Over the past few days I've been making a calculator to help me optimize my builds and weapon usage. Using a template made by Grimy_Bunyip a long time ago, I made an interactive damage calculator. With it, you can choose any class, combination of power evolutions, weapon, equipment, difficulty,and mods. It will show you how much damage you will do per shot.
But that's not all. I've included the most important weapon stat of all: Time to kill. With this calculator, you can see how many shots and how long it will take you, reloads included, to kill any enemy on any difficulty. It calculates this for both headshots and bodyshots.
This is what it looks like:

If you'd like to use this yourself, simply click on the link below:
When you load up the doc, simply select File > Make a Copy. This will give you a copy of your own to tinker with. It also needs a few tiny updates. It currently does not properly decrease the mag size of the Collector Sniper and SMG with level but assumes max level. It also allows the user to put any combination of legit mods on a gun (e.g., can add both the Pistol Heavy Barrel and Pistol High Caliber Barrel at the same time). However, to the best of my knowledge, it calculates everything else properly.
Please report any bugs or errors you see, so I can make this work better.
Much thanks to tthw, who served as my beta tester.
EDIT: As pointed out by Lord_Sirian, I should figure out a way to incorporate bursting ravager sacs/ scion shoulder/atlas plates.
EDIT 2: Also from Lord_Sirian, this calculator assumes that TC is always active. In practice, it can get pretty close to that, especially with slow RoF weapons. However, this is another bug to address.
EDIT 3: Atlases will also go down quicker than this with piercing due to the double/triple hit glitch. However, I decided not to include this in the calculator at the moment due to the fact that you can do double with 1 headshot, or double without a headshot, or triple. If there is enough demand, I can set these up though.
EDIT 4: Also note that, when using the SMG Heat sink, I used the average number of shots you would gain and increased the mag size by that much. The Heat sink doesn't work on the CSMG as well, but in this calculator it will show a gain for it.
EDIT 5: Added missing gear. Reworked the spreadsheet so that I can update weapon stats and skill stats without the user needing to re copy the spreadsheet.
EDIT 6: Next planned update: Melee damage table and toggle for the breakable enemy parts (ravager sacs, atlas plates, scion shoulder) Feel free to suggest anything you would like to see
EDIT 7: Anyone who copied this should now make a new copy. I've included version numbers to tell you when you need to make a new copy for the latest functions/bug fixes.
EDIT 8: Added variable magazine sizes for the CSMG and CSR. Added variable capacity for all weapons with level. Made Heat Sink increase total ammo capacity (again)
EDIT 9: Added in appropriate refire times for charge up weapons, added variable mag size for the PPR, added extra slugs for the arc pistol, accounted for fire delay on reegar and Javelin
Edited by tyhw, 18 December 2012 - 07:51 PM.