As a relatively new arrival to multiplayer, I'm impressed with the useful info on the Forums. But much of it is scattered - a flood of it at launch, smaller waves after DLC's, spots here and there now.
So I've compiled it here, in the hope that it will be as useful to other players as each piece has been to me.
Shield Gate Mechanics The 'shield gate' reduces the chance of a one-shot kill on a shielded enemy by reducing the damage that penetrates any active shield. It applies to Sniper Rifles (except the Harpoon gun; also applies to the N7 Crusader shotgun), and has varying strengths according to difficulty. Note that a recent patch reduced the effect on Gold.
List of Biotic and Tech Combos
Formulae for Combos Note that while two rank 6 powers produce a bigger boom than a rank 5 + 6, it's not a huge difference.
Can't get online? First, check the Forum here for any info, or the Origin Twitter page. The trouble is often at their end.
Before attempting any of these, peek at the threads suggesting them (links at the end of each), and use your best judgment as to what may help. I've found these more useful than EA's usual reinstall routine.
2) Apparently from an EA employee 1. Please press Windows-button (the one between Alt and Ctrl) + R, a window should pop up. 2. Now, type: "services.msc" (without the ") then press enter. 3. In the list of services, scroll down to "UPnP Device Host", click it and press "Stop service". 4. Next, do the same thing but with the service "SSDP Discovery". 5.Now, exit the window and go to control panel-> Network and Internet-> Network and Sharing Centre-> Change advanced sharing settings (to the left)-> Under "network discovery" select to turn off network discovery. 6. At last save changes and try to connect online. http://social.biowar...ndex/10030214/6
3) -Open origin and disable cloud storage for Mass Effect 3 and purge the Cloud Data -Navigate to C:/Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/My Documents/Bioware/Mass Effect 3 -Cut the /Saves/ Folder (To backup your single player progress and profile) and paste it on the Desktop -Delete the Mass Effect 3 Folder from My Documents/Bioware folder -Launch Mass Effect 3 ( All required files will be re-written to the My Documents/Bioware/Mass Effect 3 Folder -Exit the Game then move the /Saves Folder that you pasted to the desktop back into the /My Documents/Bioware/Mass Effect 3 Folder -Re-enable Cloud Storage( Optional) -Launch the Game and if/when propmted select to use the local data and delete the Cloud data. http://social.biowar...ndex/12365960/2
4) 1. Go to C:\\Users[Username]\\Documents\\BioWare\\Mass Effect 3 2. Rename the folder called Save. 3. Open Mass Effect 3 and go to multiplayer. 4. Close the game. 5. Go to C:\\Users[Username]\\Documents\\BioWare\\Mass Effect 3 6. Find the folder that you renamed in step 2 and rename it to Save. http://social.biowar...dex/12307333/22
In-Game: Can't Use Powers or Weapons Is there a Volus on your team? Sometimes, if a Volus uses Shield Boost while you perform another action, particularly reloading, your powers can lock. To fix this, Heavy Melee. Some players say equipping then stowing the Missile Launcher works, too, but I haven't tried it, as Heavy Melee has always worked for me. Dying apparently works, too, but it's uncool. It's also uncool to kick a Volus from the team. And it brings years of bad luck.
In-Game: Invisible Enemies and Mysterious Damage No, not cloakers, but entire waves of invisible enemies, doing unseen damage to you. Your teammates may down some of them, but their progress doesn't show on your screen. Leave and restart the game. This bug doesn't happen often, but it does happen, and that's the only solution I've found.
[b]Stuck While Joining a Friend's Game If stuck on the loading screen when joining a friend, drop the game (bring up Origin in-game, then select Join again to force you to quit, then go back to the character screen. You can often join once the game is under way. Have your buddy start, then hop in.
class KITS and POWERS Want to know whether or not to spec out of Electric Slash? Is a Flamer-less build viable? Should you choose Shields or Detonate for Drone? Below, I've listed not the 'best' builds, but rather the best threads debating common choices for each build. That way, you get good info and can choose for yourself.
Human Adept Singularity/ Warp/ Shockwave The Human Adept and Krogan Adept both have Warp / Shockwave, so the difference is that the Human gains Singularity and a roll, in return for 500 base health/Shields vs 1000 and Barrier. Drell Adept Reave/ Pull/ Cluster Grenade The Drell Boss-Buster guide here has good advice: Krogan Shaman Barrier/ Shockwave/ Warp Tactical advice here: http://me3multiplaye.../krogan-shaman/ Stardusk's guide, which uses no Shockwave.
