Dude, you have 6 medigels in a match, there's no excuse not to use them immediately if you go down. Don't wait to get revived because it will only make it worse for your team, instead be a man and realize that you died because you did something stupid and take the consequences and use a medigel!
Too many times have I seen professional rage gellers run out of gel by wave 5 and when they eventually get smoked and bleed out, they blame the team for it. Almost as fun to watch as someone who bleeds out on wave 10 during a difficult objective because they're out of gels. I'm sure that their team benefited immensely from their gelling.
I'm not saying that one shouldn't insta gel, some situations do call for it- about to get stomped, died in open ground where a revive would be too risky, killed by a lurking turret and don't want team mates to follow the same path or because you just have to get revenge on that stupid sneaking guardian.
But to say that one should insta gel all the time is ridiculous.