The Krogan are a species of large reptilian bipeds native to the planet Tuchanka, a world known for its harsh environments, scarce resources, and overabundance of vicious predators. The Krogan managed to not only survive on their unforgiving homeworld, but actually thrived in the extreme conditions. Once defeated by the Citadel council, the Krogan became a key element during the Reaper war in 2186. After the Reapers invaded earth, Commander Shepard was forced to look for allies to retake earth. The Turian army also depended on the Krogan to help them defend their homeworld of Palavan against the Reaper onslaught. Regardless of the era, the battle or the opponent, one thing has always fundamentally held true: The Krogan fight for one thing and one thing only. The Krogan fight for Tuchanka!
Challenge Rules
Team/Trio/Duo Challenges:
- Armored compartments not permitted
- Missiles only permitted on objective waves and extraction*
- Hacking or “clever use of in-game mechanics” like pizza running, and hack glitching not permitted
*Note: Missiles permitted on any wave for platinum duos.
Solo Challenges:
- Armored Compartments only permitted on Insanity (Platinum)
- Missiles permitted on any wave
- “clever use of in-game mechanics” like pizza running, hack glitching, incendiary glitch permitted
AW_FC's "For Tuchanka!" The Series
Full Team Challenges
I. Aralakh Company
Gold objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Rio vs. Collector, 100 weapon kills combined and 10 melee kills each
Platinum objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Rio vs. Collector, 100 weapon kills combined and 10 melee kills each
Characters and weapons:
Krogan Soldier (Grunt): M-55 Argus
Krogan Vanilla Sentinel: M-37 Falcon
Krogan Soldier: M-76 Revenant
Krogan Vanilla Sentinel: Striker Assault Rifle
II. The Blood Pack
Gold objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Reactor vs. Reaper, 25 melee kills by Warlord, 20 Headshots by Krogan Soldier, 50 tech kills by Vorcha Sentinel, 50 weapon kills by Vorcha Hunter Engineer
Platnium objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Reactor vs. Reaper, 25 melee kills by Warlord, 20 Headshots by Krogan Soldier, 50 tech kills by Vorcha Sentinel, 50 weapon kills by Vorcha Hunter Engineer
Characters and weapons:
Krogan Warlord Sentinel: Graal Spike Thrower
Krogan Soldier: Kishock Harpoon Gun
Vorcha Sentinel: Blood Pack Punisher
Vorcha Hunter Engineer: M-11 Suppressor
III. Virmire
Gold objective: Full extraction on Firebase Jade vs. Geth must not bleed out
Platinum objective: Full extraction on Firebase Jade vs. Geth must not bleed out
Characters and weapons:
Male/Female Human Adept (Shepard): M-3 Predator
Quarian Female Engineer (Tali): M-23 Katana
Turian Vanilla Soldier (Garrus): M-8 Avenger
Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard (Urdnot Wrex): M-23 Katana; must not spec into Biotic Charge
IV. Hammer Task Group
Gold and Platinum objectives:
Mission successful on Firebase London vs. Reaper
Characters and weapons:
Krogan Vanilla Sentinel: N7 Piranha
Turian Soldier: M-76 Revenant
Asari Huntress Infiltrator: M-98 Widow
Geth Infiltrator: Krysae Sniper Rifle
Trio Challenges
Image by MattRhodes@deviantart
I. The Rite of Passage
Gold Objective: Full extraction on Firebase Giant Hazard vs. Collectors and 200 weapon kills together
Platinum Objective: Full extraction on Firebase Giant Hazard vs. Collectors and 200 weapon kills combined
Characters and weapons:
Vanilla Human Vanguard (Shepard): N7 Hurricane
Krogan Soldier (Grunt): N7 Valkyrie
Drell Adept (Thane): N7 Valiant
II. Mass Effect: Andromeda
Gold Objective: Full extraction on Firebase Dagger vs. Geth and 75 biotic/tech kills combined
Platinum Objective: Full extraction on Firebase Dagger vs. Geth and 100 biotic/tech kills combined
Characters and weapons:
Vanilla Human Engineer: M-6 Carnifex
Vanilla Female Human Sentinel: M-55 Argues
Vanilla Krogan Sentinel: Striker Assault Rifle
III. Family Armor
Gold Objective: Full extraction on Firebase Glacier vs. Cerberus and no bleedouts
Platinum Objective: Full extraction on Firebase Clacier vs. Cerberus and no bleedouts
Characters and weapons:
Human Vanilla Soldier (Shepard): M-15 Vindicator
Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard (Urdnot Wrex): M-22 Eviscerator; must not spec into Biotic Charge
