Seeing as how I can't earn credits as of right now, I thought that I might as well make a guide for my favorite shotgun so I hope you enjoy

Well before we get into the nitty gritty on how to use it to its maximum potential, we should get the stats of the gun down (Courtesy of Cyonan's stat sheet)
All stats are assuming you have the gun at X
Weight: 1.4
Rate of Fire: 200
Damage per Pellet: 125.0
Damage per Shot (assuming all shots hit): 1000
Clip Size: 2
Mad Deeps: 3333.33
Accuracy: Bad, don't bother with it
Spread: See Image below (courtesy of dunvi)
As the above stats show the Raider has EXTREME dps potential, being the second highest in terms of raw dps in the game (second to the Reegar). One should always keep its damage potential in mind when wielding it as it can and will clear a path if necessary if your aim is true. BUT its dps is only as strong as the amount of pellets that hit.
The terrible accuracy of the weapon is only amplified by its horrendous recoil which will further cut back on the maximum potential dps (unless you're point blanc against an Atlas), so don't be expect to be slaying phantoms from across the map (unless marksman is involved ofc.)
Wombo Combo #1: Smart Choke + Heavy Barrel are standard affair for most shotguns and the raider is no exception. Due to the Smart Choke cutting the spread by 50% the Raider gains a HUGE benefit from it, more than any other shotgun if I'm not mistaken. Heavy Barrel is also great on it as it does not add any additional weight to the gun.
Wombo Combo #2: Smart Choke + Omniblade if running a melee build is ideal. The Omni-Blade, like the heavy barrel won't add extra weight to the gun. Be wary of the using the Heavy Barrel and the Omni Blade though as it will unbug the weight (not entirely sure on this part, please feel free to correct me).
Most of the other mods are pointless or outclassed. ULM has minimal benfit on it, Spare ammo isn't needed as 40 rounds spare at X are more than enough, Shredder and Damage Barrel are combined into the Heavy barrel which doesn't add weight, Shotgun blade is outclassed by the cooler looking Omni-Blade.
Exception Combo #1 (courtesy of capn233): Standard Damage Barrel+Smart Choke if you're using AP and Drill ammo as explained by him:
capn233 wrote...
You should run the High Caliber Barrel if you plan to run AP or Drill ammo instead of the High Velocity Barrel.
It is because it will use the cover penetration damage penalty from the HVB. WIth HCB and AP or Drill, you will have full damage through cover, so you get a little more bang against hiding units and from multiple hits on something like an Atlas.
Biggest problem of the gun after smart choke takes care of accuracy is the recoil which can only be mitigated by yourself. So practice, practice practice. As much as the DPS numbers make it seem OP as hell, the Raider is a weapon that requires moderate amounts of skill (Annopls and Ronnie, don't bring Unreal or that crapshoot game known as UMVC3 in here) to wield effectively. It also helps to hipfire exclusively as ADS is horrendous and will probably make you miss more shots than necessary. Remember that if you miss your first two shots you always have a quick RC with ample spare ammo to back you up.
Using the gun off host also allows for lulzy moments which actually make the gun even better than it already is.
Courtesy of Lord_Sirian
The Raider can be used on every class, but just because it can doesn't mean it should. It is best used on CQC character, Accuracy Boosting Classes and Weapons platforms.
This fits the bill for most Sentinels, Soldiers, Infiltrators, Vanguards and some Adepts.
Engineers can work but they are better of with Assault Rifles and longer range weapons.
Some of my Personal Favorites are:
Preferably used with AP ammo, even though any Ammo type works well. Use him as an EXTREME burst dps weapons platform. Fares better against bosses than mooks even though it still works well on them. This is quite literally the Ultimate Hit and run character and treat him like it.
Turian Soldier
Marksman essentially turns the Raider into a pseudo Sniper rifle to hilarious effect. Pop heads from long ranges and enjoy the splatter (best used against cerberus obv). Throw in a proximity mine every now and then but not too requently as you don't want to caught off guard with marksman down as it will most likely result in your death.
