So after having vultured the forum and played my first 100 games, I noticed alot of complaints from players about speedrunning. Well I here to tell you, that pretty much both of you are doing it wrong, speedrunners and looters alike. Why do I say that you ask? Because in most conflicts, both parties usually share some responsibility and blame. I will save this explanation for the end of the guide however.
Disclaimer: The is a general use guide intended with new players in mind. Results can vary with player experience and difficulty levels.
Basic battle tactics:
Your team -
a. Assess your team situation. You should have a combination of ranged and melee fighters. If your team composes of more than two melee kits, then walk away from the lobby.
b. Melee kits are the slowest looters. Melee kits have no business being in the back of the pack. Keep these two things in mind for later.
c. Range kits are the fastest looters. Range kits have the advantage of reach. Also important to keep in mind.
d. Sprint - On console, you click in the left analog stick while moving forward. On PC, it's the... umm... I didn't buy a game copy for PC. I bring this up because alot of players have not figured out that you can sprint. You should be sprinting anytime you're not fighting or looting.
e. Jump - Stop it! Unless you are trying to evade an enemy or jump over an obstacle, stop jumping everywhere. Your character collides with other players and breaks their targeting and sprint.
f. Everything (A)/(X) button - This is an issue with console and not PC (that I'm aware). BW put all the actions on the (A)/(X) button, again. This can be a problem for players since jump, revive and target-mode spells rely on this. This can be especially bad for a mage character who finds himself in a jam trying to revive a team who is too close to him while he/she is trying to get their barriers up. Don't crawl under someone to get a revive. Move away from the combat area that is safe for them to approach or lie still until they can draw aggro away from you.
g. Threat Assessment - Kill fast moving or close targets first, archers and range mooks second, foot soldiers third, and slow targets/bosses last. This is biggest mistake I've seen made by practically everyone, even myself at times. Everyone zones in on the big guy but the team is steadily being picked off by projectiles. The ranged characters should be especially cognizant of taking down archers first since you are more likely to see them than melee players.
h. L2shoutcorrectly - Do not spam the game with "Thank you" and "Get Over Here". Use shout if you've gone down in a battle. Use shout if too many enemies are on you and you need help. Use shout/Thank you to confirm you've cleared a (treasure) room. Use shout to give players map directions (if they get lost). Do not overuse/spam shout. One reason is because it may distract other players in combat to look away to their map (potentially getting killed). Another reason is because they may start to ignore your shout requests. You could find yourself in a bad situation and really need help but they think you are crying wolf.
This is a dungeon-crawler but think on the level of a SWAT team. Everyone has an assignment. Make sure you are holding up your end.
a. Play 2-2 Zone Offense - Two guys should be in front and two in the rear. That means melee players need to stop lagging behind to loot (you know who you are).
b. Premature Projectile Dysfunction - Range players should wait until the melee character is about to engage a group before he fires. Do NOT draw aggro until they have engaged or about it. You want to take the mooks by surprise.
c. Clear the zone first - Second biggest mistake I've seen make by everyone. Do not rush to open a treasure room door. Clear out al the mooks in the surrounding area first and check your map to make sure noone is drawing aggro.
d. Room breach- Let the melee character in first in all situations. Range players do NOT stand in front of a doorway or narrow hall to volley shots. Archers have the ability to move and shoot, but mage players are notorious for this.
e. Help A Brother Out - Range players take out the pots from far back. This will save melee characters the trouble of trying to break pots. I believe this was a troll joke by BW. Most often a ranged player will hit a vase incidentally during combat. It's not however a priority target. Melee characters should only stop to grab loot if it is directly in front along his path.
f. Clean-up crew - After a battle round, melee characters on Team A should be off to the next fight. Team B (which should consist of ranged players) should have one guy grabbing any remaining pots. The other member of Team B is there to help cleanup as well as backup if there is an ambush (invisible mooks who evaded detection).
g. Oh This Looks Interesting - Do not stop in the middle of a fight to go grab loot or run off to spot a treasure room (you know who you are, looters). The battle always comes first, looting second.
h. Ivan Drago - Sometimes NOT reviving a player is for the good of the team, especially for Ram-bro (explained later in the guide). Revive your strongest player first. Pay attention to enemy routines. Rushing in to revive someone can sometimes lead to a "revive cycle" that ultimately ends in your whole team dying. Only one man should try to revive and the others distract the enemies away. Do not stand bunched together. Revive your teammate then move away, giving them room to run if you're both in danger. "If he dies... he dies".
i. Are You Afraid of Commitment - If you see a mission objective ("collect the <objective>") has been initiated by you or one of your teammates, then commit to the objective. Leave the treasure room behind for now. If you got it room open then do NOT open the boss chest. Exit immediately and assist your team. Come back for the chest later. The payout for the reward is 9/10 better than what you'll get from the chest. If someone has set off mission objective after you have already opened the chest, then bring the boss to the team while slowing the boss progression to your team. You are stronger as a team than divided up and dead. Do not purposefully trigger a chest boss or objective out of spite.