Geth Juggernaut Soldier Siege Pulse/ Hex Shield/ Geth Turret classic tank, draws aggro and soaks damage. Moves slowly and can't run, forcing choice of where to engage on each map, but he has enormous shields and a hold melee. Can't take cover or vault. The Turret can be specd for either offense or defense. Hex Shield blocks your shots, too, and counts them against its damage. Valhalen's good guide explains the mechanics of the class: http://social.biowar...ndex/16079898/1 Guides include this 3/6aaa/6a(then a or b)b/5bb/6bbb build uses only 3 in Hex Shield, as a portable right-hand advantage, firing Siege Pulse when on or near cooldown: http://social.biowar.../index/16105947 Crimson has a build around the Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle, a similar 3/6/5/6/6: http://social.biowar.../index/16069161 Micah runs his for melee, 6/6/0/4/6, skipping turret and relying on melee evolutions for more shields. http://social.biowar...ndex/16058042/1
Cabal Vanguard Poison Strike/ NightShade Blades/ Biotic Focus Ace-Malo runs a few builds, a melee 3/5/6/6/6, with an Acolyte and Hurricane (or Talon). Biotic Focus spams for survivability, and under his build, she needs lots of heavy melee kills. http://social.biowar.../index/16107940 Or can be done 6/6/6/0/6. Often run as melee. Here's a powers-centered approach: http://social.biowar...16083885-1.html A good guide using a light weapon and 3/6/6/5/6: http://social.biowar.../index/16079169
Talon Mercenary Engineer Cain Trip Mine/ Concussive Arrows/ AP Arrows Least loved of the new Reckoning chrs, and buggy, overriding your key bindings, and missing thermal clips, possibly not firing bow when melee button is released. http://social.biowar...ndex/16050795/1 In any case, bow dmg is low, and he can't sprint or use cover. He can roll. Using a power consumes a grenade and puts it on the bow until cancelled or switched. He regenerates grenades based on weapon weight. To attack, light melee for a spread, or auto-track a single target (heavy melee). Three Mines can deployed at a time. There's disagreement about the best way to max grenades, with 6 in Concussive and 0 in AP, or 4 in each: http://www.gamespot....enary-65574217/ Chill arrows have some utility, and here's a good 6/6/0/6/6 guide: http://social.biowar...16083436-1.html He argues that for rank 6 Elite, Charge Generation does so little to speed grenade recharge that you're better off camping a resupply spot.
Krogan Warlord Sentinel (Krolord) Tech Armor/ Biotic Hammer/ Electrical Hammer Moves slower than other krogan and can't take cover. But has (moderate) health regen and big shields. Vulnerable to sync kills. Each Hammer is a 'mode' for melee attacks. Crimson build goes Biotic Hammer, Graal, Wraith, or Reegar, and plays with care: http://social.biowar.../index/16098264 This guide (and the posts on pages 1-2) weigh the tradeoffs of Biotic vs Electric hammer: http://social.biowar...ndex/16081302/1
Awakened Collector Adept Dark Sphere/ Seeker Swarm/ Dark Channel Lots of choices for this kit. Some skip DS, some skip Fitness, some skip passive bonuses. This build goes 6/6/6/5/3, with DC to detonate Dark Sphere. http://social.biowar...ndex/16046339/1 This thread has good discussion on the variations: http://social.biowar...ndex/16097155/4
Crimson Vanguard has also updated his Character Guide Library with Reckoning builds, and it's a terrific resource. His list is extensive and much easier to read than this wall-o'-text.
But it's also guide-specific, and this is meant as a collection of build alternatives. Want to know whether to choose Armor or Radius for rank 6 Smash? Electric or Biotic Hammer? To skip Shockwave on the Krogan Shaman? The links above point you to good BSN posts on the most likely questions for any kit.
Nice job compiling that info, too bad it's so late in the game's cycle or you'd probably get a lot more responses. At least we have somewhere to send any newcomers that happen to show up, so thanks.
a certain BSN half-demi-proto-deity-something was just asking why noone posts anything like this thread anymore.
i wish i could've found this yesterday, nice job OP.