VI Mission Scores ***
After the completion of a mission members of a team will be awarded scores. These scores are used to calculate the amount of XP earned from the mission. Therefore, for leveling, the higher scores the better. Medals are also awarded that show how each individual participated and to what extent.
1. High scores
a. Can indicate a given players skill level
b. Can indicate the strength of a given build (Geth Infiltrator, N7 Destroyer)
c. Can indicate non-cooperative behavior
1) There are those who will risk life, limb, and the teams welfare just for the express purpose of being at the top of a list that doesn't mean much.
2. Low scores
a. Can indicate the person is a leecher
b. Can indicate the use of a class in a support role
c. Can indicate a person that is doing something wrong
1) Can mean the person is still learning how to play that class
2) Can mean the person has selected the wrong set of powers
3) Can mean that the person using either their powers or gun incorrectly
a) The solution may be resetting the character and choosing a different setup, choosing a different gun, or just practicing a more.
3. The actual expected scores are different based on difficulty level. As you play the game you'll learn to spot and see what is low.
*** VII Consumables ***
1. Never go into a gold or platinum match unless you have enough consumables for the mission.
a. The only exception to this being if you've apprised your team mates and they are ok with it.
2. Medigel – This consumable restores your life, as it were. There are valid times to use it and valid times not to.
a. When to use one:
1) You're about to expire early in a given wave and no one can get to you
2) You're about to get stomped early in a wave
3) You're some distance from your group and it's an objective wave
4) Two or more of your teammates are also dead. This assumes a full party of four. In a party of three, even one other person being dead is enough. A group of two is a special case and both of you should be in constant verbal contact.
5) Note: Even if one or more enemy that can insta-kill is right on top of you....if your team could fail from not using the medigel, use it. The enemy will probably get you, but....they might not. If you dodge/move/rocket (or some combination thereof) fast enough you may get away from them. If it means you finish the wave then it was worth it. If you get killed, it only cost you a medigel which can be replaced easily.
b. When not to use one:
1) The wave is nearly done and some number of your teammates are still alive and capable of finishing.
2) You've just been killed, are under no threat of being stomped, and still have plenty of time for someone to get you (barring the exceptions noted above).
3. Thermal Clip Pack – These will instantly refill the clip in your gun, spare clips, and grenades.
a. It is common to use these during an objective wave, especially during hacks.
b. Some maps have less available ammo than others. For instance, FB Condor and FB Reactor will not immediately replenish whereas ammo boxes on FB Giant and FB Ghost do.
1) As you increase in difficulty the amount of ammo and grenades one can get from an ammo box decreases.
2) Because of this one might use a Thermal Clip Pack if they or their teammates are in a dangerous position and time can't be afforded to run to one or more ammo boxes.
c. You will receive a +100% bonus to your weapons damage for 10 seconds after the use of one.
4. Missile Launchers – These should be generally held in reserve. There are circumstances when it is best to use them however.
a. The first target for an assassination wave, if not for all of them
b. On spawns
c. When you or your teammates get overrun
d. It is recommended however that people take turns in their usage in order to permit for emergency situations. Always try to call them out, ahead of time if possible rather than at the moment of its use.
e. Never aim at the target itself. If there is any lag between you and the host, you will probably miss. You want to aim it at the ground, or in rooms/corridors the ceiling or wall.
f. Try to always take out as many targets as possible when using them.
g. Missiles do a great deal of damage, enough so that it will kill any target on any difficulty. However, it appears that the further away (from the point of impact) a target is the less damage it does. Therefore one might notice after firing a given missile while some targets may be damaged they are not dead. It is interesting to note that certain powers or ability can and will increase this damage, e.g. cloak.
5. Ops Survival Pack – This consumable can be used to bring your health and shields back to their maximum.
a. You would want to use one of these generally during an objective wave or if you dying is going to cause a problem for the team. It is better to use a survival pack than a medigel if no one is close to you.
b. Grants 1 second of immunity after consumption.
6. Ammo types
a. Armor Piercing
1) Does additional damage to armored targets.
2) Allows your ammo to penetrate, which can mean shoot through a guardians shield, a barrier, walls, floors, or even an enemy to hit the one behind. A powerful weapon with piercing abilities can kill multiple opponents with one shot.
3) If your weapon is not equipped with a piercing mod this is generally the best ammo type to select.
b. Cryo
1) Slows down the enemy, and makes armored targets take more damage from your weapons.
2) This type of ammo may be used to prime a cryo explosion.
a) It doesn't always prime. The higher the level of cryo you equip the higher this chance becomes.

