Hope you find something you like.

- To navigate, just scroll, I did my best to make it easy
- This post contains Adepts, Soldiers, and Engineers, the second contains Sentinels, Infiltrators, and Vanguards
- There's a few setups listed here that I don't use any more or have not used in a long time, either because I've moved on and changed the playstyle entirely or I did some tweaking and found something I like a little better, please keep that in mind as well
- The reason for doing this is to have a brief summation of effective ways to play every character, which anyone with any or no experience in this game can use as a stepping stone for a new character or even a new playstyle for a character
- Not looking for approval, just posting stuff for people to try, these work for me
>>>>>>>>>>==================== ADEPTS ====================<<<<<<<<<<
I have two separate ones for each gender.
Singularity - 6 (Radius, Recharge Speed, Detonate)
Warp - 0
Shockwave - 6 (Force & Damage, Detonate, Recharge Speed)
Alliance Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Singularity - 6 (Radius, Recharge Speed, Detonate)
Warp - 6 (Detonate, Expose, Pierce)
Shockwave - 0
Alliance Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - Arc Pistol (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Commando Package
Armour Bonus - Power Efficiency Mod
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
Obviously I play these both as biotic combo users, and I like to use them in biotic squads. Both setups synergize incredibly well this way. Singularity is a fantastic primer and if I forget to cast it, the old one explodes. Warp and Shockwave are also great detonators. I play the male a little more aggressively since Shockwave has very limited range, but I try to be able to detonate multiple combos as often as possible or just stagger baddies for crowd control. The female I play a bit more defensively, I hang back and let baddies come to me and my teammates. With her I often just cast a Warp to debuff a mook and power up Warp Ammo, then blow their head off with a charged Arc Pistol shot. Singularity powers up Warp Ammo on multiple targets very nicely. Heavy melee is great to stagger a rushing baddy back, or knock an unshielded Abomination away.
Other Options
M-77 Paladin (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier), M-6 Carnifex (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), Executioner Pistol (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), Drill Rounds, Power Amplifier Mod, Targeting VI, Adaptive War Amp, Pistol Amp (Gear), Vulnerability VI
Stasis - 6 (Stasis Strength, Recharge Speed, Bubble)
Warp - 6 (Detonate, Expose, Pierce)
Throw - 6 (Radius, Detonate, Force & Damage)
Asari Justicar - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 0
Weapon - M-77 Paladin (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Commando Package
Armour Bonus - Power Efficiency Mod
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
Old classic from the demo days. Warp, Throw, kaboom. I'll Stasis something dangerous to neutralize it immediately, Phantoms, Collector Captains, Geth Hunters, whatever. I mostly shoot after I've Warped a big armoured target, or to mop up a couple mooks. I use hard cover a lot with this character when I'm just zapping out powers to combo.
Other Options
M-6 Carnifex (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), Power Amplifier Mod, Cyclonic Module, Shield Power Cells, Pistol Amp (Gear), Adaptive War Amp, Stasis Rank 5 Evo (Bonus Power)
Reave - 6 (Radius, Damage Protection, Damage & Duration)
Pull - 3
Cluster Grenade - 6 (Force & Damage, Damage Combo, Shrapnel)
Drell Assassin - 5 (Damage & Capacity, Power Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - M-77 Paladin (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Strength Enhancer
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Adrenaline Module
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
I always love moving at ludicrous speeds. This guy is a total powerhouse, I'll simply Reave a boss or group and throw a grenade, Reave, grenade... I'll shoot my weapon in between executing those of course. Pull is for a quick stagger on a rushing Marauder or Collector Captain, and I also use it on unshielded enemies to neutralize them quickly. A follow-up Reave should take care of most Pulled mooks as well. I always take the pizza with this guy. Lots of side stepping and dodges help me stay alive.
Other Options
M-6 Carnifex (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), Executioner Pistol (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), Drill Rounds, Pistol Rail Amp
Asari Justicar (Tanky B*tch)
Biotic Sphere - 6 (Shield Regeneration, Damage Reduction, Allied Protection)
Reave - 6 (Radius, Damage Reduction, Damage & Duration)
Pull - 3
Asari Justicar - 5 (Duration & Capacity, Power Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - M-7 Lancer (Magazine Upgrade, Piercing Mod)
Weapon Bonus - Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Stronghold Package
Armour Bonus - Cyclonic Modulator
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
This setup can take an absolute beating. High shields plus very high damage reduction in the bubble lets me stand around and shoot all day. I simply use the bubble on the cover I want to utilize, Reave some baddies to power up my Warp ammo, then shoot everything in sight. Pull is a great oh sh*t button and it lets me create some combos at range. Biotic Sphere still detonates primed enemies this way so long as I'm close enough when I cast it.
