Complete Venatori Faction Guide
Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:58 AM

- akots1, CottonKhandi, Saboteur-6 and 14 others like this
Posted 21 December 2014 - 02:18 AM

PS: Could you PM me the links to your other guides? I'm not too lazy to do it myself, but I often forum on my iPhone an having links in the pm makes it easy to navigate.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 02:34 AM

I'm not sure why exactly but earlier today I discovered that blocking a gladiator attack with Shield Wall will stun them for a couple seconds, lowering their shield guard as well as immobilizing them. Not particularly practical in most situations, but figured I would mention it. Good summary btw.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 02:40 AM

I'm not sure why exactly but earlier today I discovered that blocking a gladiator attack with Shield Wall will stun them for a couple seconds, lowering their shield guard as well as immobilizing them. Not particularly practical in most situations, but figured I would mention it. Good summary btw.
This is correct, pretty much all enemies that melee a shield will get knocked back
Posted 21 December 2014 - 02:41 AM

Posted 21 December 2014 - 03:01 AM

This is correct, pretty much all enemies that melee a shield will get knocked back
Ah, interesting. Never seemed to notice it before, probably because no one lived long enough after hitting my shield in a full party. Only saw it cause of the axe weekend thing I was soloing as Lego.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 03:02 AM

I'm not sure why exactly but earlier today I discovered that blocking a gladiator attack with Shield Wall will stun them for a couple seconds, lowering their shield guard as well as immobilizing them. Not particularly practical in most situations, but figured I would mention it. Good summary btw.
Block and slash accomplishes a similar effect, but complete knockdown instead of stun. I think it also does damage, but would need to check before confirmation.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 03:46 AM

Ah, interesting. Never seemed to notice it before, probably because no one lived long enough after hitting my shield in a full party. Only saw it cause of the axe weekend thing I was soloing as Lego.
Its especially useful against knights. His punching will stun you if not blocked.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 05:28 AM

Venatori Zealots also possess the ability to knock you down as a retaliatory strike after blocking a melee attack, similar in essence to Block & Slash. They can also block ranged attacks, specifically arrows.
The Venatori Commander can also summon 4 fire runes around her when attacked by melee, all of which explode dealing fire damage and knockdown a couple seconds after casting.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:15 PM

Venatori Zealots also possess the ability to knock you down as a retaliatory strike after blocking a melee attack, similar in essence to Block & Slash. They can also block ranged attacks, specifically arrows.
The Venatori Commander can also summon 4 fire runes around her when attacked by melee, all of which explode dealing fire damage and knockdown a couple seconds after casting.
Ill add this in, thanks
Posted 21 December 2014 - 05:51 PM

Great job Penguin as always
Posted 21 December 2014 - 05:56 PM

Good guide as usual. Make sure you bold the Commander in Venatori Commander like you did with everything else. Don't know why, but it irks me
Posted 21 December 2014 - 06:05 PM

Good guide as usual. Make sure you bold the Commander in Venatori Commander like you did with everything else. Don't know why, but it irks me
It bothered me as soon as I noticed
Posted 21 December 2014 - 06:48 PM

Well done Penguin. You seem to be one of the few BSN regulars making quality informational guide vids. Thanks for that.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 07:57 PM

Might be useful to include more tells like the glowing arrow for the archers full draw. The Brute will start glowing before charging at you with increased speed for his mighty blow. He will raise his axe horizontally over his head before doing the three strikes that give him full guard. The Stalker will make a very distinct sound when he is in stealth around you. The Zealot will block your attack three times before countering with his payback strike.
Including some strategies on how to counter certain units and their moves might not be a bad idea either. Venatori are currently the pushover faction, but I'm sure you will make guides for the other two factions as well.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 11:34 PM

the marksmen can utilise the Full Draw ability. You can see this when the marksman drops down on one knee, and his arrow will turn purple. He also has an ability where he will run backwards after being attacked, then do a 180 turn and quickly shoot for massive damage. This shot will deal well over 1000 damage and often will result in a 1 hit kill.
There's no way these two abilities are Working as Intended, can there? Enemy Full Draw (or as I call it "A Touch of Purple") barely does anything while Walking Five Feet Away and Taking a Potshot obliterates. That doesn't make sense unless Marksmen were specifically designed to frustrate. I've seen more wipes from a small army of these chuckleheads than I have from Commanders.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 11:44 PM

There's no way these two abilities are Working as Intended, can there? Enemy Full Draw (or as I call it "A Touch of Purple") barely does anything while Walking Five Feet Away and Taking a Potshot obliterates. That doesn't make sense unless Marksmen were specifically designed to frustrate. I've seen more wipes from a small army of these chuckleheads than I have from Commanders.
I honestly think the values are switched.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 05:39 AM

I honestly think the values are switched.
That was my assumption as well. Hope we can get a hot-fix sooner rather than later (and maybe some official word regarding it). Also, have you noticed that both the Venatori and Red Templar Marksmen are duped and seem to fire in tandem resulting in TPKs? I haven't noticed it in a few days, but for a while there the arrowers were more frustrating than rubberbanding and demon pots put together!
Posted 22 December 2014 - 01:21 PM

I'm not sure why exactly but earlier today I discovered that blocking a gladiator attack with Shield Wall will stun them for a couple seconds, lowering their shield guard as well as immobilizing them. Not particularly practical in most situations, but figured I would mention it. Good summary btw.
Been a while since I played my Legionnaire, but don't they have a passive that stuns enemies that hit you with melee? This definitely includes when you get hit while guarding, but I can't recall enemies being stunned before taking that passive.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 01:26 PM

Been a while since I played my Legionnaire, but don't they have a passive that stuns enemies that hit you with melee? This definitely includes when you get hit while guarding, but I can't recall enemies being stunned before taking that passive.
It's only a 5% chance though. Blocking a melee attack with Shield Wall staggers the enemy and in the case of the Gladiator makes him drop his shield so he can be attacked from the front.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:37 PM

It's also the faction with the coolest outfits and I like how Zealots toss their swords up. I think they call "To battle", too - or is that a Templar mook?
I've never noticed the Gladiator is almost unarmoured - nice to see the details when you're not busy pressing keys.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:42 PM

Why u even bother dude? Just Leeeeeeroy Jenkins through Venatori like there is no tomorrow, even on perilous.
Still very nice overview tho.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:50 PM

Excellent work as always.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 03:32 PM

Nice, thank you for the guide Penguin, I enjoy this reading stuff like this.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 05:32 PM

It's also the faction with the coolest outfits and I like how Zealots toss their swords up. I think they call "To battle", too - or is that a Templar mook?
Both Veal Zealots and Remplar Mookity-mooks do the derpy "To battle!" It would look less silly if they wouldn't do it right before running past the warrior for the mage. ...and if the escortee wouldn't do the same thing before rushing a bleeding Pride Demon.