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Dragon Age: Inquisition MP FAQ & Guide Catalog

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I created a new project to catalog the FAQs and Guides being written by players (Code Name: Project -PenguinFetish-  :P )

Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet lists out all the current ones compiled.


The project is accomplish two things: 1) Ease some of the burden off DR to have to comb through forums looking for threads and not over-populate the Resource Library. 2) To have a central location that you players can find all guides/FAQs that have been written (or plan to create).

The project is split up into 5 different categories: FAQs (text and video), Guides (text and video), and Maps (video). We've all been gaming for awhile, so I'm sure I don't have to explain the difference between an FAQ and a Guide. When submitting a new FAQ/Guide be sure to use the appropriate video or text option. If the author of the FAQ/Guide has written a post in BSN that takes you to a video (that explains the majority of their work), then select the Video option and use the video link as "Source" and past their BSN post in the "Detail" section.

If you see an existing FAQ/Guide in the forum, then feel free to add it in. If you are not the author, then put the author's name in the "Author" box.


Now defunct (Jan 2016)...  

As with all the other projects there's a simple to use Entry Form. The Entry Form is for adding new FAQs/Guides. 

  • Это нравится: DragonRacer и Gustave Flowbert


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As an example I added dkly037's "Class Build Calculator" to FAQ-Text and put the Calculator site as the source and his BSN thread in the Detail section on the entry form. The Detail section is currently suppressed/hidden on the spreadsheet. That's for a future purpose but the information is necessary.


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This is beautiful and you are amazing.  <3

  • Это нравится: Shadohz


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As an example I added

dkly037's "Class Build Calculator" to FAQ-Text and put the Calculator site as the source and his BSN thread in the Detail section on the entry form. The Detail section is currently suppressed/hidden on the spreadsheet. That's for a future purpose but the information is necessary.

Shad i love it and i wish to link this thread to mine and promote it there i will give you credit for it. This is brillant keep it up also feel free to check my thread and help the tally by listing your three favorites would help alot. ;)


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the difference between an FAQ and a Guide


I'll wear the dunce cap here and ask what the difference is.


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FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions", and is typically short questions and short answers on the most common themes.


Guides have more room for digging deeper and are longer pieces of text compared to FAQs.


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FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions", and is typically short questions and short answers on the most common themes.


Guides have more room for digging deeper and are longer pieces of text compared to FAQs.

In the traditional sense, yes. FAQs however can be long (e.g. BioWare's MP FAQ). I tend to look guides as "how to's" that focus on a singular to a few topics and being subject to opinion. FAQs tend to be factual and informational ("how it is" as opposed to "how to"). Of course there's always grey areas where the distinction isn't so clear.


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Shad i love it and i wish to link this thread to mine and promote it there i will give you credit for it. This is brillant keep it up also feel free to check my thread and help the tally by listing your three favorites would help alot. ;)

Actually Mo I got something right up your alley. There's a whole other project that I was working on but got side tracked. I didn't have time to sort out the API behavior to read back the bug numbers. However the data entry works fine. I can pass the project files over to you if you want it.



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Actually Mo I got something right up your alley. There's a whole other project that I was working on but got side tracked. I didn't have time to sort out the API behavior to read back the bug numbers. However the data entry works fine. I can pass the project files over to you if you want it.


Aah shad i dont have anyone that wishes to restore it and update it. Id be happy to put it in if you can find someone to keep it up. :)


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I will tell ya something else shad we have not gotten many replies to the unofficial multiplayer suggestions thread. Not even people wanting to ask bioware questions i mean we have covered it throughly but i had hoped the forums would light up with ideas for the thread lol.


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I will tell ya something else shad we have not gotten many replies to the unofficial multiplayer suggestions thread. Not even people wanting to ask bioware questions i mean we have covered it throughly but i had hoped the forums would light up with ideas for the thread lol.