Other Options
Particle Rifle (Magazine Upgrade, Piercing Mod), Collector SMG (Magazine Upgrade, High Velocity Barrel), M-90 Indra (Extended Barrel, Enhanced Scope), Collector Sniper Rifle (Extended Barrel, Piercing Mod), M-11 Wraith (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), Incendiary Rounds, Sniper Rifle Rail Amp, Shotgun Rail Amp
Asari Justicar (Mean B*tch)
Biotic Sphere - 0
Reave - 6 (Radius, Damage Reduction, Barriers & Armour)
Pull - 6 (Radius, Lift Damage, Duration & Combo)
Asari Justicar - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - Collector SMG (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - SMG Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Expert Package
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
Another Justicar setup I use, again dropping one of her powers. This one is more for offensive purposes. I Reave everything, and anything that can be Pulled I Pull it and make it explode. The Collector SMG does good damage with powered up Warp ammo, Reave's DOT is quite good at helping take down armour as well. I like not having to visit ammo boxes.
Other Options
M-11 Wraith (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), Reegar Carbine (Shredder Mod, High Caliber Barrel), M-90 Indra (Piercing Mod, Enhanced Scope), M-77 Paladin (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier), Arc Pistol (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), M-6 Carnifex (Piercing Mod, Magazine Upgrade), Drill Rounds, Shield Power Cells, Power Efficiency Mod, Adrenaline Module, Adaptive War Amp
Singularity - 6 (Radius, Recharge Speed, Detonate)
Smash - 6 (Biotic Combo, Force & Damage, Armour Damage)
Lash - 6 (Detonate, Damage Over Time, Shield Penetration)
Phoenix Training - 5 (Damage & Capacity, Power Damage)
Fitness - 3
Weapon - M-77 Paladin (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Strength Enhancer
Gear Bonus - Adaptive War Amp
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
All three of these powers prime for Biotic Explosions though only Singularity followed by Smash will detonate on armour. Lash also applies DOT to any target. Smash does insane damage set up this way, it's my primary anti-armour attack. With shields I typically use Singularity to prime my Warp ammo, and combine Lash DOT with weapon shots to take down big boss shields. Practically any pistol or SMG with the Power Magnifier can be used, Blood Pack Punisher with Recoil System is great additional anti-armour. Melee is strong enough to give me some breathing room.
Other Options
Drill Rounds, Armour Piercing Rounds, Power Efficiency Mod, Martial Biotic Amp, Geth Scanner, Hydraulic Joints, Pistol Rail Amp, SMG Rail Amp
N7 Fury
Annihilation Field - 6 (Impact Radius, DamageTaken, Drain)
Dark Channel - 6 (Damage, Slow, Pierce)
Throw - 6 (Radius, Detonate, Force & Damage)
N7 Fury - 0
Fitness - 6 (Melee Damage, Martial Artist, Power Synergy)
Weapon - Scorpion (Melee Stunner, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Strength Enhancer
Gear Bonus - Hydraulic Joints
Armour Bonus - Cyclonic Modulator
Ammo Bonus - Disruptor Rounds
Yes, Disruptor ammo on a biotic. Blow me. I knew going into using the Fury I wanted to utilize her great melee. The heavy melee has good AOE and nice damage (multipliers too), and the light melee does the same damage to a single target with crazy fast hits. Typically I can attack a group by using a heavy melee to get in the middle of things, and immediately cast Throw on something affected by Annihilation Field for a good sized biotic combo. The Disruptor Rounds are great when I hit a target with the Scorpion for a little tech burst, helps me take down shields at a distance. Often prepping to attack a mob with a Dark Channel and some pre-placed Scorpion shots on the floor really save my ass. Best way to refine this setup is just take it for a spin. I often punch and kick Primes to death once I have them down to armour.
Other Options
Shield Power Cells, Adrenaline Module, Martial Biotic Amp, Geth Scanner
Volus (Support Freezer)
Powers, Equipment, Playstyle
See Video
Other Options
N7 Eagle (Magazine Upgrade, Piercing Mod)
Volus (Rambo Style)
Stasis - 3
Biotic Orbs - 6 (Damage, Damage, Expose)
Shield Boost - 5 (Radius, Recharge Speed)
Volus Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - N7 Hurricane (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - SMG Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Expert Package
Armour Bonus - Stabilization Module
Ammo Bonus - Armour Piercing Rounds
Bit more newbie-friendly volus setup for killing things. Stasis does what I need it to do at three ranks, which is neutralize Marauders, Collector Captains, and most importantly Phantoms. Follow up with an Orb, boom, an explosion plus a debuff on whatever was in Stasis. I constantly refresh the orbs as often as possible, which eats up my cooldowns a lot so I'm mostly just using Shield Boost for self-regeneration when I can. Orbs are great for debuffing and actually do moderate damage this way as well. To stay alive I use Defensive Stance a crapton for some minor shield regen and I-frames. Shield Boost's Rank 4 evo is personal choice.
