The Big Game Hunter (Hunter Guide)
I haven't seen any hunter guides on the DAMP resource page, so I thought I'd put one together for the community.
I play the Hunter as a sneaky, hard-hitting sniper. No traps or bombs, and no BS. Just an assassin with a bow peeling caps.
His game is identifying and taking out the biggest threats on the field with alacrity. Stealth, strategy and positioning are the keys to this build (in addition to a good bow). It also relies heavily on stealth crits and armor penetration to boost damage, so +crit damage, +flanking damage, and +AP gear are priorities.
Explode on Kill is my top choice for bows on this build. It's like a free Walking Bomb that turns your 6000 point Full Draw killshot into a bunch of 4000 point shots on all surrounding enemies. Killstreaks all around. If there is an Arcane Warrior in your group with Pull of the Abyss, one Full Draw into the pulled group will clear the room. Heal on Kill is nice, but I find that I don't take much damage with this build so +Flanking Damage would be my second choice.
At the start of an encounter, identify and target the biggest threat on the map. Stealth (and flank if viable) and let loose a Full Draw. With a decent bow (mine is 155 dps) you will one-shot everything except bosses. When the big game is out of the way,
Explosive Shot (groups) or Throwing Knife (singletons) any trash mobs still lingering about. If you get rushed by melee types,
Stealth to flank them and then toss a few Throwing Knives in their backs. Throwing Knives from stealth one-shot most things on Threatening, and even if the don't kill outright they will leave them Sundered and with very low health. You have to stay alert with this build, both for picking the best targets and for evading threats. Generally, you want to stay on the periphery of the fight and find prime targets to take down. When there are enemy archers on the field, remember to use soft cover and LOS to avoid damage because you are pretty squishy. If there is no cover to be had, keep in motion. With the Strafing Shots passive you can dodge projectiles by circling left or right. Lastly, I find that even with the large burst damage you put out you don't generate a lot of aggro and threat reduction passives are not necessary.
Stealth (upgraded)
Full Draw
Explosive Shot (upgraded)
Throwing Knives (upgraded)
Knife in the Shadows
Gaps in the Armor
Build Order:
Knife in the Shadows
Full Draw
Upgrade Stealth
Throwing Knives
Cheap Shot
Upgrade all abilities except Full Draw
Fill the remaining passives