I have trouble getting feedback on an open-ended project, so yes it not surprising that you have trouble getting feedback for an open-idea topic. Judging from how hard your thread got trolled you may be better off with the project SS that allows them to enter their own thoughts. An open player-managed repository works better in the long-run because you don't have worry about needing mods to move your stuff and if something were to happen to you then anyone can pick up where you left off. For example, if I got tired of playing DAMP and decided to move on to a different game, then anyone can copy my projects and pick up where I left out. Win-win for the players. I'm no super-expert at Google Sheets/Forms. I looked around at other projects saw some stuff I liked, tested it out, then worked it look nice and organized.

Chaz Darkbane

Chaz Darkbane
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Appreciate that you already have my Reaver thread on there without me even having to submit it :D


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Appreciate that you already have my Reaver thread on there without me even having to submit it :D

Thank DragonRacer. I just built the repository. He did the collecting. I'm too lazy to comb thru the thread section for that. PF and Toriel will be helping to manage it. On that note, thank you for taking the time to write the guide.

edit: It's not that I'm too lazy. I just don't want to do it. I created the entry forms on all these projects to encourage players to take initiative on a "community effort" as opposed to relying on 10-20 people to do the tedious work. I'm sure everyone  that writes guides, test eq, build skill charts/websites and collects information does it to share knowledge or provide their individual expertise, but we want to avoid it feeling like a chore so they continue doing so.

  • Это нравится: DragonRacer


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Thank DragonRacer. I just built the repository. He did the collecting. I'm too lazy to comb thru the thread section for that. PF and Toriel will be helping to manage it. On that note, thank you for taking the time to write the guide.

edit: It's not that I'm too lazy. I just don't want to do it. I created the entry forms on all these projects to encourage players to take initiative on a "community effort" as opposed to relying on 10-20 people to do the tedious work. I'm sure everyone  that writes guides, test eq, build skill charts/websites and collects information does it to share knowledge or provide their individual expertise, but we want to avoid it feeling like a chore so they continue doing so.


She, actually. ;)


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Didn't notice my Katari thing was already up there. Also, concerning this project:

"This pleases me."


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She, actually. ;)

You ARE?? In that case...



haha jk. Sorry about that.

  • Это нравится: DragonRacer


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She, actually. ;)


Sadly, females on message boards are often seen as unicorns, which is why everyone is assumed to be male instinctively. I remember over a decade ago someone giving me this idiom:


"The internet is a wondrous place where men are men, women are men, and little girls are police officers."


Gender jokes aside: You, Shadohz, and Mofojokers really put in some work to collect and organize data. Cheers to you all!

  • Это нравится: lpconfig, DragonRacer и Shadohz


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You ARE?? In that case...



haha jk. Sorry about that.


LOL! Noooo worries, brother. :)



Sadly, females on message boards are often seen as unicorns, which is why everyone is assumed to be male instinctively. I remember over a decade ago someone giving me this idiom:


"The internet is a wondrous place where men are men, women are men, and little girls are police officers."


Gender jokes aside: You, Shadohz, and Mofojokers really put in some work to collect and organize data. Cheers to you all!


Truly. A female? Playing DAI? Playing Multiplayer? Posting on an Internet forum? ZOMG!!!11!!1 :P


There's actually more of us around than you think. We just usually tend to "look" and act like the guys because, well, we're just gamers, too. No need to parade around a "GamerChick69" username or some silliness like that.  :lol: I actually ran into a LOT of women on ME3MP... I just usually had no idea (and, like many, I assume everyone's a dude until proven otherwise) until they decided to mic up and chat after hearing me on the mic in the lobby. Sadly, many female gamers have either been harassed or fear harassment, and so there's a large culture of silence/no mic among us. I'm not among them - I've been fortunate and have never run across anyone who treated me ill for being a female in the lobby, and that spans across PSN, XBox, and PC.


But anywhos, thanks for the compliments... and thanks for making the guides! That's the hard part, really; I just copy-n-paste links. ;)


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LOL! Noooo worries, brother. :)




Truly. A female? Playing DAI? Playing Multiplayer? Posting on an Internet forum? ZOMG!!!11!!1 :P


There's actually more of us around than you think. We just usually tend to "look" and act like the guys because, well, we're just gamers, too. No need to parade around a "GamerChick69" username or some silliness like that.  :lol: I actually ran into a LOT of women on ME3MP... I just usually had no idea (and, like many, I assume everyone's a dude until proven otherwise) until they decided to mic up and chat after hearing me on the mic in the lobby. Sadly, many female gamers have either been harassed or fear harassment, and so there's a large culture of silence/no mic among us. I'm not among them - I've been fortunate and have never run across anyone who treated me ill for being a female in the lobby, and that spans across PSN, XBox, and PC.