Other Options
N7 Eagle (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier), Pistol Rail Amp, Pistol Amp (Gear)
Volus (Chuck Norris Method)
Stasis - 6 (Stasis Strength, Bonus Power, Vulnerability)
Biotic Orbs - 6 (Damage, Damage, Expose)
Shield Boost - 6 (Radius, Recharge Speed, Protection)
Volus Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 0
Weapon - N7 Hurricane (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - SMG Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Barrage Upgrade
Armour Bonus - Power Efficiency Mod
Ammo Bonus - Armour Piercing Rounds
Aggressive volus for the more experienced volus user. Zero Fitness means some finesse, cooldown management, and proper ability use. Plays the same as the newbie-friendly Rambo Style. Both Stasis and Orbs have debuff effects, which not only make it easy to kill things myself but also helps teammates drop baddies as well. Phantoms are a joke with a Stasis, followed by an Orb, then a few bullets from the Hurricane. Defensive Stance maintains survival with i-frames and damage reduction, which can be stacked with Shield Boost.
Other Options
N7 Eagle (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier), Pistol Rail Amp, Pistol Amp (Gear), Expert Package, Stabilization Module
Krogan Shaman
Barrier - 4 (Blast Effect)
Warp - 6 (Detonate, Expose, Pierce)
Shockwave - 5 (Radius, Detonate)
Krogan Berserker - 5 (Damage & Capacity, Power Damage)
Rage - 6 (Melee Damage, Martial Artist, Pure Rage)
Weapon - N7 Piranha (Shredder Mod, Blade Attachment)
Weapon Bonus - Strength Enhancer
Gear Bonus - Hydraulic Joints
Armour Bonus - Cyclonic Modulator
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
I leave Barrier turned off. I have this guy arranged to dish out punishment in a variety of ways - I can Warp and Shockwave for short ranged but very powerful Biotic Explosions, I can melee, I can get close to a boss and Warp and shoot it, and I can tap the Barrier button twice to quickly turn it on and immediately detonate. I keep Barrier off because I have no reason to keep it on, I want my cooldowns kept decent and I can instantly detonate Barrier by doubletapping the appropriate button. This is a pretty effective all-rounder setup that I've grown to like over a very short period of time.
Other Options
Reegar Carbine (Shredder Mod, Blade Attachment), Incendiary Rounds, Martial Biotic Amp, Shotgun Rail Amp
Batarian Slasher
Lash - 6 (Detonate, Damage Over Time, Shield Penetration)
Warp - 6 (Detonate, Expose, Pierce)
Cluster Grenade - 6 (Force & Damage, Damage Combo, Force & Damage)
Batarian Enforcer - 4 (Damage & Capacity)
Fitness - 4 (Durability)
Weapon - Venom Shotgun (Spare Thermal Clip, High Caliber Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Shotgun Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
Cookie-cutter suggestion from Megabeast37215. Warp and shoot, Cluster Grenade. Generally how it goes. Lash is awesome against dangerous mooks or a very close Phantom.
Other Options
Cyclonic Modulator, Shield Power Cells, Shock Trooper Upgrade
Awakened Collector (Captain Peepee Arr)
Note: If I go 6 in Dark Sphere, I have 0 in Dark Channel, and vice versa.
Dark Sphere - 0 or 6 (Damage, Recharge Speed, Dark Matter)
Seeker Swarm - 6 (Recharge Speed, Damage Reduction, Swarm Count)
Dark Channel - 0 or 6 (Damage, Slow, Pierce)
Vengeful Ancient - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Collector/Prothean Weapon Damage)
Ancient Warrior - 6 (Ascension Damage Bonus, Ascension Recharge Speed, Ascension Mastery)
Weapon - Particle Rifle (Magazine Upgrade, High Velocity Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Assault Rifle Amp
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Warp Rounds
Should be pretty obvious what's done here, prime something with Dark Sphere or Dark Channel then blast it away with the PPR. I'm always reactivating Ascension Stance to maintain maximum damage output. Seeker Swarms I keep on for constant damage reduction.
Other Options
Cyclonic Modulator
>>>>>>>==================== SOLDIERS ====================<<<<<<<
Human (Cerberus w/ Talon)
Adrenaline Rush - 4 (Damage)
Concussive Shot - 4 (Radius)
Frag Grenade - 6 (Damage, Bleed Damage, Armour Piercing)
Alliance Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - M-358 Talon (Heavy Barrel, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Shield Power Cells
Ammo Bonus - Armour Piercing Rounds
Made this real quick for my buddy Kocka007, to partake in a challenge he's doing for GameFAQs. Plays pretty simple, soften up spawns with grenades then go in with the Talon to mop up. Typically I'll shoot a full four-shot Talon magazine, then pop Adrenaline Rush for an instant reload and damage bonus. AP Ammo lets me shred armour real nicely. Concussive Shot is great for crowd control and a good oh sh*t button, especially with the extra Radius.
