This will be everything listed in game files. I'll update as we find more.
Note: This thread is not about recording bugs, so I'm not going to mention them.
For people wanting to discuss general balance(I would ask that you don't do it in this thread, however) all of these values were pulled from Coalesced files, so they can be changed in a weekly balance change. As a general rule, if the game lists an actual number(doesn't count if they spell it out, has to be a numeric value) in the tooltip then it most likely can be changed in a weekly balance change as far as powers go.
All weapons and powers have hidden damage modifiers against shields, barriers, and armour. Eric Fagnan has posted the entire list of them here(including a few other mechanics clarifications). These modifiers are not listed in the Coalesced files, and cannot be altered in a weekly balance change.
All of these apply to any relevant abilities, unless otherwise specified for the abilities themselves.
Force to Damage: 10% of force is converted to additional damage. This only seems to apply to Pull and Throw.
Max Ragdoll Targets: Abilities that ragdoll can only ragdoll 1 target at a time. Freezing and lifting(Pull) effects are considered ragdoll effects.
Max targets: For AoE abilities, if there is no specific max targets, it can hit an unlimited number of targets.
> May ragdoll 2 targets
> The lift effect has a 4 second duration
> 75% of the listed damage is applied up front, while the remaining 25% is applied over the duration
> Reduces armour by 25%(Increases to 50% with Pierce evolution)
> Base force of 250N
> Can hit upto 2 targets.
> Can go through solid objects
> May ragdoll 2 targets(only can happen with Bubble evolution)
> Does 25 base damage
> Breaks after target takes 150 damage. This damage must be dealt to a health bar
> Deals 2x force to frozen targets
> Deals 50 base damage
> Base force of 150N
> Deals 100 base damage
> Base force of 200N
> Converts 15% of force to damage
> Can hit upto 2 targets(There is no mention of max ragdoll targets, however this suggests you can ragdoll 2 provided you have the radius upgrade).
Cluster Grenade
> Damage to already-listed targets applies to any target primed for a Biotic Explosion, not just lifted targets
> Throws 2 fragments(3 with evolution). Each fragment can hit an unlimited number of targets within 4 meters.
Biotic Sphere
> Base force of 1500N. This applies when the Biotic Sphere is first cast, rather than when enemies enter it.
> Deals 100 base damage. This applies when the Biotic Sphere is first cast, rather than when enemies enter it.
> Deals 1.4x force to Centurian
> Deals 0.02x force to Guardian with Shield. Deals 1.2x force to Guardian without Shield.
> Force reduced by 50% on shields/barriers with Shield Penetration Evolution
> Base prime duration for Biotic Explosion is 3 seconds
> Can hit upto 2 targets(3 with Impact Radius)
> Deals 2.5x force to Lashed targets.
> Can hit through solid objects
Annihilation Field
> Detonation has a 500N base force
> Detonation can hit upto 3 targets, and ragdoll upto 2
> Upto 2 targets can be ignited by the active effect at once.
> Detonation can hit through solid objects
Dark Channel
> Can jump upto 8 meters when the target dies
> Base force of 50N
Biotic Orbs
> Base force of 500N
> Detonation can hit upto 4 targets and ragdoll upto 2
> Detonation has a base force of 500N
Lift Grenade
> Base force of 300N
> Slam evolution has a base force of 750N
> Explosion can hit through solid objects
> Can only ragdoll 1 target. This forces the lift effect to only be capable of lifting 1 unprotected target, as lift counts as a ragdoll.
Biotic Charge
> Grants 50% damage reduction for 4 seconds
> Deals 3x force to frozen targets
> Can hit upto 1 target(3 with Radius evolution)
> Can hit upto 3 targets
> Grants 1.5 seconds of full damage immunity(You can still be sync killed during immunity)
> Is not on the global cooldown
> Can hit through solid objects
Biotic Slash
> Can hit upto 3 targets and ragdoll 2.
> Has an "early hit" that deals 30% damage prior to the biotic effect. Hits targets within 2 meters of you.