c) Note that the Scorpion has the ability to always prime if the target his directly hit.
3) Equipping this type of ammo on an explosive gun such as the Acolyte, Falcon, Striker, and Scorpion will cause all targets in the radius to be affected by the cryo effects.
c. Disruptor
1) Does extra damage to synthetics and shields.
2) If you are setting up a biotic team make sure no one equips this type of ammo. Otherwise you'll find not only does it disrupt the enemy, but also any biotic explosions your trying to pull off.
3) If you are setting up a tech team this is the best type of ammo to equip.
4) This type of ammo may be used to prime a tech burst.
a) It doesn't always prime. The higher the level of cryo you equip the higher this chance becomes.

c) Note that the Scorpion has the ability to always prime if the target his directly hit.
5) Equipping this type of ammo on an explosive gun such as the Acolyte, Falcon, Striker, and Scorpion will cause all targets in the radius to be affected by disruption effects.
d. Incendiary
1) Causes DOT (Damage Over Time) to targets.
2) Useful in regards to armored targets.
3) Since any targets hit with this ammo begins to glow reddish orange phantoms can't turn completely invisible on you.
4) This type of ammo may be used to prime a fire explosion.
5) Equipping this type of ammo on an explosive gun such as the Acolyte, Falcon, Striker, and Scorpion will cause all targets in the radius to be affected by incindiary effects.
6) This just happens to be probably the best ammo type to use in conjunction with the Particle Rifle.
e. Warp
1) While all the ammo types have their uses warp ammo does the most damage to health and armor.
*** VIII Guns ***
There are a great many guns out there. All of them are viable in bronze, silver, and dependent on player skill gold difficulties. Many are not very effective in platinum, or if the player isn't top notch, gold. If you haven't acquired some of the better weapons it it best to hold off on attempting gold or platinum difficulties.
1. Before choosing a certain gun one needs to ask themselves, “How important are my powers? “ I don't mean passive powers that are turned and left on, or grenades, but specifically the active ones.
a. The answer will be the basis for your selection of a gun. For simplicity, rate it on a scale of 1-10.
1) 7-10: Your going to want a cool down of 150% or higher. The more you intend on using your powers rather than your gun the higher you should be going for.
2) 4-7: Try to go for a cool down around 100%.
3) 1-3: Don't worry about the cool down.
2. Here is a short list guns better suited for a gold/platinum match:
a. Assault Rifles: Cerberus Harrier, Mattock, Particle Rifle
b. Pistols: Acolyte, Carnifex, Talon
c. Shotguns: Claymore, Geth Plasma Shotgun, Piranha, Reegar Carbine
d. SMGs (Small Machine Guns): Hornet, Hurricane
e. Sniper Rifles: Black Widow, Javelin, Raptor, Valiant, Widow
This list is not meant to be exhaustive, rather short as stated. There are builds where many other guns are definite options as well.
*** IX classes ***
1. Powers
a. Active
1) Basically any of the number of powers that are actively used against an enemy target, e.g. Ballistic Blades, Throw, Warp, etc. The more frequently you'll be using these powers, the more important your cool down becomes (thus weight).
2) A target doesn't necessarily have to be highlighted (in red) in order for the power to hit them. For instance warp throws out a ball forward if nothing is targeted. If you line it up right it will hit an enemy that is too far to target. The same is true of overload though no projectile is involved.
3) Powers that have an area of affect are often better used targeting the ground, such as with Phase Disruptor.
b. Passive
1) Armors: Barrier, Blade, Fortification, Tech Armor
a) They give increased protection from damage, at the cost of a higher cool down on powers.
- With classes having infrequent power usage these are turned on and left that way. They are sometimes turned off during emergencies (for the detonations some can cause) and then turned back on.
- In classes with high power usage they are normally left off and only turned on at times of increased danger.
2) Bloodlust, Devastator Mode, Hunter Mode, Missile Launcher
a) These each come with some sort of penalty for using and are sometimes turned off (depending on circumstances) for a span of time. Regardless, these powers are on more often than not.
c. Grenades
1) Grenades do a significant amount of damage. The advent of the new gear increasing grenade count has made them a much more viable option than previously. Using them means your forever running to ammo boxes to resupply but they grant a vastly higher DPS. Grenades may be used as a primer or detonator for various power combinations.
a) As you increase in difficulty less grenades can be had from a given ammo box. Until only one may be gotten from a given ammo box in a certain period of time (with the exception of certain maps). For some reason there are ammo boxes that will give you two even on the harder difficulties.
- Grenade supply information