Other Options
Disruptor Rounds, Incendiary Rounds, Power Amplifier Mod, Cyclonic Modulator, Adrenaline Module
Human (Rush'n'Melee)
Adrenaline Rush - 6 (Hardening, Melee Damage, Shield Boost)
Concussive Shot - 6 (Radius, Recharge Speed, Hammer)
Frag Grenade - 6 (Damage, Max Grenades, Armour Piercing)
Alliance Training - 0
Fitness - 6 (Melee Damage, Martial Artist, Melee Synergy)
Weapon - Acolyte (Melee Stunner, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Strength Enhancer
Gear Bonus - Hydraulic Joints
Armour Bonus - Adrenaline Module
Ammo Bonus - Disruptor Rounds
Stab stuff. This was a difficult setup for me at first, I did it initially to goof around with some friends and it went horribly. I stuck with it, did some tweaking, got my timing down and eventually could use this reliably on Gold when I wanted a fun time. I try to single out lone targets, but if there's a group then a grenade or two, some Acolyte shots, and Concussive Shot Tech Burst detonations really softens them up. At that point I charge in, power up my melee with Adrenaline Rush, and stab stuff.
Other Options
Cyclonic Modulator, Shield Power Cells, Juggernaut Shield
Krogan (Fire 'Sploder)
Fortification - 0
Carnage - 6 (Damage, Recharge Speed, Damage)
Inferno Grenades - 6 (Radius, Max Grenades, Radius & Shrapnel)
Krogan Berserker - 6 (Damage & Capacity, Power Damage, Shotguns)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - Venom Shotgun (Blade Attachment, High Caliber Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Strength Enhancer
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Incendiary Rounds
I mostly focus on Fire Explosion combos with Grenades and Carnage, or shooting and Carnage. However there's enough melee damage bonuses where I can go punch stuff adequately, and I do so frequently to knock away Abominations and stagger Phantoms. Dragoons and Phantoms are absolutely neutered with this setup, as the power combos, the Venom, and melee wreak havoc on them. Bosses die at a moderate pace with grenade spam. Fitness can be change for pure melee.
Other Options
M-37 Falcon (Extended Barrel, Omni-Blade), Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle (Extended Barrel, Omni-Blade), Cyclonic Modulator, Adrenaline Module, Warfighter Package, Shock Trooper Upgrade
Marksman - 6 (Firing Rate, Headshots, Accuracy and Firing Rate)
Concussive Shot - 3
Proximity Mine - 5 (Radius, Damage Taken)
Turian Veteran - 6 (Damage & Stability, Headshots, Damage & Stability)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - N7 Typhoon (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Barrage Upgrade
Armour Bonus - Stabilization Module
Ammo Bonus - Armour Piercing Rounds
I play this guy pretty straightforward, sometimes shoot a Proximity Mine to debuff a group or a boss then mow 'em down with the Brophoon. Concussive Shot is great for quick tech detonations and crowd control. Not much else to it. I stack extra stability in case the passive stability doesn't work off host. There's a crapload of weapons that can be used on this setup, listed below.
Other Options
M-7 Lancer (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel), M-99 Saber (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel), M-96 Mattock (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel), Phaeston (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel), Geth Pulse Rifle (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel), Collector Rifle (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel), N7 Eagle (Magazine Upgrade, Heavy Barrel), M-358 Talon (Magazine Upgrade, Heavy Barrel), Scorpion (Magazine Upgrade, Heavy Barrel), N7 Hurricane (Magazine Upgrade, Heat Sink), M-9 Tempest (Magazine Upgrade, Heat Sink), Blood Pack Punisher (Magazine Upgrade, Heat Sink), Geth Plasma SMG (Magazine Upgrade, Heat Sink), M-12 Locust (Magazine Upgrade, Heat Sink), N7 Piranha (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), M-27 Scimitar (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), Cyclonic Modulator, Shotgun Rail Amp, Pistol Rail Amp, SMG Rail Amp
Battlefield 3 (Wallhacker)
Adrenaline Rush - 6 (Hardening, Melee Damage, Shield Boost)
Carnage - 0
Frag Grenade - 6 (Damage, Max Grenades, Armour Piercing)
Alliance Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - N7 Crusader (Shotgun Shredder Mod, High Velocity Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Shotgun Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Geth Scanner
Armour Bonus - Shield Power Cells
Ammo Bonus - Drill Rounds
With this setup I can shoot through about four meters of solid objects and still hit my target, with zero damage loss. It's nothing short of awesome, and a little cheap. Geth Scanner is required for precise wallhack kills, though some enemies can be too far away but still show up on the targeting reticule. Frag Grenades are the crowd control power here, and can be tossed to soften up or kill most of a spawn. Training rank five is my personal preference, however the Power Damage option only increases Frag damage by about 130 points so headshots is definitely an option. Adrenaline Rush rank four is also my preference, the Damage option increases the per-shot damage of the Crusader by about 160 points so combining that plus extra headshot damage from passives can definitely pay off. The Crusader can take a little getting used to off host, but it can be as quick as one game to ease into. A lot of weapons can be used in this fashion, mostly Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles, and Shotguns since they can equip both penetration mods as required (which give the ability to not suffer damage loss from firing through walls). Due to the nature of Adrenaline Rush I also recommend burst or semi-auto weapons.
