Fun Facts that you suspect no one else knows?
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:49 PM

Seeker Swarms and Seeker Plagues actually have different effective ranges for the damage applied and for the power shutdown/accuracy reduction effect. You can actually move out of range for the power shutdown effect and take a lot of damage from plagues.
If you hit exactly 0 ammo with the Particle Rifle and you don't try to fire, it'll recharge without needing to go through the animation. Impractical, but cool when it happens.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:52 PM

Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:52 PM

There is a button you can hold to make your character walk and move even slower for most species.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:55 PM

- OneLastKill and LuckyStarr like this
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:56 PM

Cyonan wrote...
Marksman makes you immune to the debuff of Seeker Swarms.
There is a button you can hold to make your character walk and move even slower for most species.
What's this button?
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:56 PM

- LuckyStarr likes this
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:57 PM

Arctican wrote...
Cyonan wrote...
Marksman makes you immune to the debuff of Seeker Swarms.
There is a button you can hold to make your character walk and move even slower for most species.
What's this button?
I think it's ctrl by default on PC(Not sure what it is on Console or if it's even there).
A few species will walk all the time by default.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:58 PM

Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:59 PM

Cyonan wrote...
Marksman makes you immune to the debuff of Seeker Swarms.
There is a button you can hold to make your character walk and move even slower for most species.
Uh? Which debuf you're talking about? The inability to use powers?
- Simba501 likes this
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:00 PM

Deerber wrote...
Cyonan wrote...
Marksman makes you immune to the debuff of Seeker Swarms.
There is a button you can hold to make your character walk and move even slower for most species.
Uh? Which debuf you're talking about? The inability to use powers?
The one that increases bullet spread by 60%.
I imagine that's another one that people don't know much.
Seeker Swarms do that.
- Simba501 likes this
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:00 PM

Psst.....5 minutes ago, I farted
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:02 PM

You mean if you activate Marksman before the Seeker Swarm hits you, right?Cyonan wrote...
Marksman makes you immune to the debuff of Seeker Swarms.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:02 PM

heybigmoney wrote...
My biggest secret?
Psst.....5 minutes ago, I farted
lord save us
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:02 PM

Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:04 PM

Ex. Krogan Sentinel. Spec 3 points into incinerate, do whatever with the rest. With a Claymore, incinerate will have a very long CD, allowing easy reload cancelling.
Much more efficient than trying to hit down on the d-pad.
Edited by blaaaaaaaaaarg, 09 January 2013 - 09:06 PM.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:04 PM

Cyonan wrote...
Deerber wrote...
Cyonan wrote...
Marksman makes you immune to the debuff of Seeker Swarms.
There is a button you can hold to make your character walk and move even slower for most species.
Uh? Which debuf you're talking about? The inability to use powers?
The one that increases bullet spread by 60%.
I imagine that's another one that people don't know much.
Seeker Swarms do that.
Oh. Well yeah, I guess people (me included) tend to notice them for other things

Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:05 PM

- Dance Craze likes this
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:05 PM

You can also use 'Biotic Charge' while aiming at nothing, or if you're out of grenades, use that to RC.blaaaaaaaaaarg wrote...
Reload cancelling can be done on consoles very easily with long cooldowns. Simply fire a power, and use the weapon. When reloading, tap the power button again to cancel. Works best with heavy weapons ('cause long CD), but for the most part only heavy weapons need reload cancelling.
Much more efficient than trying to hit down on the d-pad.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:05 PM

Miniditka77 wrote...
You mean if you activate Marksman before the Seeker Swarm hits you, right?Cyonan wrote...
Marksman makes you immune to the debuff of Seeker Swarms.
Yes. only if you have it active.
The debuff doesn't appear to be applied since Marksman goes "on cooldown" but delays the cooldown while it's still active. It'll prevent the 10 second power lockout from stacking on top of your Marksman cooldown plus prevent you from suffering 60% increased bullet spread, which would be pretty harsh if you're doing an AT-12/Piranha Shotgun sniper build on the TSol.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:06 PM

If a drell (specifically, the drell assassin) uses his HM punch just right, he can HM punch an exploding collector husks into other collector troops and they will be staggered by the resulting explosion.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:07 PM

Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:07 PM

Zero132132 wrote...
You can also use 'Biotic Charge' while aiming at nothing, or if you're out of grenades, use that to RC.blaaaaaaaaaarg wrote...
Reload cancelling can be done on consoles very easily with long cooldowns. Simply fire a power, and use the weapon. When reloading, tap the power button again to cancel. Works best with heavy weapons ('cause long CD), but for the most part only heavy weapons need reload cancelling.
Much more efficient than trying to hit down on the d-pad.
Yup. Only issues are if you have grenades, or don't want to unintentially BC a target that may be hazardous (read: Banshee).
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:10 PM

Once activated by performing a melee attack, a Phantom's sync kill primer remains active until the phantom cloaks, or begins shooting. If the phantom takes cover and doesn't cloak or shoot - regardless of how much time passes - it can still instantly kill you.
Tech armour has enough force to reliably stagger almost anything, but phantoms for some reason will occasionally be immune to TA; even in cases where they are not in the middle of an animation, such as flipping.
There are multiple areas of cover on the vanilla maps which provide no protection against a variety of enemy attacks when used as soft cover; enemy projectiles will pass directly through them. Only if used as hard cover do they prevent projectile's from passing through them in much the same way that being in hard cover will prevent praetorian lazers shooting through it, unless they are at an extreme angle.
A krogan in rage mode, can safely kill a possessed abomination with melee and suffer around 14% of his shields in damage, whilst all nearby team mates will be OHK'd.
Due to the way force works for armoured units, it is possible for a volus to tank up to 3 platinum pyros without ever having to shield boost as volus heavy melee will cause the pyros to flinch, meaning that they will only have recovered enough to flame you by the time the next melee pulse causes them to flinch again.
Fury and SLAYER heavy melee were not designed to be used as melee attacks; they were designed to be used as forward teleportation maneuvers; with the added benefit of melee damage, but both function poorly in the 2nd aspect due to their poor tracking.
Praetorians become paralysed if you can successfully force them on top of terrain, using melee attacks, shockwave or shooting them so they flinch backwards. Once a praetorian has become stuck "on top of" some terrain, the praetorian will be completely and utterly helpless; not using lazers, melee or rockets until it is forced off said piece of terrain by something else.
Edited by Annomander, 09 January 2013 - 09:23 PM.
- LuckyStarr likes this
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:16 PM

Edited by ISHYGDDT, 09 January 2013 - 09:17 PM.
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:19 PM

ISHYGDDT wrote...
Anyone know how to get Banshees up onto the platforms on Reactor and White? I've had some luck on Reactor standing on the stairs as the Banshee teleports through the Reactor, but I haven't been able to get it consistently, probably because of the random nature of the teleport.
As far as I know it is completely random, they can also on occasion teleport into the boxes up in the air where enemies spawn on ghost.
Though of course, running past the places regularly while kiting a banshee would increase your chances.