c) Grenades are considered a power and thus benefit from the various evolutions that increase power damage.
d) Grenades are the only kind of power that don't have cool down time.
e) Types
- Arc: will prime a tech burst
- Cluster: will not prime any combos, but it can be used to detonate up to three biotic explosions
- Frag, & Multi Frag: will not prime any combos
- Homing: will prime a fire explosion
- Inferno: will prime a fire explosion, but unlike the other grenade types will not detonate any other type of explosions
- Lift: will prime a biotic combo, it can be used to detonate biotic explosions
- Sticky: Appears to have some ability to prime explosions according to the equipped ammo type.
- All grenades (expect inferno) can set off tech bursts, as well as fire/cryo explosions.
d. Other
1) Combat Drone, Decoy, Geth Turret, Sentry Turret, Supply Pylon, Biotic Sphere
a) These results of these powers last a fairly long length of time, until destroyed, or reused. However, in many cases will typically end up getting refreshed quite often.

e. Power Combinations
1) Certain powers (including some ammo types) when used in combination have the ability to set of explosions of various types. In all of these cases in order for them to be achieved a target must be primed, and subsequently detonated. What is used as a primer and what can be used as a detonator varies depending on the combination one is trying to achieve.
2) These types of combinations are very powerful and many times an entire team will be chosen and set up for maximizing the output of them.
3) There are four types of explosions that can be created: biotic explosion, tech burst, cryo explosion, and a fire explosion.
2. Adepts
a. Asari
1) Sample Build
a) Stasis: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a
- Only affects health-based enemies

c) Throw: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a
e) Asari Justicar: 1-3, 4b, 5a
f) Fitness: 1-3
g) You're mainly about setting off biotic explosions as often as possible by alternating warp and throw. During wait periods the pistol is fired mainly going for head shots. Stasis is immediately used to target phantoms upon appearance, or in choke points to set up a trap for the enemy.
2) Gun: You'll want a very high cool down for this build. Carnifex X equipped with piercing and damage mods. Alternatively an Eagle, Phalanx, or Predator may be used a substitute.
b. Asari Justicar
1) Sample Build
a) Biotic Sphere: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b

- Only grants damage protection when used on organic enemies
c) Pull: 1-3
d) Asari Justicar: 1-3, 4a, 5a
- 5a choice v4 patch
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) Play style entails setting up biotic spheres near or in the path of enemies so that it can be used to set off biotic explosions. You may also wish to set it up for entrenched positions or in places where an objective is being done for the protection it gives. Reave is cast non-stop to cause DOT, for damage protection, to set up (and detonate) biotic explosions. Pull is used periodically for crowd control, and to set up additional biotic explosions. The gun is fired anytime a power isn't being used.
- This build requires practice because there is a lot of power management going on.
- Pull
-- The actual "pull" effect only works on unshielded health-based enemies.
-- However a stagger affect will be applied to shielded health-based enemies, as well as Atlases.
-- It may also be used to remove the shield from a guardian, which can be subsequently targeted for the “pull” effect.
-- It is possible to control the direction that a target is pulled. Most protectile power will curve slightly in order to hit a targetted enemy. The angle from which it is curving in, is the direction in which the target will be pulled. If you want them to fly straight up curve it from above their head.
2) Gun: Mattock with piercing and damage mods.
c. Drell
1) Sample Build
a) Reave: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6b