Other Options
M-90 Indra (Piercing Mod, High Velocity Barrel), N7 Valiant (Piercing Mod, High Velocity Barrel), M-97 Viper (Piercing Mod, High Velocity Barrel), M-300 Claymore (Shotgun Shredder Mod, High Velocity Barrel), M-11 Wraith (Shotgun Shredder Mod, High Velocity Barrel), M-22 Eviscerator (Shotgun Shredder Mod, High Velocity Barrel), M-99 Saber (Piercing Mod, High Velocity Barrel), M-96 Mattock (Piercing Mod, High Velocity Barrel), N7 Valkyrie (Piercing Mod, High Velocity Barrel), Assault Rifle Rail Amp, Sniper Rifle Rail Amp
Ballistic Blades - 6 (Cone Spread, Range, Explosive Blades)
Blade Armour - 0
Inferno Grenade - 6 (Damage, Max Grenades, Armour Damage)
Batarian Enforcer - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Damage & Ammo)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - Venom Shotgun (Spare Thermal Clip, High Caliber Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Shotgun Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Disruptor Rounds
CQC powerhouse, props to Megabeast37215 for suggesting I drop Blade Armour entirely. Ballistic Blades and shooting the Venom will stagger or stun pretty much any mook in the game. With Grenade Capacity I have lots of grenades and I throw them at everything. Both the Grenades and the Blades also do very good damage with all the power damage boosters. Lots of shotguns can be used.
Other Options
M-11 Wraith (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), AT-12 Raider (Smart Choke, High Velocity Barrel), Graal Spike Thrower (Spare Thermal Clip, High Caliber Barrel), Incendiary Rounds, Cyclonic Modulator, Shield Power Cells, Power Efficiency Mod, Shock Trooper Upgrade
Bloodlust - 6 (Health Regeneration, Power Damage, Health Regeneration)
Flamer - 6 (Reach, Damage, Armour Damage)
Carnage - 6 (Damage, Recharge Speed, Damage)
Vorcha Resilience - 4 (Damage & Capacity)
Fitness - 4 (Durability)
Weapon - Arc Pistol (Pistol Melee Stunner, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Pistol Amp
Armour Bonus - Power Efficiency Mod
Ammo Bonus - Incendiary Rounds
I go for repeated Fire Explosions with this setup, whether they're primed by Flamer or the ammo I try to detonate with Carnage. The Efficiency Mod helps with Carnage's recharge speed, as with Bloodlust on I find it's incredibly slow on its own. Melee boosters can help me change up the playstyle a little bit, using heavy melee to finish off a lot of mooks. Pretty much any pistol with the Melee Stunner and Power Magnifier can be used, preferably ones with range. I put the extra point in Fitness for some additional health as this guy's individual powers are not what I rely on for damage, but the combos themselves. Plus he's the squish.
Other Options
Power Amplifier Mod, Hydraulic Joints, Strength Enhancer
N7 Destroyer
Devastator Mode - 6 (Shield Recharge Delay, Magazine Size, Max Shields)
Hawk Missile Launcher - 6 (Shield Penalty, Armour Damage, Hydra Missile)
Multi Frag Grenade - 0
T5-V Battlesuit - 6 (Weapon Damage, Headshots, Weapon Damage)
T5-V Internal Systems - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - Particle Rifle (Magazine Upgrade, High Velocity Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Assault Rifle Amp
Armour Bonus - Cyclonic Modulator
Ammo Bonus - Incendiary Rounds
Doesn't need an explanation here. Super tanky this way, too. I still tweak here and there a lot with this character.
Other Options
Warp Rounds, Stronghold Package
Turian Havoc
Havoc Strike - 6 (Force & Damage, Melee Damage, Force & Damage)
Stimulant Pack - 6 (Damage, Pack Capacity, Survival)
Cryo Blast - 0
Armiger Legion - 6 (Damage & Stability, Power Damage, Damage & Stability)
Fitness - 6 (Melee Damage, Martial Artist, Melee Synergy)
Weapon - Venom Shotgun (Blade Attachment, High Caliber Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Strength Enhancer
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Disruptor Rounds
Pretty much any shotgun, assault rifle, or pistol with appropriate melee and power booster mods could work. I try to dual strike where possible but I've only ever gotten the short-ranged one to work (Havoc Strike first, interrupt with heavy melee). So anything within heavy melee range gets dual striked. Farther targets get a Havoc Strike melee chain for a bit. I like the Venom with Disruptor for stunning on top of stagger. Stim Packs boost all damage and give a big melee boost, and with seven I have enough for survival.
