I was trying to check the library for multiplicative and additive bonus, and ended up reading the tests from peddro, corlist aso on heasdhots (HS) . As there R four or more of them I thought it might be useful to put all the info in one
but i m sure it ll need corrections and reminders. And maybe some of it is not up to date
- HS has a separate multiplier in weapon damage calculation. Most weapons have a 2.5 HS multiplier against mooks.
So if U have a weapon base damage WBD, WD total additive bonus and no debuff you get for HS Damage = WBD*(1+WD)*2.5*defense multiplier. - Few weapons have a specific HS bonus against mooks instead of 2.5 (weapon summary by corlist):
- * 4 : supressor.
- * 3 : Locust, Geth Pulse Rifle, Valkyrie, Kishock Harpoon Gun, Graal Spike Thrower.
- Other projectiles weapons do not get HSs. - Armor damage mitigation comes after the damage calculation. Meaning HS multiplicative nature does not multiply the armor mitigation. (cool)
- Specific Defense multipliers are applied last and multiply everything.
- HS modifiers do not enhance Ammo bonus damages. They are caclulated and applied first (except for Inci rounds whose damages are applied through 6 dot ticks separated by 0.5 sec).
- HS bonus coming from passives (rank 5b) works as a classical additive WD bonus : its not added to the multiplicative HS one.
- Vulnerability VI gear is also an additive bonus (+20% at level V).
- Targetting VI weapon bonus are also additive. Level II is 25% and level III is 35% WD bonus.
- Debuffs (concerning weapons) operate in the same multiplier as HS. So that they are multiplicative to WD bonus and additive to HS multiplier. Every details on the weapon damage formula can be found in this thread from peddro. But upper formula become : HS Damage = [WBD*(1+WD)*(2.5+1+ SumDebuffs)-ArmorDR]defense multiplier.
- Tactical scan 5A evo is bugged and DOES NOTHING : not only it's not in the HS multiplicative bonus, but neither in the additive WD bonus. However, normal weapon debuff up to 32.5% is applied though as a multiplier.
- Marksman 5B is working better than expected : you get a 1.3125 mutiplier damage bonus instead of an additive 25% : the classical 2.5 multiplier is transformed into 2.5*(1+0.3125)=3.28
- Pistol Cranial Trauma system 5 is also multiplicative 1.4 HS bonus : 2.5*(1+0.4) = 3.5
- Head Gib Chance varies from one weapon to another: Values are listed there.
Next few points concerns bosses and are often directly copy paste from “boss Headshots work BUT…” from peddro.
- On boss, the HS multiplier is 1.4 whatever the gun (except for Praetorians). And this seem to act as a max capped value so that usual HS multiplier bonus tend to do nothing (see below)
- The Bosses head shot locations are brutes head, the vent on the back of the atlas, the collection of skulls in the praetorian's lower abdomen, the prime's head, the banshee's head and the scion's head.
- Praetorians suffer from an HS multiplier of 2.
- Marksman "special" HS evolution that works so well vs regular enemies DOES NOTHING in case of boss headshots : Not only it is not in the HS multiplicative bonus, but neither in the additive WD bonus.
- Pistol Cranial Trauma System V (pistol add-on), the other "special" HS modifier DOES NOTHING in case of boss headshots.
- Other bonuses apply as usual in the WD bonus (targetting VI, passive 5B, vulnerability VI).
- Debuffs work as usual.
Last few points concerns bosses specific locations or multiple hits:
- Ravager sacs, Scions shoulder sac, Atlas knees, groin and shoulders plates suffering enough damage will all cause a stagger and a specific damage spike but are not actual headshots.
- Ravager's sacs will allways break if hit. It then sustain a damage spike of 7.5 % of it's total armor pool.
- Scions shoulder sac breaks if it suffer damage of 15% of the Scion total armor. The damage spike is then 20 % of their armor.
- Atlas weak points are broken if hit for 5% of its global armor value. The damage spike is then 7 %.
- Multiple hits on units mean hitting successively different subpiece along the bullet trajectory, each of them recording damage for themselves (up to breaking) and to the total armor pool point. With enough penetration Ravager (with sufficient angle, two sacs and the ravager itself) and Atlas (small canopy, canopy's inside, atlas itself) might suffer triples hits. Praetorian HS can also lead to a second normal hit. Banshees (with hand of denial raised) and Scion suffer double hits too.
- For penetration amount needed, 1.80 m for both the Banshee and the phantom.
- U can look at capn233's post too.
- Phantom have complicated mechanics when bubbled and suffer double hits too. This thread and this deerber post contain most of the usefull info.
- The turret does not have a weak point, but it's plate is a relatively large easy to shoot target.
- Phantoms, Dragoon, Hunters, Pyros and other humanoid guys are in the mooks category regarding HS.
- EDITED with inputs of Nucleartech76, Cato, MGW7, Annomander, Deerber, Tyhw aso.
Edited by Alfonsedode, 11 May 2016 - 12:52 PM.