> Can hit through solid objects
Dark Sphere
> Does 1500N base force
> Can hit 3 targets
Seeker Swarm
> Does 500N base force
Biotic Hammer
> Can hit 2 targets in a radius of 1.5 meters
> Adds 500N force to melee
Poison Strike
> Does 500N base force
> Can hit 3 targets(Ignores Swarmers)
> Grants 0.9 seconds of damage immunity
> The actual hit detection of this ability performs a 2.5 meter radius explosion, with the center being 1 meter in front of you. It does not actually hit in a line.
Nightshade Blades
> Can hit 3 targets
> Can ragdoll 1
> Evolution 6 explosion does 800N force in a radius of 0.5 meters
> Slows target by 30%
Combat Abilities
Frag Grenade
> Does 1500N base force
> Deals 75% of the list damage up front, and the remaining 25% over 2 seconds.
> Does 300N base force
Inferno Grenade
> Throws 2 fragments(3 with evolution). Each fragment can hit an unlimited number of targets in a 2.5 meter radius.
> May only inflict 1 DoT effect per target
> Explosion can hit through solid objects
Proximity Mine
> Upto 1 mine active at once are allowed
> Does 300N base force
> Mines last for upto 30 seconds
Ballistic Blades
> Has 800N base force. Explosion evolution also does 800N base force
> Fires in a 90 degree angle cone in front of you (110 with evolution)
> Deals 80% of the damage up front
> Damage is reduced the farther away from the target you are
Blade Armour
> Deals force equal to 200% of damage
> Damage cannot exceed 2000.
> Can hit upto 3 targets
> Applying a new stack gives you a chance to growl. You have a 5% chance at 1 stack, 20% at 2 stack, and 50% at 3 stack. The growl is only a sound effect, and not tied to the roaring animation
> Maximum number of stacks is 3
> When maxing out your stacks, the Vorcha will perform a roar animation. This does not play if you are already at max stacks and refreshing them.
Devastator Mode
> Slows movement speed by 10%
Multi-Frag Grenade
> Throws 3 grenades(5 with evolution) that can hit an unlimited number of targets
> Explosion can hit through solid objects
Stimulant Pack
> Grants full damage immunity for 1 second(You can still be sync killed during immunity)
Sticky Grenade
> Base force of 1500N
> Takes on the properties of any ammo powers you have. Damage dealt by this effect is based on weapon damage.
> Explosion can hit through solid objects
Phase Disruptor
> Base force of 800N
> Can hit upto 3 targets
Concussive Arrows
> Adds 450N force to melee attack
> Has a 50% chance to knock down.
> Knock down has a 2 second cooldown
Tech Abilities
Havoc Strike
> Grants 50% damage reduction for 4 seconds
> Does 3x force to frozen targets
> Can hit upto 1 target(3 with evolution)
> Strike AoE can hit through solid objects(You cannot charge through solid objects, however)
> Minimum cooldown for ending the effect early is 1 second.
> Flamer applied stacks of the DoT effect. You can find an entire explanation of how this works here
> Deals 75% of the listed damage up front, and the remaining 25% over 3 seconds.
> Base force of 150N
> Deals 50% damage to organic health/armour(This penality is removed if you have the Neural Shock evolution)
> Chain Shock can jump to targets upto 8 meters away
> Prevents enemy shield regeneration for 8 seconds
> Tech Burst timing lasts for 5 seconds
> Neural Shock adds 300% damage to organic shields/barriers(This effectively is 1 free hit, due to the modifiers it naturally gets)
Cryo Blast
> Reduces armour by 25%(50% with Frozen Vulnerability)
> Base Force of 150N
> Can hit upto 2 targets(this can only happen if you take the radius upgrade, as the base radius is 0 meters)
Sentry Turret
> Rocket evolution fires 1 rocket every 3 seconds. Rockets do 300N base force and have a 2.5 meter radius
> The Turret will only fire rockets on targets farther than 5 meters away
> Shock evolution can shock once every 2 seconds, and does 1000N base force within 5 meters
Energy Drain
> Prevents enemy shield regeneration for 8 seconds
> Deals 50% damage to organic health/armour
> Tech Burst priming lasts for 3 seconds
> Can hit upto 2 targets
> Amount of shields replenished is based on how much shields the target has. Draining a target with 50% shields will only yield half the amount of shields your Energy Drain says it gives(note: The N7 Paladin's Energy Drain is based off base shields, while the Salarian's is based off max shields)
> Has 50% damage reduction
> Shock evolution can shock once every 5 seconds, and does 450N base force.
