How do I Kishock?
Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:43 PM

Any suggestions for good ways to utilize this weapon?
An mechanics I might not realize exist with this weapon?
Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:44 PM

Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:45 PM

The Kishock is a projectile weapon and thus prone to lag. Host for easy use. At first you might find a class that staggers or really paralyzes an enemy, such as an Asari with stasis or a technician with cryo blast, better to keep the enemy in place. It is the weapon that takes the most time to master, do not go desperate at first.
The charge mechanic is a little difficult. If uncharged, the shots drop during their flight and are somewhat slow - which hinders you when attacking swift enemies like geth troopers or nemesis. Once the shot is fully charged, the damage of an uncharged shot is multiplied by 1,75.The harpoon will still drop a little, but you won't even notice that, about a few millimeters. It is also much faster and makes the Kishock more viable in the distance. Make use of the charge mechanic by firing the weapon when walking - a fully charged shot into the enemy face, then retreat and let him bleed a little. The bleed damage also is worth mentioning: The Kishock tears terrible wounds into the enemies and also has internal disruptors to deal with Synthetics. The enemy receives 2/3 of the damage the impact did over five seconds. If an enemy has 40% health left after a shot it can be left alone. Hit and run tactics are a must to try with this weapon. When playing an infiltrator, keep in mind that charging a shot immediately breaks your cloak; the system registers that you are pressing the button, not that you are shooting. If you already have a shot charged however, releasing the button won't be detected. You can fire, reload, and deliver another uncharged shot.
The Kishock ignores Shieldgate: Where a widow only deals 50% of the damage after the shields are down (which is pretty much overkill and wasted power), the Kishock still does full damage. It also ignores armor, making it one of the few guns able to one-hit Pyros, Phantoms, Dragoons etc....on gold and above. It two-shots ravagers and enemies with similar health/armor as well. Also, it cannot pierce cover. Forget any piercing mods, they are like a fifth wheel on the car. The Kishock delivers tremendous force; enemies like Banshees or brutes are easily staggered by it and small enemies are lifted ten feet into the air. Watching phantoms fly is one of the most satisfactory feelings in the entire game. Also, don't worry about reaper armor and guardian shields, the harpoon gun pierces them like paper.
Another thing to mention is that certain week spots on enemies that are usually shot off (aka armor plating on brutes, the praetorian's belly, the scion sacs, the ravager belly, the atlas knees etc....) won't be harmed by the Kishock. It just pierces through them, making it a little impractical when trying to expose the enemy for your team.
If you slap incendiary ammo on it, it becomes a damage over time machine. Use it on your batarian soldier and the enemy receives damage over time from four sources. Might also consider it on a vanguard, a charge locks the enemy in place, making a charged shot a guaranteed hit.
The last and most important fact however is that you have no hipfire penalty. Use it more like a semi-automatic harpoon carbine, it always is pinpoint accurate and deals 100% damage.
Hope I could help, have fun with this gun.
Edited by GeneralMoskvin_2.0, 20 April 2013 - 03:29 PM.
- Zander-o- likes this
Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:46 PM

Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:47 PM

Knockingbr4in wrote...
Also, it doesn't have a hipfire penalty. You may want to take advantage of that.

Edit: Other mechanics include native piercing (enough to go through a Guardian's shield), and the ability to ignore enemy shieldgates.
However, the Kishock's piercing cannot be further improved by mods or equipment.
Edited by chefcook90, 25 March 2013 - 08:52 PM.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:48 PM

Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:51 PM

chefcook90 wrote...
Knockingbr4in wrote...
Also, it doesn't have a hipfire penalty. You may want to take advantage of that.

Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:55 PM

Kishock is excellent, practice is the magic word.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 09:02 PM

Posted 25 March 2013 - 09:06 PM

You have to get use to the trajectory and traveling time, the staggering length if needed, and feel how that goes with the distance of your target. Overall it's a more complicated SR to use, but very rewarding. It does feel very bad when you don't have a clue at first.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 09:09 PM

Posted 25 March 2013 - 09:10 PM

Robbiesan wrote...
Thanks GeneralMoskvin_2.0. I will eventually complete the challenge for this weapon, and your advise has been very helpful.
Good to hear. Excuse the bad english.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 09:15 PM

Posted 25 March 2013 - 10:10 PM

GeneralMoskvin_2.0 wrote...
Robbiesan wrote...
Thanks GeneralMoskvin_2.0. I will eventually complete the challenge for this weapon, and your advise has been very helpful.
Good to hear. Excuse the bad english.
Your English is excellent, as is the info. Little bump for anyone else who doesn't use this great gun.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 10:14 PM