But anywhos, thanks for the compliments... and thanks for making the guides! That's the hard part, really; I just copy-n-paste links. ;)


Actually, three cool people I met while running with N7 SpecOps on Xbox 360 were women, one of them made Youtube videos like me, and another was like a super-pro. I think she was ranked in the high hundreds on the N7 leaderboards? Those last two had very girly gamertags (one has was like Clairbear89 and the other was PyratQueen I think), but never tried to throw around the fact that they were female.

Honestly though, I really think that gender is a little too obsessed over in gaming, but that's likely due to the high number of pubescent teens and social recluses. I won't get up on my soap box again about sexist treatment of women playing games (did that on Raptr forums a little too much), but suffice to say that gamers should be genderless in the online world.

And making guides is easy... it's just copy and pasting really as well (and an abundance of comical vocal recording outtakes).

  • Это нравится: DragonRacer


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I won't get up on my soap box again about sexist treatment of women playing games (did that on Raptr forums a little too much), but suffice to say that gamers should be genderless in the online world.

My daughter can talk smack with the best of them. It's mostly because I raised her to have a thick-skin and I taught her how to respond with snappy comebacks. Funniest moment is when I heard her tell some squeaker to stop crying like a little bish and get some bass in his voice. It was one of those awkward parenting moments when you try to discipline your kid but you're laughing at the same time.

  • Это нравится: apocalypse_owl и DragonRacer


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My daughter can talk smack with the best of them. It's mostly because I raised her to have a thick-skin and I taught her how to respond with snappy comebacks. Funniest moment is when I heard her tell some squeaker to stop crying like a little bish and get some bass in his voice. It was one of those awkward parenting moments when you try to discipline your kid but you're laughing at the same time.


I'd want to give her a high five and shake your hand if I heard that! I honestly think that is largely the answer to the issue, but there are many males (like the dudebros behind the GamerGate thing) that get scared when women start to show a bit of independence, and so attempt in some feeble way to show the world that women belong in the kitchen. I cannot wait for that to become extinct, but sadly it will be a long time yet.

Chaz Darkbane

Chaz Darkbane
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Thank DragonRacer. I just built the repository. He did the collecting. I'm too lazy to comb thru the thread section for that. PF and Toriel will be helping to manage it. On that note, thank you for taking the time to write the guide.




But anywhos, thanks for the compliments... and thanks for making the guides! That's the hard part, really; I just copy-n-paste links. ;)


Thanks for putting mine in here as well shebro.

  • Это нравится: DragonRacer


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On the topic of female gamers, i play with my girlfriend a lot (she is also semi active here on the forums). Revealing your gender is just stupid if youre a girl because people just creep on you. I wont name drop but a recent well known BSNer felt it was okay to pass judgement on her based on our personal lifestyle choices (after finding out she wasnt single of course) while spamming her with god knows how many messages on origin after playing a grand total of 2 sessions with us.

This is also why text chat should be a thing. The fact that people will fall in love with a female voice purely because they enjoy a certain hobby and have a vagina is just insane. This is the reason why many female gamers dont reveal their gender and also why some choose to have usernames such as 'Princess-insert name here-' or 'gamerchick69', because it gives them attention that they may not otherwise recieve.

Moral of the story is that there is a lot of women who enjoy video games. Dont be creepy when you find one.

On topic: glad to see this is coming along nicely. Ill update the reddit page with this as a resource in the sidebar. Thanks for doing this :)
  • Это нравится: DragonRacer


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Friendly reminder to all. If you've written a Guide or FAQ then please submit it or send me a PM so that I can add it in. Thanks. I also added an Intro sheet with the link to the entry form on the Catalog.