game and its players, I decided to post something positive for a change.
I took some clips and slowed them down to see what really happens,
I got to say that the game looks great when slowed down! I know its not BF3,
but still it looks magnificent.
Enough talk, here are couple of my clips:
Asari Vanguard
Geth grab + Javelin
Asari Justicar
So tell me what you think of this..
If you like them I can upload more of them and I can always take requests of what to film

More videos:
N7 Shadow
Drell Adept
Batarian Soldier & Sentinel
Krogan Soldier
Turian Havoc & Ghost
N7 Paladin
Quarian Female Engineer & Infiltrator
Volus Adept & Engineer
Batarian Brawler Vanguard hatesurfing-special
Vorcha Sentinel
N7 Slayer
Asari (All)
Edited by Buzykill, 02 January 2013 - 08:19 AM.