Braveheart: Warrior Princess (Templar Build/Video)
Posted 12 December 2014 - 07:10 PM

- Saboteur-6 and themageguy like this
Posted 12 December 2014 - 07:41 PM

Thanks for showing the potential of a burst dps Templar. I get sick of reading how Templar's are gimp and can't run front line. I'm not toally sold on Horn of Valor over Unbowed at the moment for when there's stragglers you need to mop up and for stage 5. I like the survivability. Also, you take upgraded Shield Wall / Flow of Battle where I do not so I can throw 2 points into other passives. That's essentially the build I run though swapping Horn of Valor out for Unbowed. I've heard good things about Payback Strike in this build too.
People like @Chaz Darkbane, @PvtNiss, and whoever else that downplay her need to understand that a spell combo Templar isn't meant to soak damage and hold aggro, she's meant to blow things up. Is she the MOST efficient at burst dps in the entire game? No. Thanks to long cooldowns. Does that make her unviable in teams? I think the video speaks for itself.
I think it's worth mentioning what type of one-handed you're using too. I'm also curious why you say Flow of Batte is mandatory? Granted it helps and if your have accessories / stats to up your crit chance I can see synergy. Otherwise though the cooldown isn't quick enough to reset the combo on the same spawn from my experience. I usually go for another passive.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:01 PM

Ah my favorite build for perilous, and what I run with 90% of the time (10% for oddball team management).
No mandatory stamina reserves? I want that unique amulet with +50 stamina, but I am wearing only the +25, and I still need more stamina ( on demon commander fights ).
I also highly recommend bee-lining toward unyielding after wrath/purge if you want to play perilous or play off-host at all. Swap in / out Bodyguard as necessary for specific team configurations. The invulnerability is too userful.
I don't recommend flow of battle as a mandatory if you have low cunning / crit chance promotes / gear. Skip if you have none, and place elsewhere.
I spam Valor before battle every time. I have the Ring for Valor, granting 14s out of 18 cd time, realistically 14s / 20 seconds, so 3/4ths of the game my party has that godly +50% valor buff to base weapon damage.
I never upgrade shield wall. Tap SW for better stamina management + counterattacks. Takes more concentration, but very worth it.
Use the highest damage 1H you can, since the abilities and detonation damage are based off that. Caliban at roughly 199 damage is ideal. I like to pair it with Shield of the Emperor to have both the +5% damage & 16% heal on kill (Caliban) AND the heal 15% over last 10 seconds buff (Emperor).
Fav gear:
Amulet: Stamina
Ring: Heal on Kill
Ring: Horn of Valor 30% duration
Belt: Spirit Resistence / Health
Turn the bolt / blade, kiting & shield wall takes care of most ranged, magic and melee. Spirit damage (demon commander & wraiths ) can be the only unavoidable damage sometimes.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:04 PM

I am using a level 21 rare mace that deals 215 dps with a superb fire rune with 122 base damage.
Deep Reserves added to mandatory passives because I forgot first time around.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:11 PM

With Valor up before battle, you don't need Embrace the light/Spell Shatter (wrath/purge upgrades). Bee-lining toward Turn the bolt / Blade, then Unyielding after Wrath/Purge, sometimes even delaying Valor, enhances Perilous survive-ability vastly.
Granted I run with Caliban @ 199 damage, but I sure love doing a wrath purge C4 explosion, and run back to cover for the next cooldown if we're not cleaning up any possible survivors. Desires demons may survive the first blast if the team aggros them to put the barrier up, but are quickly mopped up afterward by the party after simple wrath-shatter.
Tip for Templars: Try to run alongside a keeper's static cage. Watch the aoe damage spike even more as the detonate suddenly becomes 2-3x the original wrath/purge combo damage.
Also another case for unyielding: If you're about to jump into the middle of a mob, the outright invulnerabilty -- especially from stuns / knockdowns, for a few seconds, enables the Wrath/Purge combo much more reliably. It shouldn't be necessary, but there's too many instagibs (from desire demon ice mine kd, rage demon stuns, venatori shield chargers, a dozen marksmen etc) that can interrupt your combo on perilous. Without unyielding, it becomes much more risky to wrath/purge on perilous.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:20 PM

I actually dislike Shield Wall and have replaced it with Unbowed. Shield Wall generates guard far to slowly against most enemies and prevents the nuke combo often due to the lack of stamina whenever you use it. Unbowed gives an instant 50-100% guard about every 20 seconds and combos well with the nuking strategy.
Also it is worth mentioning that Unyielding is downright good in a nuke build. It allows you to always get the combo off and can even help you heal all/most of your HP if you have heal on kill.
- Shinnyshin likes this
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:31 PM

I actually dislike Shield Wall and have replaced it with Unbowed. Shield Wall generates guard far to slowly against most enemies and prevents the nuke combo often due to the lack of stamina whenever you use it. Unbowed gives an instant 50-100% guard about every 20 seconds and combos well with the nuking strategy.
Also it is worth mentioning that Unyielding is downright good in a nuke build. It allows you to always get the combo off and can even help you heal all/most of your HP if you have heal on kill.
Shield wall is great when facing heavy enemies that can otherwise knock you down. It allows you to tank a lot better than unbowed does. As I am not taking any guard boosting passives, guard is only 25% of my health, meaning even with 100%, its not going to be that game changing.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:32 PM

I dislike guard, as it is only 25% of max health at max-- for a total of 125% health. Even though I have the +200 health belt, and lots of constitution, that's nothing compared to a barrier @ even say 1200 hp it is + 300 guard hp max vs barrier @ 3.5k-5.5k max, any arrows or single attack will pop that immediately and the demon commander will leave you at low health afterward.
Note the average templar does not have 1200 hp. It is typically around 1/2 to 3/4 that @ 600-900 hp.
I primarily use shield wall for damage prevention, openings for safe counter-attack, not 'guard generation' as guard frankly sucks on perilous. Even preventing one attack @ 50-600 damage is more valuable than full guard combined @ ridiculous hp.
- Saboteur-6 likes this
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:44 PM