c) Cluster Grenade: 1-3
d) Drell Assassin: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) There are typically three cycles one can use here. Unshielded health-based enemies: pull then reave for a biotic detonation. Shielded health-based enemies: Acolyte, pull, then reave for a detonation. One should always try to have reave going for the DOT and protection it offers. Cluster grenades should be used on grouped targets after a reave has been cast to potentially set off up to three biotic explosions. The Acolyte is also used to remove shields on all enemies and the Hornet for any armored targets.
- Light melee: The light melee from a Drell will stagger targets. This can be used to great advantage for enemies that can kill you in short order.
-- Besides which, who wouldn't want to be able to do spinning kick on an enemy. To date they are the only class that can do martial arts attacks.
- Heavy melee: While not one of the most powerful they have the fastest heavy melee of any class.
- This build requires a lot of practice, not only because Drells are very squishy, but because there is a lot of power management going on.
2) Gun: Hornet with piercing and heat sink mods. An Acolyte with capacity and damage mods.
- You should be running or using your powers while charging the Acolyte.
d. Human
1) Sample Build
a) Singularity: 1-3
- Only affect unshielded health-based enemies

c) Shockwave: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
d) Alliance Training: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) There are typically three cycles one can use here. Unshielded health-based enemies: singularity then shockwave for a biotic detonation. Shielded health-based enemies: Acolyte, singularity, then shockwave for a detonation. Armored targets: Warp followed by shockwave for a detonation. The Acolyte is also used to remove shields on all enemies, and the Hornet for armored targets.
- This build requires practice because there is a lot of power management going on.
2) Gun: Hornet with piercing and heat sink mods. An Acolyte with capacity and damage mods.You should be running or using your powers while charging the Acolyte.
e. N7 Fury
1) Sample Build
a) Annihilation Field: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6b

c) Throw: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a
d) N7 Fury: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) The idea here is to run up to lesser enemies so they can be affected by your Annihilation Field and then using Throw on them for a biotic detonation. Dark Channel alternated with Throw may be used for biotic detonations on the more dangerous enemies such as bosses. Or one could hit them with Dark Channel for the DOT target lesser enemies. Generally the gun will be fired during wait periods when performing the latter, rather than the former. The gun will also be used when running into Guardians, specifically targeting head shots.
- This style of play is hard to learn and the process is going to come with a lot of deaths. The up close and personal style of this build on a fairly squishy class almost guarantees it. At least until you get good at staying alive. Done correctly this build can set off more biotic explosions and than other single class, as many as two of some classes working together.
2) Gun: A 200% cool down is required for this build. Carnifex X equipped with piercing and damage mods. Alternatively an Eagle, Phalanx, or Predator may be used a substitute.
a) One may also select an Acolyte with capacity and damage mods for its stagger ability.
f. Phoenix
1) Sample Build
a) Singularity: none

c) Lash: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6b
d) Phoenix Training: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) Generally entails alternating smash and lash for biotic explosions. If working with another biotic lash can be used for more distant tarets or they may be snipe (head shots) with the gun. The gun of course would be used during cool downs.
- Smash will go through walls. Therefore it's safer if you can place a wall or some object between you and the target.
- Lash can be used on shielded targets and thus is especially useful for phantoms and nemeses. It will also remove the shield from a guardian.
-- It is possible to control the direction that a target is pulled. Most protectile powers will curve slightly in order to hit a targetted enemy. The angle from which it is curving in, is the direction in which the target will be pulled. If you want them to fly up, curve it in from above their head.
2) Gun: Talon or Carnifex with piercing and damage mods.
3. Engineers
a. Geth
1) Sample Build
a) Geth Turret: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b

c) Overload: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
d) Networked AI: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6b
e) Advanced Hardware: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) You'll be using the turret to keep yourself and your teammates alive. Overload is used to delay enemies or strip shields as appropriate and the gun should be fired anytime not actively using a power. For this setup your going to want to stay in the back of your party. You aren't likely to score the highest, but you are going to help keep everyone alive. Your turret should be placed....
- By the forward most member of your team
- By any teammate in danger
- By anyone engaged in an objective
- To locate the enemy
- Into a room you are planning on entering
- Often the turret is used to delay or damage the enemy, but on a difficulty like platinum they are destroyed very quickly.
- Note that turrets may be bounced into locations out of your line of sight.
2) Gun: GPS (Geth Plasma Shotgun) with capacity and damage mods
a) You should be running or using your powers while charging the GPS.
b. Human
1) Sample Build
a) Combat Drone: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6b

