So the only thing really missing would be if you for those of you that use the "On Demand" Function alot.
Finally I play on a consol, and don't have any of the image files for new powers since the last update(from back in Oct.) So if anyone can get me those I'll add them ASAP. Currently they just apear as broken images.
If after instaling nothing appears, try refreshing the page. If that dosn't help try restarting your browser
New minor Update
Things that arnt in this version:
correct DPS calculation for Blood Pack Punisher (it does more then what is listed:whistle:
Any new passives from when the turrian havoc was added
headshot Multiplyers that are not x2.5
I feel that I should mention that I did not actually code any of the functionality of this, all that credit still goes to Creakazoid, all I did was update the rescorces file to add the new stuff, but since I couldn't edit the original userscript page to include the new file I had to make a new page for it. Also I did all of this with out Creakazoid's permission.....I did ask for it but after close to a week with no responce I felt that i should release it out anyway
Edited by Vlandis, 15 March 2013 - 10:31 PM.