Elemental Mines
Flask of Frost
Flask of Fire
- Throw Everything
- Sneak Attack
- Dance of Death
- Alchemy Mastery
- Unorthodox
- Fighting Dirty
- Unquenchable Flames
- Killer’s Alchemy
- Riding the Storm
- Ambush
- Unforgiving Chain
- Knife in the Shadows
- Bloodied Pray
- Gaps in the Armor
- Evasion
(Unlocked more or less in the the order listed.)
Hiding and attacking from the back is a good way for fast kills on most things, that includes the mobs that can use guard. Popping Flask of Frost, if your target is in the middle of a group and your allies are either too far to have the rest of the targets engaged or might pull aggro. FoF is also good for taking out assassins.
Be aware that the arch of which you throw the mines is kind of far, and might takes some time before you get it down. Getting mobs to group up to set off a chain can get them low enough to kill quickly in a few hits, or an aoe from an ally. Tossing at walls, in tight area fights, is better than throwing at openings; allows mines to be closer grouped.
If your group engages a set of mobs before you can target the assassin, toss mines at your ranged members so if the assassin targets them the hide is broken.
In the final area, if your group stays in the first room, throw mines a little ways out from the doorway. A good 90% of the time, the tank or other close combat dps will fight before the mobs can hit your mines, rendering them useless. In cases where the group doesn't fight in the room, the mines would be good to cover your groups back.