As luck would have it, you're all wrong =P
Tactical Cloak's damage boost lasts for 1.5 seconds after Tactical Cloak breaks. However, Tactical Cloak will not break for 1 second after you fire(this is why you can do shoot, power, shoot, shoot with the Black Widow). This of course means 2.5 seconds worth of damage increase.
and I know what you're already thinking: "But Cyonan, you said everybody was wrong. I was telling everybody it was 2.5 seconds, I wasn't wrong!"
You remember that part where I said Tactical Cloak doesn't break for 1 second?
That delays the cooldown, meaning the minimum cooldown on Tactical Cloak is actually 4 seconds, not 3 like everyone on the BSN currently thinks.
Additional Points
For the Asari Huntress, Dark Channel and the damage over time component of Warp will both get Tactical Cloak's damage boost for the full duration provided you cast the ability while cloaked.
For the Drell Assassin, Recon Mine only does more damage if you detonate it while cloaked. Placing it while cloaked then detonating it while uncloaked does not give it the damage boost.
Here's a few more things that the BSN likes to claim that are not strictly speaking true.
"Tactical Cloak ignores weapon weight" - Tactical Cloak works on the idea of whatever % of the duration you use is the % of the cooldown you get, with a minimum of 3 seconds after the delay. If my cooldown is 24.5(-200% on my Human Infiltrator) seconds and I stay in cloak for 2.6 seconds(half of my 5.2 duration) then I will get a cooldown of 12.25 seconds.
On a side note, Flamer works on these same cooldown mechanics.
"Tactical Cloak drops aggro" - The way invisibility works is a bit strange, but when you cloak the following happens:
> Enemies will continue to shoot/run at the spot where you cloaked. If you don't move you'll keep getting shot(but they will not have spotted you yet)
> If you get too close to an enemy they will spot you
> Footsteps give off sound in this game, meaning if you're sprinting around the enemy will be able to hear you and know your general location.
> Occasionally enemies will cheat and look through your cloak to see where you are. This is primarily done when spawning so that they know where on the map they should be going to to find you.
> Once an enemy has spotted you in cloak they will be able to see you as though you have no cloak until their next "retarget cycle". This occurs roughly once every 3 seconds. During this time you can still drop aggro by all the normal means.
> If an enemy is currently mid-attack on you, you will need to wait until the next re-targeting cycle before they have lost track of you.
Let's try to keep the QQ about Tactical Cloak to a minimum and keep this a thread about the mechanics of the ability, shall we?
Edited by Cyonan, 16 January 2013 - 11:32 PM.