Other Options
Incendiary Rounds
Geth Trooper
Flamer - 6 (Reach, Damage, Armour Damage)
Fortification - 5 (Durability, Power Synergy)
Hunter Mode - 6 (Power Recharge, Power Damage, Damage)
Networked AI - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Advanced Hardware - 3
Weapon - Particle Rifle (Magazine Upgrade, High Velocity Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Engineering Kit
Armour Bonus - Cyclonic Modulator
Ammo Bonus - Drill Rounds
This is a flammenwerfer. It werfs flammen. I consider this setup the deadliest setup with a Practical Rifle in the game, as it's arranged for maximum possible damage output. When I'm not shooting, I'm Flaming. When I'm not Flaming, I'm shooting. Before I start firing the first mag of the PPR I shoot out a quick burp of the Flamer to apply DOT to anything in reach. Drill Rounds lets me shoot through walls. The listed equipment is a more durable setup, personally I prefer a Power Amplifier Mod and Stronghold Package.
Other Options
N7 Typhoon (Magazine Upgrade, High Velocity Barrel), M-7 Lancer (Magazine Upgrade, High Velocity Barrel), Geth Spitfire (Stability Damper, High Velocity Barrel), Incendiary Rounds, Power Amplifier Mod, Stabilization Module, Stronghold Package
Quarian Marksman
Marksman - 6 (Firing Rate, Headshots, Accuracy and Firing Rate)
Tactical Scan - 6 (Weapon Damage, Movement Speed, Damage)
Sabotage - 0
Quarian Defender - 6 (Weapon Damage, Headshots, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - N7 Valkyrie (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Assault Rifle Amp
Armour Bonus - Cyclonic Modulator
Ammo Bonus - Armour Piercing Rounds
Made a thread about this one. Focused this character all around the N7 Valkyrie, works very nicely. Kills all enemies quickly with consistent headshots. All bosses get Scanned before popping Marksman, which initially took some getting used to (the Infiltrator is Cloak then Scan, this guy other way around). It's plausible to drop Fitness to five or even four ranks in order to put points in Sabotage for a stagger power, but I almost never used it when I had it myself. Targeting VI helps mooks die real fast.
Other Options
Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel), Disruptor Rounds, Vulnerability VI, Targeting VI
Geth Juggernaut (Scumbag Prime)
Hex Shield - 4 (Pulse)
Siege Pulse - 6 (Damage, Recharge Speed, Resistance Damage)
Geth Turret - 6 (Shield Restore, Restore Range, Restore Frequency)
Geth Juggernaut - 5 (Damage & Capacity, Power Damage)
Hardened Platform - 5 (Durability, Shield Recharge)
Weapon - Collector SMG (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier), Scorpion (Magazine Upgrade, High Caliber Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - SMG Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Stronghold Package
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Incendiary Rounds
I hate Scumbag Primes, so naturally I enjoy playing as a Scumbag Prime. This setup and the N7 Slayer are the only two I avoid playing off host. Before jumping into the fray, I get my Siege Pulses ready. Once I size up where the baddies are, I put down a quick Turret nearby to restore my shields and pop a Hex Shield to cover my flank. Beyond that, it's shooting the Collector SMG at anything that moves to prime then blowing it away with Siege Pulse. The Scorpion is for on host Phantoms and end-of-wave mook rushes. When necessary, I'll heavy melee something close to regenerate. Most of the time, I get close to a Phantom then pick her up for a moment with heavy melee. When I drop her she's easy pickings for Siege Pulse.
Other Options
Disruptor Rounds, Omni-Capacitors
>>>>>>>==================== ENGINEERS ====================<<<<<<<
Human (Combonator)
Combat Drone - 0
Incinerate - 6 (Radius, Burning Damage, Armour Damage)
Overload - 6 (Chain Overload, Neural Shock, Chain Overload)
Alliance Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - Arc Pistol (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Omni-Capacitors
Armour Bonus - Adrenaline Module
Ammo Bonus - Disruptor Ammo
I whip this out to detonate someone's Flamer Fire Explosions or Snap Freeze Cryo Explosions. Practically all I do the entire game is follow whoever has these powers and hit a group with Overload once the enemies are primed. Incinerate is mostly for lone targets or armoured enemies, but I still use it to detonate. Arc Pistol shots between power use helps to kill all the things. Both powers and shots can stagger or stun a harassing mook.
Other Options
M-6 Carnifex (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), M-11 Suppressor (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), Incendiary Rounds, Engineering Kit, Structural Ergonomics
Quarian Female
Sentry Turret - 6 (Shields & Damage, Armour Piercing Ammo, Flamethrower)
Incinerate - 6 (Radius, Burning Damage, Freeze Combo)
Cryo Blast - 6 (Radius, Speed Reduction, Frozen Vulnerability)
Quarian Defender - 5 (Damage & Capacity, Power Damage)
Fitness - 3
Weapon - Arc Pistol (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Engineering Kit
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Cryo Rounds
Another classic since the demo, she's still my favourite Engi. I utilize Cryo Blast and Incinerate combos on absolutely everything. The Speed Reduction in Cryo Blast as well as Cryo Ammo stack nicely to reduce speed of things such as Phantoms and Praetorians significantly. Usually I'll throw a Sentry Turret down somewhere useful before I start shooting and slinging other powers so I get some extra damage in. The Turret will also prime for Fire Explosions. Getting used to her lets me be able to single-handedly take down anything. Any frozen mook on Gold will die from Incinerate's DOT after a moment. Cryo Rounds often snap-freezes enemies for me so I can immediately Incinerate to kill. Solid character.