Turian Vanilla Soldier (Garrus): M-97 Viper
IV. “So...which one of you wants to disappear?”
Gold Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase White vs. Reapers and silver weapon medal each and no bleedouts
Platinum Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase White vs. Reapers, silver weapon medal each and no bleedouts
Characters and weapons:
Volus Engineer (Contact): M-4 Shuriken
Korgan Soldier: M-8 Avenger
Krogan Vanilla Sentinel: M-8 Avenger
Duo Challenges
I. Blue Rose of Illium – part 2
Gold Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Giant vs. Collectors and 75 biotic kills combined
Platinum Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Giant vs. Collectors and 75 biotic kills combined
Characters and weapons:
Asari Vanguard: M-358 Talon
Krogan Shaman Adept: M-7 Lancer
II. “Shepard” – “Wrex”
Gold Objective: Full extraction on Firebase Hydra vs. Geth with 5 waves survived and 20 headshots each
Platinum Objective: Full extraction on Firebase Hydra vs. Geth with 3 waves survived and 20 headshots each
Characters and weapons:
Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard (Urdnot Wrex): N7 Crusader; must not spec into Biotic Charge
Human Vanilla Infiltrator (Shepard): Javelin
III. “Only one way to settle this”
Gold Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Vancouver vs. Reaper and 25 melee kills each
Platinum Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Vancouver vs. Reaper and 25 melee kills each
Characters and weapons:
Krogan Soldier (Grunt): N7 Typhoon
Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard (Urdnot Wrex): N7 Typhoon; must not spec into Biotic Charge
IV. Assassination
Gold Objective: Joram Talid must extract on Firebase Ghost Hazard vs. Cerberus and no bleedouts
Platinum Objective: Joram Talid must extract on Firebase Ghost Hazard vs. Cerberus and no bleedouts
Characters and weapons:
Turian Sentinel (Joram Talid): Acolyte
Krogan Shaman Adept (Blood Pack Bodyguard): Striker Assault Rifle
Solo Challenges
Image by Battlewriter@deviantart
I. The Patriarch
Gold Objective: Full Extraction on Firebase Reactor Hazard vs. Collectors and 5 waves survived
Platinum Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Reactor Hazard vs. Collectors and 3 waves survives
Character and weapon:
Krgoan Shaman Adept (The Patriach): Graal Spike Thrower
Gold Objective: Full Extraction on Firebase Dagger Hazard vs. Reapers, 75 shotgun kills and 10 waves survived
Platinum Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase Dagger Hazard vs. Reapers, 75 shotgun kills and 5 waves survived
Character and weapon:
Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard (Urdnot Wrex): M-300 Claymore; must not spec into Biotic Charge
III. "My turn!“
Gold Objective: Full Extraction or Mission Successful on Firebase Condor vs. Reapers, 75 shotgun kills and 10 waves survived
Platinum Objective: Full Extraction or Mission Successful on Firebase Condor vs. Reapers, 75 shotgun kills and 5 waves survived
Character and weapon:
Krogan Soldier (Grunt): M-11 Wraith
IV. Warlord Okeer
Gold Objective: Full Extraction on Firebase White Hazard vs. Collectors, 50 melee kills and 5 waves survived
Platinum Objective: Mission Successful on Firebase White Hazard vs. Collectors, 50 melee kills and 3 waves survived
Character and weapon:
Krogan Warlord Sentiel (Okeer): Reegar Carbine