With the Ravagers and have found that the Hex Shield DOES in fact block the projectiles. What it does NOT block however, is the splash damage from the shots exploding. If you are far enough from your Hex Shield, Ravager shots will do no damage to you.
Have tested Atlas as well. Blocks ALL shots and splash damage.
I have finished the testing on the Geth Primes... Their shots pass right through it.
I have finished testing on the collector units. Praetorian lazers and lazer splash damage are blocked by the Hex shield. Scion cannon is blocked but splash damage is not. Posessed Praetorian lazers are blocked BUT the splash damage is NOT (would not have called that one). Posessed Praetorian rockets are blocked but the splash damage is NOT. Posessed Scion cannon is blocked but the splash damage is not. Posessed Scion grenades pass through the Shield.
In short:
Hex Shield DOES block:
1. Atlas shots and splash damage
2. Ravager shots
3. Phantom palm blasters
4. All mook shots including Geth Pyro flamethrower and various turrets/combat drones
5. Scion/Posessed Scion cannon shots
6. Praetorian/Posessed Praetorian lazers
7. Posessed Praetorian rockets
8. Banshee Warp ball and AOE
9. Grenades are physically stopped by shield
10. Allied direct damage powers (concussive shot, carnage, warp,...)
11. Flamer is only sometimes blocked by Shield
12. Recon Mine will detonate as soon as it hits the Shield. There will also be a secondary (Visual only) explosion before you can lay another
13. Proximity Mine explodes as soon as it hits the shield
14. Geth Prime shots
Hex Shield DOES NOT block:
1. Ravager shot splash damage
3. Scion/Posessed Scion splash damage.
4. Posessed Scion grenades (Doesn't matter if still in cluster or as seperate grenades)
5. Posessed Praetorian lazer splash damage
5. Posessed Praetorian rocket splash damage
6. Banshee bubble burst
7. Mook grenades
8. Glacier Hazard swarm (Small or Large)
9. Ghost Hazard rain
10. Grenade AoE is unaffected
11. Any Melees
12. Allied AoE attacks will be stopped on the shield but the AoE will effect enemies on the other side of the shield
If there is anything else that my fellow BSNers would like tested please leave a comment or a PM and I will do my best.
Edited by Beta582, 12 March 2013 - 05:25 PM.