Other Options
M-6 Carnifex (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), M-77 Paladin (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier), M-358 Talon (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), M-11 Suppressor (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), N7 Hurricane (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier), Collector SMG (Magazine Upgrade, Power Magnifier), Disruptor Rounds, Incendiary Rounds, Power Efficiency Mod, Stabilization Module, Omni-Capacitors, Expert Package, SMG Rail Amp
Energy Drain - 5 (Radius, Drain)
Decoy - 6 (Duration, Shock, Exploding Decoy)
Incinerate - 6 (Radius, Burning Damage, Armour Damage)
Salarian Operative - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 3
Weapon - Collector Sniper Rifle (Extended Barrel, Piercing Mod)
Weapon Bonus - Sniper Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Operative Package
Armour Bonus - Power Efficiency Mod
Ammo Bonus - Incendiary Rounds
He's pretty squishy so it created a bit of a conundrum. I try to hang back but the CSR has limited range, so I try to stay just inside that range when attacking. Preemptive Decoys draw aggro away. Shielded mooks I typically Energy Drain first then shoot a mag into their head. Once I have bosses down to armour, I start to Incinerate them and shoot.
Other Options
M-90 Indra (Extended Barrel, Enhanced Scope), Warp Rounds, Power Amplifier Mod, Omni-Capacitors, Engineering Kit
Geth Turret - 6 (Shields & Damage, Armour Damage, Flamethrower)
Hunter Mode - 0
Overload - 6 (Chain Overload, Neural Shock, Chain Overload)
Networked AI - 6 (Weapon Damage, Headshots, Weapon Damage)
Advanced Hardware - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - M-90 Indra (Enhanced Scope, High Velocity Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Sniper Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Geth Scanner
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Incendiary Rounds
I mess with this guy a bit but I last settled on this offensive setup without Hunter Mode. The Indra lets me sit back and mow down stuff that's stunned from Overload, and repeated Overloads set off the ammo-applied combos. I'll use the Turret for healing even though it's not fully set up for it, because it still gets the job done. Preemptive Turret helps with my overall damage output. Usually I whip this guy out for a tech squad with no good combo detonators.
Other Options
Collector Sniper Rifle (Extended Barrel, Piercing Mod), M-7 Lancer (Magazine Upgrade, Piercing Mod), Particle Rifle (Magazine Upgrade, High Velocity Barrel), Disruptor Rounds, Armour Piercing Rounds, Power Efficiency Mod,
Omni-Capacitors, Operative Package, Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Quarian Male
Tactical Scan - 6 (Weapon Damage, Movement Speed, Damage)
Incinerate - 4 (Radius)
Arc Grenade - 6 (Damage, Max Grenades, Shield Overload)
Quarian Defender - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 4 (Durability)
Weapon - M-77 Paladin (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Disruptor Rounds
Tech combos for everyone! I size up a group quickly before attacking and Scan the toughest or most dangerous baddy, typically a boss or sub-boss if one is present. After that I start a cycle by shooting, using Incinerate to create a Tech Burst, then throwing an Arc Grenade for a Fire Explosion. Good AOE and overall damage. I'll repeat as necessary but usually after that first strike I resolve to mostly shooting and casting Incinerate, and only use an Arc Grenade or two for cleanup. Sometimes I'll Arc Grenade a spawn before I have line of sight to weaken shields and barriers, but only if I know the grenade toss.
Other Options
M-6 Carnifex (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), M-11 Suppressor (Piercing Mod, Power Magnifier), Incendiary Rounds
N7 Demolisher
Supply Pylon - 6 (Radius, Weapon Damage, Max Shields)
Arc Grenade - 6 (Damage, Electrical Damage, Shield Overload)
Homing Grenade - 6 (Damage, Fire Damage, Armour Damage)
N7 Demolisher - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 0
Weapon - Collector Sniper Rifle (Extended Barrel, Piercing Mod)
Weapon Bonus - Sniper Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Cyclonic Modulator
Ammo Bonus - Incendiary Rounds
Not an atypical Demolisher method, clearly, but works fine for me. I have a grenade type for dropping shields and barriers quick, and another type for hitting armour hard and debuffing it. The Pylon's just there to help me hold my chokepoints. This is one setup I'll camp hard with even on Gold. I like holding chokepoints that are right next to or very close to ammo boxes to help me restock grenades where necessary.
