When you are playing off host, the amount of data you send to the server will be proportional to your framerate. So, reducing your framerate will also reduce the amount of network traffic and decrease the chance of rubber banding issue. Until now that was the only known workaround but ...
I have found a different workaround that will help reduce the amount of network traffic without having to decrease you frame rate. Before you proceed however please note that this fix is meant for people playing at a high frame (60+ FPS) or those who often play at night from australia and experience this glitch very often. If you don't have these problems then please stay away from it.
Anyway here is the fix:
There is a varible inside Coalesced.bin called MOVEREP_DELAY_FRAME. It controls how many frames the game will skip before sending client position information to the host. It's default value is 1 which means that the game will send 1 update each second frame.
You should set it to an iteger value which will give you an acceptable number of position updates sent per second. This is how you calculate how many updates you'll get based on your framerate:
Position updates per second = FPS / (MOVEREP_DELAY_FRAME + 1)
A good value to be at is in range 20-30 position updates per second. If that still gives you problems you can go lower but I would not go lower than 15. I personaly play at 120 FPS, so for me I have set it to 5, which gives me 20 position updates per second.
Oh yeah, this will not affect how fast you deal damage or how fast your powers get transmitted to the host so it will not add any aditional lag time or anything like that. It will in fact reduce your lag a bit because network packets will be smaller because there is less data to send.
Edited by Caratinoid, 29 July 2013 - 02:08 PM.