c) Overload: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
d) Alliance Training: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) Send out the drone in order to harry or delay the enemy. It can also effectively force an enemy out of cover at a distance. I say at a distance because it's generally better to go for a grab if they are close. Overload is used to delay the enemy and strip shields. Incinerate is generally reserved for targets after their shields have been removed. Anytime not actively engaged in using a power one should be firing their gun.
- This is one of the few classes with the ability to set off tech bursts without the need for disruptor ammo or by using grenades. If your cool down is low enough, you can easily get a tech burst with Overload and then Incinerate.
2) Gun: Raptor or Mattock with piercing and damage mods.
c. N7 Demolisher
1) Sample Build
a) Supply Pylon: 1-3, 4a, 5b, 6a

c) Homing Grenade: 1-3, 4a, 5b, 6a
d) N7 Demolisher: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Fitness: 1-3
f) Throw grenades as often as possible and fire your gun when not doing so. You will want to recreate your supply pylon as often as you can when it is safe to do so. This will allow you to keep up your supply of grenades and ammo. Grenades should be used on massed troops, boss level enemies, or to keep either yourself or a teammate alive. If there is another grenade user in your group leave the ammo box resupplies for them if you can. Be sure to call out extra grenades or ammo that your not going to use or to recreate your pylon for your teammates if your full. If you're the other person you typically want to leave the supplies at the pylon for the Demolisher unless they either aren't around or you know they are full up.
- If you lob an arc grenade and follow up with a homing grenade you will set up a tech burst and cause even further damage. Should you lob a homing grenade and then a arc grenade (resulting in the death of the target) you've set off a fire explosion.
- Try to communicate to your team what your pylon has been spec'd for, in this case power damage.
2) Gun: Harrier with piercing and damage mods, or a Reegar Carbine with piercing and damage mods.
a) Since you are able to resupply nearly at will ammo issues aren't a concern for this class. Having more than one gun will slow down your ability to recreate the pylon and thus have a negative effect on your grenade output.
d. Quarian Female
1) Sample Build
a) Sentry Turret: 1-3

c) Cryo Blast: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
d) Quarian Defender: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) Play style entails using cryo blast on enemies as often as possible. This is used as crowd control, but also to debuff bosses. Incinerate can be used as a follow up, most especially on boss level enemies. The sentry turret is used to either locate, delay, or inflict minor damage on the enemy. Your gun is fired anytime you are not actively using a power.
- Turrets may be bounced into locations out of your line of sight.
2) Gun: Raptor or Mattock with piercing and damage mods. Alternatively a Talon with capacity and damage or piercing mods may be selected.
e. Quarian Male
1) Sample Build
a) Tactical Scan: 1-3

c) Arc Grenade: 1-3, 4a, 4b, 6b
d) Quarian Defender: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) Play style entails using arc grenades to strip shields off bosses or at massed groupings of enemies. Tactical scan is applied to boss enemies. Incinerate can be spammed but should definitely be used on armored targets. Anytime a power isn't being used your gun should be firing.
- After lobbing a grenade one should always follow up with incinerate for a tech burst. Should you reverse the order and the grenade kills the targets you will have a fire explosion. One might use the pattern, grenade, incinerate, grenade to try for both on a massed group of targets.
2) Gun: Raptor or Mattock with piercing and damage mods.
f. Salarian
1) Sample Build
a) Energy Drain: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a

c) Incinerate: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
d) Salarian Operative: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) Play style entails the use of energy drain to: strip enemies of shields, delay enemies, or recover your shields (this only works on shielded enemies). Incinerate can and should be used on armored targets. Decoy is placed to delay and confuse the enemy. Your gun should be fired anytime you aren't actively using a power.
- This is one of the few classes with the ability to set off tech bursts without the need for disruptor ammo or by using grenades. If your cool down is low enough, you can easily get a tech burst with energy drain and then Incinerate.
2) Gun: Raptor or Mattock with piercing and damage mods.
4. Infiltrators
a. Geth
1) Sample Build
a) Tactical Cloak: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a