Other Options
M-90 Indra (Piercing Mod, Enhanced Scope), M-7 Lancer (Magazine Upgrade, Piercing Mod, Armour Piercing Rounds, Power Amplifier Mod, Shield Power Cells, Warfighter Package, Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Volus (Support Debuffer)
Powers, Equipment, Playstyle
See Video
Other Options
N7 Eagle (Magazine Upgrade, Piercing Mod)
Volus (Rambo Style)
Recon Mine - 6 (Radius, Recharge Speed, Invasive Scan)
Proximity Mine - 5 (Radius, Damage Taken)
Shield Boost - 3
Volus Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 6 (Durability, Shield Recharge, Fitness Expert)
Weapon - N7 Eagle (Magazine Upgrade, Heavy Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Omni-Capacitors
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier
Ammo Bonus - Armour Piercing Rounds
Another more newb-friendly volus for killing. Once again I keep Shield Boost low since the Mines take up most of my cooldowns. Defensive Stance can keep me alive for the most part but occasionally I need a Shield Boost to recharge all my shields immediately. Plays pretty similar to ToLazy4Name's method, drop a Recon Mine and start pooping out Proxy Mines and I'm instantly doing 45% more damage. Lets me mow down entire spawns without reloading. Weaker armour such as Scions can be one-mag'd. Recon Mine can be detonated for cleanup, best to hit enemies in Recon Mine with a Proxy just before detonating though.
Other Options
Incendiary Rounds, Power Efficiency Mod, Pistol Amp (Gear)
Volus (Chuck Norris Method)
Recon Mine - 6 (Radius, Recharge Speed, Invasive Scan)
Proximity Mine - 6 (Radius, Damage Taken, Recharge Speed)
Shield Boost - 6 (Radius, Recharge Speed, Protection)
Volus Training - 6 (Weapon Damage, Power Damage, Weapon Damage)
Fitness - 0
Weapon - N7 Eagle (Magazine Upgrade, Heavy Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Pistol Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Omni-Capacitors
Armour Bonus - Power Efficiency Mod
Ammo Bonus - Armour Piercing Rounds
Zero Fitness aggressor for the veteran volus. Plays the same as Rambo Style. Recon Mine coupled with Proximity Mine causes big debuffs in a wide area, allowing me to cut down all sorts of baddies with the Eagle. Recon Mine does decent damage when detonated as well, so it's good for cleaning up a few loners from a spawn or finishing off tougher armoured opponents that have been severely damaged. Shield Boost and Defensive Stance maintain i-frames and damage reduction, and cloaking during Recon Mine cooldowns can help keep enemies off my back while I wait to use a Proximity Mine.
Other Options
Incendiary Rounds, Power Amplifier Mod
Turian Saboteur (Staggermucker)
Sentry Turret - 4 (Shock)
Sabotage - 6 (Backfire, Explosive Hack, Berserk)
Homing Grenade - 6 (Damage, Fire Damage, Armour Damage)
Armiger Legion - 6 (Damage & Stability, Power Damage, Damage & Stability)
Fitness - 4 (Durability)
Weapon - M-7 Lancer (Magazine Upgrade, Extended Barrel)
Weapon Bonus - Assault Rifle Rail Amp
Gear Bonus - Warfighter Package
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Armour Piercing Rounds
Currently I have Tech Vuln on Sabotage, I wanted to give it a try. The premise remains the same, all of this guy's powers cause good stagger. The Turret can hold off mooks in a chokepoint or doorway with the Shock evo. Sabotage is an awesome hitscan stagger. Homing Grenade hits hard and debuffs armour. The Lancer works fantastic on this setup.
Other Options
Any Assault Rifle, Grenade Capacity
Vorcha Hunter
Powers, Equipment, Playstyle
See Thread
Cookie-cutter setup from Stikman. Don't have him set up this way right now, think I did RNG Game last time I played him and got a Mattock.
Other Options
M-358 Talon (Melee Stunner, Power Magnifier)
Talon Mercenary
Cain Trip Mine - 6 (Damage, Armour Damage, Damage)
Concussive Arrows - 0
Armour Piercing Arrows - 6 (Damage, Armour Damage, Arrow Count)
Elite Mercenary - 6 (Power Damage, Power Damage, Charge Generation)
Omni Bow Mastery - 6 (Omni-Bow Damage, Killing Spree, Omni-Bow Damage)
Weapon - Arc Pistol (Melee Stunner, Power Magnifier)
Weapon Bonus - Strength Enhancer
Gear Bonus - Grenade Capacity
Armour Bonus - Power Amplifier Mod
Ammo Bonus - Drill Rounds
Cain Mines get spammed against groups or tough baddies, the AP Arrows are good for armour cleanup and mooks. Against mooks I keep the Arc Pistol charged, lock on with arrows, then right as the arrows fire I release the trigger so the Arc Pistol fires. When the bow locks on it's pointing right at a mook's head, so the Arc Pistol shoots them in the head. Durability is low, so it's always a struggle. This way is for maximum damage.
Other Options
Armour Piercing Rounds, Cyclonic Modulator
Sentinels, Infiltrators, and Vanguards continue in the next post.
Edited by MofuggerX, 08 December 2013 - 07:05 PM.