I am using a level 21 rare mace that deals 215 dps with a superb fire rune with 122 base damage.
Deep Reserves added to mandatory passives because I forgot first time around.
Is that the mace that causes enemies to explode for 75% weapon damage on kill? I've used that one quite a bit.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:49 PM

Is that the mace that causes enemies to explode for 75% weapon damage on kill? I've used that one quite a bit.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 11:03 PM

I dislike guard, as it is only 25% of max health at max-- for a total of 125% health. Even though I have the +200 health belt, and lots of constitution, that's nothing compared to a barrier @ even say 1200 hp it is + 300 guard hp max vs barrier @ 3.5k-5.5k max, any arrows or single attack will pop that immediately and the demon commander will leave you at low health afterward.
Wait how did you get the numbers on guard calculation? I've been trying to rationalize dropping Unbowed and this might finally sway me. We're talking Perilous here right?
Posted 12 December 2014 - 11:04 PM

Wait how did you get the numbers on guard calculation? I've been trying to rationalize dropping Unbowed and this might finally sway me. We're talking Perilous here right?
Guard has always been 25% of max health, regardless of difficulty.
Posted 12 December 2014 - 11:39 PM

Horn of Valor rocks!
Posted 13 December 2014 - 12:54 AM

Horn of Valor rocks!
Whole map AoE ftw. HoV is a must for perilous imo.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:12 AM

Whole map AoE ftw.
Wrong again. You're improving though didn't see a chance to prove you wrong in your own video this time.
Sera missed it.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:15 AM

Wrong again. You're improving though didn't see a chance to prove you wrong in your own video this time.
Sera missed it.
Thats a single player screenshot.
Tooltip reads 'across the battlefield' and does not list an AoE radius. Ive also yet to see a party member not get it.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:16 AM

Tested in MP too, long ago, nice try though.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:16 AM

Tested in MP too, long ago, nice try though.
Link please. Im happy to be proven wrong (and bioware tooltips wrong) assuming you can actually provide some sort of evidence. It would be good to know anyway.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:25 AM

Yeah ask me to do it, looks like I'm the only one that ever does test anyway. Wanting to know and testing the range of horn was the first thing I did when I got the skill on my templar.
http://i.imgur.com/GBphlqu.jpgAetheocrite missed it.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:27 AM

this is excatly what i keep using in my princess and is surprisely huge the damage from the combo, wrath+purge, can oblivion a grop of enemies in matter of seconds. Is amazing and i love it!
Btw: nice sword there, im using +10% heal on kill. Is less dps than your but my HP always is over 80%.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:31 AM

Yeah ask me to do it, looks like I'm the only one that ever does test anyway. Wanting to know and testing the range of horn was the first thing I did when I got the skill on my templar.
http://i.imgur.com/GBphlqu.jpgAetheocrite missed it.
Well yeah, you are the one making the claim, not me.
Thanks for the pic, another bioware tooltip debunked.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:43 AM

Well yeah, you are the one making the claim
Pretty sure you claimed it was full map AoE first. But I don't really blame you there's a whole list of things tooltips are wrong about.
Knockout bomb's comatose upgrade gives no flank damage bonus. I can't even get the sleep to last the supposed 20 seconds duration on a level 1 nug. Upgrade might be broken completely.
Cull the herd gives 100% not 50% damage and doesn't work on abilities.
Gathering storm has a hidden cap of cooling down 16.666% (1/6th) of a skills total cooldown.
I had 2 mobs race one I touched with hamstrick one without, he wasn't twice as fast he was 150% as fast. (33.3% reduction)
Easy to miss appears broken and gives +25% threat non flank, but this one I have not tested as extensively as I usually do. Just mentioning it because.
Ambush passive doesn't last anywhere near 6 seconds, more like 2, and doesn't give the AP during stealth. When you appear out of stealth by doing an attack you don't lose the "sustained-check" on your stealth immediately at times and you don't get the AP. Mostly an online laggy thing but still it says 50% AP "during" stealth and this is untrue.
Back on topic: Yay melee nukers!
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:52 AM

Pretty sure you claimed it was full map AoE first.
But I don't really blame you there's a whole list of things tooltips are wrong about.
I really don't understand how the tooltips are so inaccurate. A few to add to the list:
Evades decoy does not last for a full 3 seconds, dragon rage consumes more than 2% health, its around 5% from what ive seen. Flashpoint seems to be on by default on the elementalist. Ive had it show up on my level 1 before. Thats just 3 I can think of off the top of my head. Im sure there is more.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 02:57 AM

I thought dragon-rage ate 4% on the last hit because it's a double one. But eating more than 2 normally wouldn't surprise me either. It'll probably even have something cool like the health leech effected by increased healing. With the removal of tactics in this release I already immediately gave up any hope for balance and I was correct. Soloing nightmare with any class plausible through crafting. Pretty graphics sell though, and MP with an ingame cash shop does too.
Posted 13 December 2014 - 03:29 AM

Flashpoint and other buffs can show if there are two of the same kits in the party. i.e. the other ele gets flashpoint, but yours isn't actually up yet. Two reavers and one activates rampage, the buff shows up for all reavers
Sometimes there's partial functionality, as rampage appears to give the non-rampaging reavers the speed damage buff but not the heal buff-- thus rotating rampage with multiple players gets interesting. Unyielding and other icons can appear, giving false impression of what buff is available.