Character/power/weapon specific:
- Asari Huntress Infiltrator - Tactical cloak gives bonus to powers only, not to weapons. Weekly balance has boosted the power to this class ONLY to compensate.
- Awakened Collector - Ascension mode doesn't display glow animation. More likely to happen off-host. Only visual.
- Awakened Collector - Dark Sphere fails to launch after pressing button. You'll mash the button, go through the animation several times, but no sphere will launch. Generally occurs off-host when you have not detonated the sphere. The game however thinks you have detonated the sphere and you are waiting for the cooldown to be over (without any visual cue).
- Batarian Brawler Vanguard - Human male vanguard voices are used in Biotic Charge and injury sound effects.
- Drell characters - unable to use Collector Sniper Rifle and Particle Rifle. When using these rifles, your aim will be recalibrated to a lower height (i.e. Volus) and aim down at the floor. Cover firing can help avoid the glitch. Drell Video.
- Geth Juggernaut - Hex Shield does not block Praetorian lasers, is iffy with Ravager shots, and does not block grenades/scion grenades. Mainly due to Hex Shield not blocking splash damage, which all of these do.
- Turian Characters - Stability evolutions for Armiger Legion and Turian Veteran do not work.
- N7 Paladin Sentinel - Shield Mastery - Cryo Shield evolution doesn't weaken armor.
- N7 Paladin Sentinel - Snap Freeze - Tech Combo does no increased damage. Snap Freeze also primes protected enemies (shield/barrier/armor)
- N7 Paladin Sentinel - Cryo Explosions and Tech Bursts do double damage by default.
- N7 Paladin Sentinel - Energy Drain will sometimes not refill shield when used off-host.
- Annihilation Field - Will sometimes become reversed (prime explosions while off). Example: On, you have movement speed increase but no damage, priming, or shield leeching. Off, no speed increase but all other elements are active.
- Biotic Charge - occasionally will not charge enemy
- Blade Armor - Damage Returned evolution doesn't work on Gold and Platinum difficulties. More Info
- Electric Slash - Detonate evolution doesn't work.
- Havoc Strike - occasionally will not charge enemy
- Shadow Strike - unable to use on Atlas after latest patch
- Shield Boost - tendency to freeze all other players controls/powers (Hard Melee regains control)
- Shockwave - Radius evolution glitched (PC only). Distance appears to be bugged as well, though may be due to latency issues.
- Sticky Grenades - Ammo powers apply to these. Also, if a sniper rifle is equipped while using grenades, it will have "hip fire" damage reductions if not used while scoped.
- Tactical Scan - Headshot bonus evolution isn't applied.
- Collector Sniper Rifle - will sometimes not reload to full capacity. Sometimes stuck like this through the whole match.
- Prothean Particle Rifle - will sometimes not reload to full capacity. Sometimes stuck like this through the whole match.
- Geth Plasma SMG - When used with beam-type weapons, it appears to sound like it is firing at full-speed when fired initially, rather than having a warmup. More information here.
- Hurricane SMG - If one bullet is left, it will not fire. Will require a manual reload.
- Heavy mods for weapons - Weight penalty is not applied to non-DLC weapons, and when Ultra Light Materials are also not used. Additional information here
There are other bugs that are more game-breaking (and in some cases ban-able offenses) like:
- Drone will dissappear (frequently occurs around stairwells). Unknown the amount of time to fix while playing; most players have the host drop to have the wave restart.
- Gun will dissappear from hands, but able to still shoot (visuals effected only)
- Unable to take cover (Map sync/lag issue)
- Unable to grab enemy (Map sync/lag issue) - this can cause the enemy to become invincible in some cases. Users report Incinerate, Warp, or other "lasting damage" powers as being the only thing to affect them.
- Unable to get ammo, enemies take no damage, not shown on map to coplayers (Map sync/lag issue)
- Unable to throw grenade - animation is shown but no explosion. Sometimes grenades are used. (Map sync/lag issue)
- Unable to shoot/shots show no damage - Hard melee can sometimes break out of this glitch.
- Unable to see teammates/enemies
- Missles going through enemies (map sync/lag issue)
- Missle Glitchers - Infinite missles
- Money Glitchers - hundreds, sometimes millions of credits after a single match
- Characters (Particularly the Retaliation DLC) have extra points when they level up, allowing users to max all 5 powers)
- No credit after game is completed, despite being present in credit waves.
- Collector - Praetorian lasers go through corners and cover, and can be fired at you when the creatured back is towards you (aka butt lasers)
- Collector - Praetorian has very large radius for sync kills (aka Magnet grab)
- Collector - On Hazard and Earth Maps, on Gold and Platinum, on PS3, game is prone to hard-freeze, which only a complete PS3 power cycle can fix.
- Cerberus - Atlas take more damage than usual with piercing weapons
- Cerberus - Phantom Damage Reductions only work on host.
- Geth - Rocket Troopers shooting two/three rockets at once
- Geth - Hunters shooting while meleeing, staggered, on the floor, lifted, or even stasied. Sometimes even after being killed.
- ALL - Scions, Primes, Hunters, and Ravengers can sometimes shoot through the N7 Paladin Sentinels deployed shield.
- Reactor (Hazard) - Enemies are able to walk through the closed doors.
- Rio - Dying on an outer railing will cause you to respawn at the Extraction Zone.
- Rio - Biotic Charge/Havoc Strike from the center of the map, to another area, and you will sometimes be teleported back to the center.
- Firebase White (Hazard) - Don't play as a Krogan and go into Rage. You will be virtually unable to see anything when you are outside. Not a glitch per say, but a very annoying oversight in this map's design. Other modes like Turian Stim Packs, Geth Hunter Mode, and Vorcha Bloodlust are difficult but playable.
- Dagger (Hazard) - It gives half as much ammo/grenades as other maps.
- Condor - Crates don't accurately refill their grenades/ammo
- Condor - Prone to invisible enemy issues
Any corrections/additions to this list are very welcome! Same with any links to existing threads.
Edited by Sunspot01, 15 March 2013 - 08:44 PM.