So anyone wonder what all the stats, modifiers and attributes mean? Well, you could look them up in SP if you weren't so lazy, but here you go (provided MP works the same as SP):
- Strength: affects Attack (Warriors) and Guard DMG Bonus
- Dexterity: affects Attack (Rogues) and Critical DMG Bonus
- Magic: affects Attack (Mages) and Barrier DMG Bonus
- Cunning: affects Crit Chance and Ranged Defence
- Willpower: affects Attack (all Classes) and Magic Defence
- Constitution: affects Health (HP) and Melee Defence
- Inquisition: means that need to be emplyed to make Catastrophy compile lists as this (currently rated as "Rack")
Offensive and Defensive modifiers:
- Attack: affects the amount of DMG dealt
- Melee Defence: DR (damage resistance) in percent against physical melee attacks
- Ranged Defence: DR (damage resistance) in percent against physical ranged attacks
- Magic Defence: DR (damage resistance) in percent against magic and elemental attacks
- Cold/Electrical/Fire/Spirit Resistance: DR (damage resistance) in percent against the specified elemental attack
- Guard DMG Bonus: extra amount of DMG against ENEMY active guard effect
- Armour Penetration: each point of AP ignores one point of target's armour (whatever that means)
- Barrier DMG Bonus: extra amount of DMG against ENEMY active barriers
- Crit DMG Bonus: extra DMG dealt on critical hit
- Crit Chance: chance of Crit per hit against enemy target
- Stagger on Hit: stagger chance per hit against enemy target
- Bleed on Hit: bleed chance per hit against enemy target
- Stagger on being hit: chance to inflict stagger (stun) per hit SUSTAINED against enemy attacker
- Bleed on being hit: chance to inflict bleed effect per hit SUSTAINED against enemy attacker
- Heal on Kill: amount / percentage healed per killing blow
- Flanking DMG Bonus: extra DMG dealt when attacking (hitting) from side or rear
- Guard: extra layer of health which needs to be depleted before DMG is dealt to basic health
- BS threshold: tolerance value to exceed before a player considers pressing alt-f4, currently tested with Demon Commander, characters bumping into each other and erratic targetting behaviour
- Clay pot resolve: test to determine player dedication to loot gold
- Gold: basic currency provided by a sinister underground organization to have people buy lyrium and force them into addiction