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Basic Character Stats (for the lazy)

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So anyone wonder what all the stats, modifiers and attributes mean? Well, you could look them up in SP if you weren't so lazy, but here you go (provided MP works the same as SP):



  • Strength: affects Attack (Warriors) and Guard DMG Bonus
  • Dexterity: affects Attack (Rogues) and Critical DMG Bonus
  • Magic: affects Attack (Mages) and Barrier DMG Bonus
  • Cunning: affects Crit Chance and Ranged Defence
  • Willpower: affects Attack (all Classes) and Magic Defence
  • Constitution: affects Health (HP) and Melee Defence
  • Inquisition: means that need to be emplyed to make Catastrophy compile lists as this (currently rated as "Rack")

Offensive and Defensive modifiers:

  • Attack: affects the amount of DMG dealt
  • Melee Defence: DR (damage resistance) in percent against physical melee attacks
  • Ranged Defence: DR (damage resistance) in percent against physical ranged attacks
  • Magic Defence: DR (damage resistance) in percent against magic and elemental attacks
  • Cold/Electrical/Fire/Spirit Resistance: DR (damage resistance) in percent against the specified elemental attack
  • Guard DMG Bonus: extra amount of DMG against ENEMY active guard effect
  • Armour Penetration: each point of AP ignores one point of target's armour (whatever that means)
  • Barrier DMG Bonus: extra amount of DMG against ENEMY active barriers
  • Crit DMG Bonus: extra DMG dealt on critical hit
  • Crit Chance: chance of Crit per hit against enemy target
  • Stagger on Hit: stagger chance per hit against enemy target
  • Bleed on Hit: bleed chance per hit against enemy target
  • Stagger on being hit: chance to inflict stagger (stun) per hit SUSTAINED against enemy attacker
  • Bleed on being hit: chance to inflict bleed effect per hit SUSTAINED against enemy attacker
  • Heal on Kill: amount / percentage healed per killing blow
  • Flanking DMG Bonus: extra DMG dealt when attacking (hitting) from side or rear
  • Guard: extra layer of health which needs to be depleted before DMG is dealt to basic health


  • BS threshold: tolerance value to exceed before a player considers pressing alt-f4, currently tested with Demon Commander, characters bumping into each other and erratic targetting behaviour
  • Clay pot resolve: test to determine player dedication to loot gold
  • Gold: basic currency provided by a sinister underground organization to have people buy lyrium and force them into addiction

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Peer of the Empire

Peer of the Empire
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Not sure what the reasoning behind hiding all of the advanced information is.  They obviously assume the average console player is dumb B)


Maybe marketing thinks customers' self-esteems will be negatively impacted if there is even a hint of higher order gameplay


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Yeah not giving the MP a proper character sheet is weird and dumb.


Anyhow, thanks Catastrophy! I'm sure loads of people will find this useful.

Sir Jessku

Sir Jessku
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Ty for stats. It wasn't laziness. It was lack of anyone informing me where it can be found. A lot of us haven't played SP. Is it on a codex off main menu?


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Ty for stats. It wasn't laziness. It was lack of anyone informing me where it can be found. A lot of us haven't played SP. Is it on a codex off main menu?

In the Codex is a list about status effects (I think under Tutorial, first entry) - the descriptions in my list are from the character sheet (I think it's accessed by "p" - attributes tab?). They pop up as tooltips there.


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Some of us knew this but did not just assume it to be true since some abilities are not the same in multiplayer as they are in single player. And we won't know for sure until we can actually see the stats if they raise them at the same level or not or even at all.

Sir Jessku

Sir Jessku
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Wait, I just realized that isn't specific info. Ty for your work but is the effects of stats listed anywhere? Such as, 4 cunning = +4 crit chance?


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Specific attribute stats here.


4 Cunning = 4% crit, but also grants ranged def.  If you had to choose between the two, I'd take cunning as you're getting more out of it.


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Specific attribute stats here.


4 Cunning = 4% crit, but also grants ranged def.  If you had to choose between the two, I'd take cunning as you're getting more out of it.


That information is incorrect. 1 Cunning gives 0.5% crit.


I've been doing some testing & theorycrafting on Combat & Strategy forum.


For science!

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Anyone else find it really, really weird that Willpower seems flat out better than Strength or Magic for their favored classes? Especially since Dex's benefit is so good.


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.5% Attack (for Warriors)

1% Guard Damage Bonus



.5% Attack

.5% Magic Defense Bonus



.5% Attack (for Mages)

1% Barrier Damage Bonus



.5% Critical Chance

.5% Ranged Defense Bonus



.5% Melee Defense

5 HP



.5% Attack (for Rogues)

1% Critical Damage Bonus


A critical does +40% bonus damage by default, modified by items and Dexterity.


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That information is incorrect. 1 Cunning gives 0.5% crit.


I've been doing some testing & theorycrafting on Combat & Strategy forum.


For science!

Excellent!  Thank you for the correction and the testing.


I think I'd still rather take 2% crit and 2% ranged defense over 4% crit.


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What about normal Guard cap, and max Guard cap?


Or hitpoints base / Gained per level or per Con point?


I also don't think the system works as in single player since crafting is all about RNG, but untill they officially start posting some numbers I suppose it is better than nothing.

Chaz Darkbane

Chaz Darkbane
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.5% Attack (for Warriors)

1% Guard Damage Bonus



.5% Attack

.5% Magic Defense Bonus



.5% Attack (for Mages)

1% Barrier Damage Bonus



.5% Critical Chance

.5% Ranged Defense Bonus



.5% Melee Defense

5 HP



.5% Attack (for Rogues)

1% Critical Damage Bonus


A critical does +40% bonus damage by default, modified by items and Dexterity.


I am not sure how you can by this information but if this is true I will certainly take this into account with future builds. Knowing exactly how much each attribute provides is essential in deciding whether or not we want our class passive that boosts attributes.


With this information, we can calculate that the Reaver passive Wrathful (+6 strength and +3 constitution) gives

  • 3% attack damage
  • 6% Guard bonus
  • 15 hp
  • 1.5% Melee resistance

Not a bad bunch of stats for a single skill point. Really it will come down to whether or not you would want this stat boost over a passive effect. Consider this, you can get this bunch of stats listed above for the investment of one skill point. But is that worth sacrificing another passive effect which would also give attributes as well? Likely not.


Don't get me wrong here, if this information is correct then attributes are stronger than I initially thought and makes prestiging a character worthwhile, but if I am going to sacrifice a beneficial passive for a flat stat boost I would like the difference to be heftier. I could drop my Wrathful passive for Hamstring gain half the damage bonus and be able to slow enemies by 50%, that seems like a pretty obvious choice. 


If Wrathful were say, twice as powerful I might seriously consider it for the attributes boost, but as it is right now. There are likely better choices. This is all under the assumption that this information is correct.


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That information is incorrect. 1 Cunning gives 0.5% crit.


I've been doing some testing & theorycrafting on Combat & Strategy forum.


For science!


so all i have to do is promote rogues 200 times and then demon commander will get what's coming to him


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I came up with it by testing it in SP repeatedly with different items (+2, +5, +15, etc) and watching the increases in the stats that implied they were tied to a base stat as well as what actually changed. Now I can't say that MP and SP are the same for that as only Bioware can confirm that but what I detailed is exactly what SP does.

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