If you never soloed Gold and want that Lone Wolf banner really bad or just a quick way to get those 300 points for the Solo Mastery, here is a quick guide with a build and general tips.
Character: Krogan Vanguard. The ultimate tank, with the right build and equipment, you are almost unkillable. The Charge will have your shields right back up, stagger pretty much every enemy in the game and the damage bonus will allow you to kill bosses way faster. He can take a lot of bullets and dish out serious damage. The build is 6/0/6/6/6:
Biotic Charge: Radius, Weapon, Barrier. You will hit more enemies with the Radius, staggering enemies behind the target and the weapon bonus will give 25% damage for 5 seconds. Sounds too short but is more than enough.
Carnage: Skip it altogether. Carnage is by no means bad, but you'll want just to Charge every chance you get. If you insist on using it, leave the Krogan Battlemaster at rank 5 and just get the first 3.
Barrier: Strength, Power, Strength. You will not be detonating the Barrier, so just make it as strong as possible.
Krogan Battlemaster: You can go either one with the 4th rank, I like Power for the extra damage on the Charge. Then Power Damage, and Weapon Damage. You don't need extra bonuses for headshot or weight since you'll still kill everything in seconds and have a cooldown of over 150%.
Rage: Durability, Shield, Fitness. Just to make him even more tough. For a Gold solo, don't bother meleeing people. They'll be all over you, the animation takes way too long and you'll just hit one guy. Go for all shields and you end up with 1850 for Health and Barrier.
Weapon: Reegar Carbine. A great weapon the Kroguard, it's light and damaging. The only downside it's the very short range of the beam and the scarce ammo, because you'll go through the clip really fast. But that's doesn't matter for the Kroguard, since you'll be in the enemy's face 95% of the time. Put the High Caliber Barrel for damage and the Thermal Clip for extra ammo or a Shredder Mod for hitting thought targets.
Equipment: Incendiary Rounds, Shotgun Amp, Cyclonic Modulator and Shield Booster. Now that the Charge can detonate fire explosions, shoot at a group of enemies for a moment, set them on fire, then charge to make them blow up. And since this is a tank build, just give him the highest shields mod you have. A Cyclonic Modulator IV and a Shiled Booster V will give you an extra 180% shields. This will leave you with a whopping 5180 for barrier. This guy can take some serious beating!
Map: Glacier. The close quarters nature of this map are perfect for this strategy, since the enemy will be all crammed up in those tiny rooms and corridors, allowing you to charge a whole group at a time, making those fire explosions even more effecient.
Faction: You can go against any of them, but the easist one BY FAR is Geth, even with the Bomber. Why? No insta kills. No Phantoms sneaking up behind you or you getting a Banshee arm through your chest trying to disable those devices. Even if you have 2 Primes and 3 Pyros shooting at you at once, if you shoot and charge consistently you'll hardly get any health damage.
General Tips: The charge + shoot + reload cancel + shoot + charge again will be your bread and butter here. To do a reload cancel, in the reload animation, hit the Charge button (while it is on it's cooldown) kinda right after you hear the weapon's first "click" and you be able to shoot again right away. Takes practice, but it's really useful for most guns like the Claymore. Getting your shields back it's the priority, and you can do so even by charging smaller enemies like turrets and swarmers. Camping would be completely counter-productive, move around, use the map to your advantage. Also, you want to save your consumables to the last 4 waves, because that's when the real sh*tstorm starts.
Assassination: Not much advice here. Just go straight to your target and only kill the enemies in your way. If you get this at wave 10, don't hesitate using 4 rockets, because that's the most chaotic wave.
Devices: The secret to be able to do this is lure them away from the things. If there is a large group of them standing by the device, don't waste your rocket (even if you get 3 Primes), because they will immediately respawn somewhere else and that might be right next to you, so make them persue you. A good tip for this and the Package is to think of the map like a circle. Lure them to what would be the "middle" or opposite point of the circle (if that makes sense) then make a run for the device. If there's still to much action next to it, do it again. You have 5 minutes, that's enough time.
Escort: Kinda like the last one, but somewhat easier since you be moving around and you can charge them if they get too close. The drone you give a little shield, but is best just to take cover when it passes by it, and stay away from the line of fire.
Package: You go way faster if you walk backwards or sideways. The Krogan is not easily staggered but if you start taking too much damage, use a ops pack or just charge to get your shields back. Again, you got 5 minutes to do this and this map is pretty small anyways. Try to get out of that mentality of "it's ok, I still have 4 gels", you really will want to save it for the end.
Hacking: Same as the Escort one, but a little more difficult since you will be stading still. Try to use the hack area as much as possible, move around it if they overwhelm you and keep charging and shooting. When you finish it, get away from the area to breathe a little and get some space, then circle around them to finish them off.
That's pretty much it. Hope this is useful to someone out there. Might take a few tries, but you get the hang of it. And I would like to stress out that this strategy works best for the build and weapons I just wrote here. Trying to do this with a character without a million points for shield and the ability to recharge it every 5 seconds is a whole different ball game. This is really just for you to get the mindset and the feeling of what a gold solo is like. Good luck!
Edited by Ezlo86, 18 October 2012 - 12:34 AM.