c) Hunter Mode: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
d) Networked AI: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
e) Advanced Hardware: 1-3
f) One of the easier classes to play, one needs to only repeat the following pattern: cloak, proxy mine, fire. Since he has bonus power selected you can and should act as a field medic.
2) Gun: Piranha with smart choke and damage mods. You'll want to use ammo piercing with that setup. If you have none then choose the the smart choke and the piercing mods and equip warp ammo.
b. Human
1) Sample Build
a) Tactical Cloak: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a

c) Sticky Grenade: none
d) Alliance Training: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) To play this all one needs to do is repeat a certain pattern. Specifically cloak, cryo blast, fire. Since he/she has bonus power selected you can and should act as a field medic.
2) Gun: Claymore with smart choke and damage mods. You'll want to use ammo piercing with that setup. If you have none then choose the the smart choke and the piercing mods and equip warp ammo.
c. N7 Shadow
1) Sample Build
a) Tactical Cloak: 1-3, 4a, 5b, 6a

- While this skill has a radius to it, it only travels horizontally. As it travels through objects and walls it may be used in safety away from the enemy.
c) Shadow Strike: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
d) N7 Shadow: 1-3, 4b, 5a
e) Sword Mastery: 1-3, 4a, 5b, 6b
f) Playing build generally entails cycling through cloak and shadow strike. A second shadow strike can be done if it won't leave you in a dangerous position, and may even be followed up with a heavy melee. Electric slash is used to remove shields or sent into areas where it's too dangerous to go. It may also be used to detonate tech bursts (not as well as someone fully spec'd in the skill). Your gun will only typically be used against guardians or during cool downs. Because of the selection of choices in cloak you can and should be doing objectives involving devices and acting as a field medic.
2) Gun: A 200% cool down is required for this build. Carnifex X equipped with piercing and melee mods. Alternatively an Eagle, Phalanx, or Predator may be used a substitute.
d. Quarian Female
1) Sample Build
a) Tactical Cloak: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a

c) Sabotage: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6b
d) Quarian Defender: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
e) Fitness: 1-3
f) Use one of the two cycles repeatedly. Cycle one: cloak, sticky grenade, sabotage (which will set off a tech burst), and fire. Cycle two: cloak, sabotage, and fire. The first pattern should be revered for massed troops, and boss enemies. Since she has bonus power selected you can and should act as a field medic.
2) Gun: Talon with capacity and damage mods. You'll want to use ammo piercing with that setup. If you have none then choose the the capacity and piercing mods and equip warp ammo.
e. Quarian Male
1) Sample Build
a) Tactical Cloak: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6a

c) Arc Grenade: 1-3, 4a, 5b, 6b
d) Quarian Defender: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
e) Fitness: 1-3, 4b, 5b, 6b
f) The main purpose for this build is to strip shields off the enemy. Make sure to use cloak before either firing or lobbing grenades as it will increase your damage. Since this infiltrator is spec'd for duration and bonus power you should be acting as both a field medic and handling devices on the appropriate objectives.
2) Gun: Harrier with ammo capacity and damage mods. You'll want to use disruptor ammo for the tech bursts.
f. Salarian
1) Sample Build
a) Tactical Cloak: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a

c) Energy Drain: 1-3, 4b, 5a, 6a
d) Salarian Operative: 1-3, 4a, 5a, 6b
e) Fitness: 1-3
f) Use one of the two possible cycles repeatedly. Cycle one: cloak, energy drain, fire. Cycle two: cloak, proxy mine, fire. Cycle one is used for shielded or trooper level enemies. Cycle two is used for massed enemies and armored targets.
2) Gun: Claymore with smart choke and damage mods. You'll want to use ammo piercing with that setup. If you have none then choose the smart choke and the piercing mods and equip warp ammo.
Edited by denarius15, 02 October 2012 - 03:24 PM.