Treasure Room Raiding:
a. Remember The Titans - It does not take all four players to raid a treasure room. There should be at least one man guarding the entrance way to the room to fend off enemies coming your way, if any. This should be preferably a ranged player who has strong bow/powers. Their secondary duty is to lay down cover fire if an enemy is spawn from the main chest (always still guarding the door though). This also has a strategic advantage because sometimes the boss will target the player outside the door. This gives the other 2 or 3 players doing the raid to take him down while he's not focused on his attackers. The other strong player should be the one to open enemy chests (it's an elevated chest on a pedestal).
b. Divide and Conquer - Some treasure rooms have back ways out to the next battle round. Team A should take that route. Team B (which includes the person guarding the treasure entry door) should take the normal route. This allows you to flank the enemies. Wait until the other team is ready to engage before you start the battle.
c. Big Bank Takes Little Bank - Grab the main chest first, not last. That means skip breaking the vases and go straight for main chest. This cuts down on the time to clear the loot and lowers your risk of death in case you have a Rambro (explained later). Other players may wander off if they do not notice a "eliminate all enemies" soon after a treasure door is opened. Grab the vase loot on the way out.
d. Not All Money Is Good Money - Opening an enemy chest is NOT always the best idea. This applies mostly to noobie groups and under-equipped players who are playing above their difficulty. If a player has gone down more than once then taking on a treasure room boss may not be in that player's best interest to engage in that fight and risk another death. Look at the big picture. If they have no more Incapacitates left, then Zone 5 is going end badly for you and your team.
e. Get Rekt - Do not be the guy that causes your team to wiped because you got greedy. Do not open a treasure room door in the middle of a fight. Do not open a boss chest in the middle of a fight. Do not draw unnecessary aggo from mooks outside the treasure room. Do not stand in front of the doorway while one of the players is opening the treasure room (enemies may come out and they have no way to back up if you're in the way).
f. Get Over It - If the only guy on your team who can open a treasure room is too far away and does not/is not coming back to open it, then move forward. Standing at the entrance point and spamming "get over here" is pointless. Move on to the next battle. Finish your game and leave or drop out of the game if you feel like losing your XP. Kicking them out of the game is not a smart move because you're now down a man and have a 30% chance of getting a new player who can actually open the door. If 3 out of the 4 teammates have moved on but you're the only one standing there, then you're putting the team at risk not vice versa. Conversely, speedrunners need to be cognizant of other players doing a last minute treasure raid. Idle up until you see the prompt for the main chest item being attained. Note, this is why you grab the main chest first. It is better to walk away with the prize instead of pocket change. If the players are taking too long to kill or loot then speedrunner leave the match. If you're playing as a unit then there is a lower chance occurrence of goods being overlooked even with the two playstyles on the same board. Looters are about money, runners are about time. There's a happy median there.
g . Beware of Ram-Bro (Rambo's knock-off brother from another mother) -

Congratulations on making it through the guide. DAMP Reading Achievement Unlocked! If you made it this far and want to continue reading then you do so at your own peril.
There's quite a few things players do not take into account about other player's performance. Constant game disconnect, freezing, and load errors are a major issue right now. Sometimes a player is not speedrunning or "leeching" but simply is having major issues with the game so they would rather play fast and get the game over as soon as possible. Keep this mind as to why you should be using sprint and not lollygag or wander off during the game. They may be just as frustrated as you are. I speak from personal experience of losing several hours worth of XP because of errors and lag. If you join someone's lobby who is speedrunning then you're playing by their rules, not yours. Create your own lobby to set the game pace. If you join a Quick Match then do not speedrun their game unless the team majority (including the host) is fine with it. Contrary to what some say, speedrunning does not impact your reward gain all that much. What you lose in grind play, you gain back in XP and gold for Store chest pulls. I have played both styles and barely noticed a difference. Any of you who have read my equipment document know that I have been tracking game behavior closely. I have great unique equipment/armor and plenty of salvage parts, so speedrunning can't be hurting me as much as some would suggest. It is a quality over quantity argument. I've hosted several speedrun lobbies (when I am in a rush or having serious game issues). I have very little complaints (two). I actually gained 10 new Xbox Live friends because of it. They prefer fast-paced games because I provided them XP, good loot, and almost guaranteed operation completion that they would not get otherwise with other players of their current caliber. That being said... bring on the hate.