Asari Valkyrie
This is one of the more interesting and fun ways to play with the Raider IMO. Using Warp Ammo with the double Debuff makes quick work of bosses and mooks alike thanks to the panic effect of annihilation field. She is also a hit and run character but a much more complex one. Incendiary ammo also works excellently on her for obvious reasons.
Krogan Soldier
Yeah, strange build I know but I like him this way. Add in Incendiary ammo or AP ammo and you're set. Basic Strategem is
1. Find Spawn
2. Chuck Inferno Nade
3. Shoot Raider
4.Carnage Spawn (FE)
5. Chuck Another Nade
6.Shoot More Raider (If the spawn is still alive)
Drell Infiltrator
Solid Raider Platform. Place Recon Mine at spawns so you can Annihilate them with the Raider. Whatever excapes his wrath finish off with a swift detonation. Homing Grenades supplement Raider spam nicely as the Armor Debuff and Fire Effect are handy tools to have. Treat him like the GI, mobility being his source of survivability compared to the GI's high base shields. His dodge and innate movement speed bonus with the fitness tree also give a much more 'hit and run' -esque feel, having the ability to flip back forth from gunfights.
Drell Infiltrator (Mobius' version)
MofuggerX wrote....
I try to Cloak and plant a preemptive Recon Mine predicting a spawn, or predicting enemies to move into it since the radius isn't upgraded. When attacking mooks, I'll cloak and shoot twice, reload cancel and shoot twice again. Second cloak cycle I detonate Recon Mine then use the next two shots to clean up. Big armour gets a Homing Grenade after the first two shots, which will also set off a Fire Explosion. Detonating Recon Mine on big armour that I've already shot will create another Fire Explosion. I always grab pizza.
Other Options
M-300 Claymore (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), M-11 Wraith (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), N7 Piranha (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), Venom Shotgun (Spare Thermal Clip, High Caliber Barrel)
N7 Destroyer
Serker31 wrote...
More difficult to use than same build with Piranha, but it is equally wrecking with right aptitude. Slap Incendiary ammo for extra pain and warm background of fire explosions.
Battlefield 3 Soldier
Inconsistent Seas wrote...
Yes, a BF3 soldier build. The raider is obviously a great choice on the vanilla soldiers, yes, but the BF3 soldier offers shotgun to face with plentiful FEs on your beck and call.
Incendiary ammo is your go to choice here and needed to get the most out of priming your FEs.
There's a rhythm to his great destruction. Fire your raider, reload cancel with carnage(boom, FE #1), grenade(boom, FE #2), fire raider again, adrenaline rush, fire raider again, carnage(thanks to bonus power) and grenade. Et cetera.
Went with the extra grenades for more FEs as needed and chose shield overload since that will cover one of his main issues; dealing with shields. The extra armor damage isn't needed since your plentiful FEs melt everything else.
Raider with AR is amazing as we know, this offers some great fun and crowd control/even more boss melting abilities.
Turian Cabal Vanguard
Thanks to peddro for reminding me to update OP

As he said, Cabal has the mobility to really get in range and dash back out to deal some pretty nasty burst DPS. 4 points in posion strike are enough to get around any map quick enough, and 4 points in fitness along with biotic shield give her plenty of survivability. Use Nightshade Blades for stagger if necessary, but otherwise use your dodge and infinite-mook-stagger melee to dazzle the enemy.
Batarian Soldier
NuclearTech76 wrote...
Bat Soldier. BB immediately when the second round leaves the chamber to power cancel the reload. Death, destruction and chaos while you laugh at the enemies.
More to be added later........
In Conclusion....
The Raider is a great, fun weapons to use that excels at destroying bosses and mooks alike with no prejudice. It is possibly the only gun I know that works better off host than on host (to some ridiculous results. It may not be the best shotgun, or the most versatile one for that matter but it does what it does damn well.
Anyways I hope the guide has helped somewhat and I haven't wall-of-texted you to death already.

Edited by DHKany, 15 August 2013 - 04:10 PM.