Alliance Classes (7): Adept, Soldier, BF3, Engineer, Sentinel, Infiltrator, Vanguard
Alliance Weapons (6): Phalanx, Saber, Lancer, Falcon, Black Widow, Suppressor
Weapons Likely Intended for Alliance (1): Mattock
N7 Classes (6): Fury, Destroyer, Demolisher, Paladin, Shadow, Slayer
N7 Weapons (7): Eagle, Typhoon, Crusader, Valkyrie, Valiant, Piranha, Hurricane
Reformed Classes (4): Phoenix Adept, Talon, AIU, Phoenix Vanguard
Reformed Weapons (5): Hornet, Eviscerator, Harrier, Talon, Raptor
Asari Classes (5): Adept, Justicar, Valkyrie, Huntress, Vanguard
Asari Weapons (2): Disciple, Acolyte
Weapons Likely Intended for Asari (3): Tempest, Widow, Scimitar
Salarian Classes (2): Engineer, Infiltrator
Salarian Weapons (2): Scorpion, Venom
Weapons Likely Intended for Salarian (1): Carnifex
Turian Classes (6): Soldier, Havok, Saboteur, Sentinel, Ghost, Cabal
Turian Weapons (2): Phaeston, Krysae
Weapons Likely Intended for Turian (4): Incisor, Argus, Paladin, Indra
Krogan Classes (5): Shaman, Soldier, Sentinel, Warlord, Battlemaster
Krogan Weapons (3): Graal, Striker, Claymore
Batarian Classes (4): Slasher, Soldier, Sentinel, Brawler
Batarian Weapons (2): Kishock, AT12
Weapons Likely Intended for Batarian (2): Wraith, Revenant
Quarian Classes (5): Marksman, Engineer, M Engineer, Infiltrator, M Infiltrator
Quarian Weapons (3): Adas, Arc Pistol, Reegar
Geth Classes (4): Trooper, Juggernaut, Engineer, Infiltrator
Geth Weapons (5): Rifle, Spitfire, SMG, Javelin, Shotgun
Drell Classes (3): Adept, Assassin, Vanguard
Drell Weapons: none
Weapons Likely Intended for Drell (3): Locust, Viper, Vindicator
Vorcha Classes (3): Soldier, Hunter, Sentinel
Vorcha Weapons (2): Punisher, Executioner
Volus Classes (4): Adept, Sentinel, Merc, Protector
Volus Weapons: none
Collector Class (1): Awakened
Collector Weapons (4): PPR, Col SMG, Col Rifle, Col Sniper
Adepts: The general goal is a light weapon, typically SMG, to facilitate power use.
Human - Phalanx
N7 Fury - N7 Eagle
Phoenix - Hornet
Asari - Tempest (Eclipse weapon and Eclipse are usually Asari)
Justicar - Disciple
Shaman - Graal
Slasher - Wraith (slaver weapon and Batarian known for slaving)
Drell - Locust (hitman weapon and Drell famous assassins)
Volus - Col SMG (who better to use pillaged, top of the line Collector tech than Volus)
Awakened - PPR
Soldiers: The general goal is a well rounded weapon, typically assault rifle.
Human - Saber
N7 Destroyer - N7 Typhoon & N7 Crusader
BF3 - Lancer (archaic weapon for archaic class)
Turian - Raptor (was Turian weapon first)
Havok - Incisor
Krogan - Striker
Batarian - Revenant (weapon for warlords, could lean toward Krogan but Batarian need an Assault Rifle)
Marksman - Adas
Trooper - Geth Rifle
Juggernaut - Spitfire
Vorcha - Carnifex (used by Eclipse techs, Blue Suns, ex-Cerbs... basically anyone)
Engineers: Lighter weapons preferred, as well as weapons which fulfill a utility role.
Human - Falcon
N7 Demolisher - N7 Valkyrie
Talon - Eviscerator & Harrier (would have access to Cerberus weapons due to Siege of Omega)
Salarian - Scorpion
Saboteur - Phaeston
Quarian - Arc Pistol
M Quarian - Arc Pistol (both Quarian Engineers use same weapon due to lack of potential Quarian weapons)
Geth - Geth SMG
Hunter - Punisher (could be Krogan also, but small weapons just seem wrong on Krogan)
Volus - Col Sniper (who better to use pillaged, top of the line Collector tech than Volus)
Sentinels: Focus is on using high damage weapons from a durable platform.
Human - Black Widow
N7 Paladin - N7 Valiant
Valkyrie - Widow (ME3 weapon is no longer a Geth weapon, wiki notes that Asari snipers use it)
Turian - Krysae
Krogan - Claymore
Warlord - Claymore (both Krogan Sentinels use same weapon due to lack of potential Krogan weapons)
Batarian - Kishock
Vorcha - Executioner (could be Krogan also, but small weapons just seem wrong on Krogan)
Volus Merc - Indra (weapon is said to be top of the line and Volus love cutting-edge tech)
Infiltrators: Focus is on weapons which benefit most from each particular version of cloaking.
Human - Suppressor
N7 Shadow - N7 Piranha (obvious Vorcha design elements but carries N7 designator)
AIU - Geth Shotgun (as an AI the AIU can fully interface with Geth weaponry)
Huntress - Acolyte
Salarian - Venom
Ghost - Argus (law enforcement weapon, which is typical Turian role)
Quarian - Reegar
M Quarian - Reegar (both Quarian Infilitrators use same weapon due to lack of potential Quarian weapons)
Geth - Javelin
Assassin - Viper (an assassin weapon and Drell noted assassins)
Vanguards: General focus is on weapons that do damage quickly at close quarters.
Human - Mattock
N7 Slayer - N7 Hurricane
Phoenix - Talon
Asari - Scimitar (Eclipse weapon and Eclipse are usually Asari)
Cabal - Paladin (law enforcement weapon, which is typical Turian role)
Krogan - Graal (both Krogan biotics use same weapon due to lack of potential Krogan weapons)
Brawler - AT12
Drell - Vindicator (an assassin weapon and Drell noted assassins)
Protector - Col Rifle (who better to use pillaged, top of the line Collector tech than Volus)
The reasoning is pretty straight forward; based off of codex descriptions, wiki entries, and how the weapons are discovered in-game when the codex is lacking. I have focused on who the intended or most likely users of the weapons are, not the manufacturers. Thanks for reading and/or skimming.
Edited by MissAmanda, 20 December 2013 - 07:25 AM.