> Explosion does 500N base force with a 4 meter radius
Geth Turret
> Primary attack has a 3 second cooldown and does 500N base force
> Healing effect has an 8 second base cooldown, and can heal within 8 meters of the turret
Tactical Scan
> Instantly kills Geth Prime Turrets and Drones, and Swarmers
> Unaffected by solid objects
Arc Grenade
> Base force of 1000N
> Tech Burst priming lasts for 4 seconds
> Explosion can hit through solid objects
Homing Grenade
> Base force of 1000N
> Explosion can hit through solid objects
Supply Turret
> Explosion deals 700 base damage and 500N base force
Snap Freeze
> Can hit upto 3 targets
> Base force of 250N
> Cryo Explosions set up by Snap Freeze deal 2x damage.
> Can hit through solid objects
Tactical Cloak
> If cancelled early the cooldown is shorter
> Minimum cooldown for cancelling early is 3 seconds
> Will last 1 second after you take an action that beaks it. This delays the cooldown.
> The first hit will still benefit from the Vulnerability evolution
> Tech Bursts set up by Sabotage benefit from the Vulnerability evolution
> Base force of 50N
> The Vulnerability evolution increases the damage of the Disruptor Omni-Blade Heavy Melee(Human, Salarian, and Quarian Female Infiltrator all have this) and the Armiger Legion Heavy Melee(The jetpack Turians). It is currently untested with other melee attacks.
> Can affect upto 2 targets with Backfire effect.
> Only 1 Synthetic unit may be hacked at one time.
> Hacked targets will be ignored by their allies for 8 seconds
> The Backfire effect has a 1.5 second delay before applying the damage
> The Backfire effect can damage all organic targets, not just ones with weapons despite the description.
> The Backfire effect primes for Tech Bursts for 2 seconds.
Tech Armour
> Detonation has a base force of 1000N
Recon Mine
> Has a 3 second arming time.
> Does 1500N base force
> Can hit upto 5 targets
> Can hit targets through walls.
Shield Boost
> Grants the Volus 1.5 second of damage immunity(Does not block Sync Kills)
Electric Slash
> Can hit upto 3 targets
> Base force of 300N
> Has an "early hit" that deals 30% damage prior to the biotic effect. Hits targets within 2 meters of you.
> Can hit through solid objects
Siege Pulse
> 0.75 second delay between shots
> Does 600N base force
> Has a radius of 1.5 meters
> Can ragdoll 1 target
Hex Shield
> Spawns 1.5 meters in front of you
> Can hit upto 3 targets(for evolutions that do damage)
> Evolution 1 shock does 250N
Cain Trip Mine
> Has a 1.5 second arming delay
> Does 1500N base force
> 3 mines can be active at once
Tech Hammer
> Can hit 4 targets in a radius of 4 meters
> Adds 250N force to melee
Ammo Consumables
Disruptor Rounds
> Damage dealt to shields and barriers is multiplied by 4.
Phasic Rounds
> Damage dealt to shields and barriers is multiplied by 10.
Warp Rounds
> Biotic Damage Bonus applies to any target that is primed.
> Damage dealt to barriers is doubled
Note: For all the above increases in damage, this affects only ammo power damage. For example, Disruptor Rounds IV deals 25% base weapon damage against health and 100% base weapon damage against Shields or Barriers.
Edited by Cyonan, 04 September 2013 - 10:48 PM.