ALWAYS AIM FOR THE HEAD. Unless you need to stagger, then just shoot the enemy, they typically do a small stagger (like to save someone from execution).
You can also fire it while running (all charge weapons can).
It's amazing on batarians. If you need more damage against armor don't bother charging it. If you are lining up a long range shot, shoot it with full charge. Otherwise, learn to lead when aiming for the head.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 10:26 PM

Mgamerz wrote...
You can also fire it while running (all charge weapons can).
I love this element. Call it en-passant killing, after the chess move. Run past a Geth pyro, headshot him in the process.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 10:38 PM

Like every weapon that is good.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 10:39 PM

GeneralMoskvin_2.0 wrote...
First and most important, do not use it like a sniper rifle. It is a hybrid of a shotgun and a sniper, more like a crossbow. If you played TF2, compare it to a huntsman.
The Kishock is a projectile weapon and thus prone to lag. Host for easy use. At first you might find a class that staggers or really paralyzes an enemy, such as an Asari with stasis or a technician with cryo blast, better to keep the enemy in place. It is the weapon that takes the most time to master, do not go desperate at first.
The charge mechanic is a little difficult. If uncharged, the shots drop during their flight and are somewhat slow - which hinders you when attacking swift enemies like geth troopers or nemesis. Once the shot is fully charged, the damage of an uncharged shot is multiplied by 1,75.The harpoon will still drop a little, but you won't even notice that, about a few millimeters. It is also much faster and makes the Kishock more viable in the distance. Make use of the charge mechanic by firing the weapon when walking - a fully charged shot into the enemy face, then retreat and let him bleed a little. The bleed damage also is worth mentioning: The Kishock tears terrible wounds into the enemies and also has internal disruptors to deal with Synthetics. The enemy receives 2/3 of the damage the impact did over five seconds. If a small trooper has four bars of health left after a shot can be left alone. Hit and run tactics are going good with this weapon. When playing an infiltrator, keep in mind that charging a shot immediately breaks your cloak; the system registers that you are pressing the button, not that you are shooting. If you already have a shot charged however, releasing the button won't be detected. You can fire, reload, and deliver another uncharged shot.
The Kishock ignores Shieldgate: Where a widow only deals 50% of the damage after the shields are down (which is pretty much overkill and wasted power), the Kishock still does full damage. It also ignores armor, making it one of the few guns able to one-hit Pyros, Phantoms, Dragoons etc....on gold and above. It two-shots ravagers and enemies with similar health/armor as well. Put some gear on it and watch the enemies fly. Also, it cannot pierce cover. Forget any piercing mods, they are like a fifth wheel on the car. The Kishock delivers tremendous force; enemies like Banshees or brutes are easily staggered by it. Also, don't worry about reaper armor and guardian shields, the harpoon gun pierces them like paper.
The last thing to mention is that certain week spots on enemies that are usually shot off (aka armor plating on brutes, the praetorian's belly, the scion sacs, the ravager belly, the atlas knees etc....) won't be harmed by the Kishock. It just pierces through them, making it a little impractical when trying to expose the enemy for your team.
If you slap incendiary ammo on it, it becomes a damage over time machine. Use it on your batarian soldier and the enemy receives damage over time from four sources. Might also consider it on a vanguard, a charge locks the enemy in place, making a charged shot a guaranteed hit.
The most important fact however is that you have no hipfire penalty. Use it more like a semi-automatic harpoon carbine, it always is pinpoint accurate and deals 100% damage.
Hope I could help, have fun with this gun.
Thank you. Will try as soon as I get the chance.
My two weapon Vanguards are Drell and Batarian (Krogan is melee, Asari is Grenade). I remember I tried the Kishock on the Drell Vanguard for shirts and girgles. It was pretty funny, but it was my first try so it was a little silly.
Well, I have a few builds that yield some potential as far as abilities that work well for this. I find that certain builds are needed because charging weapons don't let you stay in cover.
Posted 25 March 2013 - 11:18 PM

GeneralMoskvin_2.0 wrote...
Should have added a tl; dr version.
No need, it was a good read. On my way to mastering this gun yey
Posted 25 March 2013 - 11:48 PM

Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:24 AM

Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:41 AM

Posted 26 March 2013 - 02:33 AM

pretty much that.Knockingbr4in wrote...

Posted 26 March 2013 - 02:55 AM

Tip: Shooting collectors in the head is fairly easy due to how big their heads are. That got me through the challenge with the spike launcher as well.
Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:27 AM

I prefer the Graal over it though. Basically does the same thing but without the projectile drop.
Edited by OniGanon, 26 March 2013 - 05:30 AM.