My favorite builds in one master thread. Eventually updated with in-depth analysis & how to links. Click on the link for the full build.
This thread is mostly for reference. This thread is not a guide. Do not expect explanations here. Feel free to ask questions, but I am not obligated to respond to them.
Intermediary core builds posted before the final level 20 build are considered essential to successful perilous and above playthroughs. Builds chosen for sheer efficiency and overall 'fun'. These all work on NM, though some specifically are tailored to maps and difficulties.
Builds listed are known good builds. Recommend try once exactly as listed then tweak to your own needs afterward. Exact optimal pathing and builds depends on team composition, gear, promote status, and personal ability. These are not the only builds available, only my personal favorites and I tweak them constantly as needed. You should too after trying them as listed.
Last Updated 10/14/2015
Necromancer: The Untouchable Ice-Queen
--Close Quarters Combat Frozen death on heels.
--Aggressive Fadecloak required
--Line of Sight pulls recommended
Skill Unlock order:
Walking Bomb (upgraded), Death Siphon, Fade Cloak, Winter's Stillness, Mind Blast (upgraded), Ice Mine, Ice Armor
Level 11:,000,000,000
Level 20
Ice Mine, Walking Bomb, Fade Cloak, Horror,110,a11,010
--Never say die! (Spirit Mark self revive)
--Gotta Spirit Mark them all!
--Boooooom blast. More exp per mind blast.
Level 20
Mind Blast, Walking Bomb, Fade Cloak, Spirit Mark,010,011,000
Mix ups / 4th slot
Flash Fire -- Everyone fears me!
Spirit Mark -- Gotta catch them all. Self Revive option.
Mind Blast -- Detonate all the things
Frost Step -- Added Mobility
Katari, as the Katari:
-Positional Awareness Required
Level 5:
All you need is charge and mighty blow,000,00000,0
Level 10:,000,00000,0
Level 14:
Charge, Mighty Blow, Combat Roll, Repeat
Level 20:
Charge, Mighty Blow, Combat Roll, Pommel Strike,010,00000,0
Wyvern Slayer:
Charge, Mighty Blow, Combat Roll, To the Death,010,0D100,0
Dragon Slayer:
Charge, Mighty Blow, To the Death, Block and Slash,010,0D100,0
Replace Pommel Strike with:
Block and Slash: Great against shield warriors
Earthshaking Strike: Works though walls, and Heal on Kill Self Revives
Whirlwind: Spin to win, under the lightning cage.
Grappling Chain: "Get over here!" --Stomp
Level 6:
Explosive Shot, Leaping shot, Archer's Lance (long shot), Caltrops,000,00000,000
Level 12
Explosive Shot, Leaping shot, Archer's Lance (long shot), Caltrops,010,00100,000
Dragon Hunter
-Best at high cunning / high critical damage bonus / dex equipment
-Kills everything
Level 15
Explosive shot, Leaping Shot, Archer's Lance, Mark of Death,010,00100,000
Level 20:
Explosive shot, Leaping Shot, Archer's Lance, Mark of Death,010,00100,000
Sleeping Death
-Better with low cunning / high critical damage bonus
-Guaranteed crits vs Panicked / Sleeping targets with Mercy Killing
-Dance of Death Stamina replenishment
-Sleeping CC awesome for control vs incoming melee, including elite enemies Red Templar Commander, Gurn, Bogfisher, and Druffalo
-Sleep does not work on Stalkers, Shadows, Revenant, Arcane Horror, Giant, Fire mages, or enemies with Barrier up (take it down first)
-Combo Sleep with Virtuoso allies for Nightmare combos everywhere
-Replace Long shot with Sleeping powder when paired with Power Chord Virtuosos
Level 19:
Explosive shot, Leaping Shot, Long shot, Knockout Bomb,111,1d100,000
Mix ups:
Knockout Bomb
Sleeping Powder for duo sleep capabitlies for automatic crits with mercy killing
Fallback Plan for health regain and skip heal on kill rings
Longshot Ring
Superb Critical Damage ring
Superb Dexterity Amulet
+Cunning / + Willpower armor upgrades
Bow of Dragon or Cruel Redemption /w + Critical Damage bonus upgrade
Face Trap
Explosive Shot, Leaping Shot, Spike Trap, Evade,010,001b1,000
At range, shoot with explosive shot, Evade into a group of enemies, spike trap them, and leaping shot out.
Can double up on traps and replace Evade with Caltrops
Leeeerroyyyy Jennnkins!
-DPS Invincitank
-Counterstrike --> WF
-Spams attacks with WF
-Lunge and Slash no cooldown spam, so long as you lunge from a distance
Lunge and Slash, Counterstrike, Payback Strike, Walking Fortress
-Cutting words
-Turn the Bolt,00100,010,1,b
Castle Brawler / Dragon Hunter:
-Better for tightly packed large mob groups of Fereldan Castle
-Slays Dragons & Large Bosses
Shield Bash, Payback Strike, Walking Fortress, To the Death,001D1,011,1,0
Mix ups:
Replace L&S or PS with To the Death.
Replace SB with L&S
Lunge and Slash, Shield Wall, Shield Bash, To the Death,001D1,011,1,0
-Jumps all over the place with L&S and SB, closing gap distance when enemy is targetted.
Castle King
Counterstrike, Walking Fortress, Shield Bash, To the Death,001D1,010,1,a
--Tank everything
--Kill everything
--TTD high health targets
Shock weapon / Sword preferred, Caliban with +crit chance / cunning / crit damage bonus ideal.
+Shield of the Emperor / Dwarven Proving shield (heal over time or +5% damage per enemy within 8m)
+Heal on Kill, from sword or Rings
+Superb Critical Damage bonus if high cunning
+Skill Damage (Shield Bash, Lunge and Slash, Payback Strike) or Attack ring if low cunning
+Health Belt
+Constitution / Heal bonus armor upgrades.
-Shield Wall Attack Cancel recommended -Good positioning required -Survive-able, and AoE Nuke-able -Demon Killer, Guard Smasher, Dragon Hunter, Team buffer Level 8 Spell Purge, Shield wall, Blessed Blades, Wrath of Heaven,000,000,0,0 Belinda Nukem --Wrath Purge Spam all day, every 10-15 seconds,010,010,0,0 You have my shield --Recommended for new templars, and those who are undergeared --Bodyguard excellent for team survival, while retaining nuke,010,010,C,1 And my horn -Team DPS support added to Body guard via Horn of Valor,010,010,C,1 As above, plus Shield Wall --> Horn of Valor Castle Smasher --Fereldan castle specific --Solo Hunts Dragons --Current favorite 5/14/2015 Level 12: Spell Purge, Shield Wall, Shield Bash, Wrath of Heaven,000,000,0,0 Level 20 Spell Purge, Shield Wall, Shield Bash, Wrath of Heaven,010,000,0,0 Recommended Equipment: Highest Base damage 1H Sword. +16-26% total Heal on Kill +Critical chance or +Critical Damage if Critical chance is already High +Health Belt / +Heal bonus if no Health Belt / +Melee defense or Spirit / Cold resist if none of above. Armor: + Constitution Arms / Heal Bonus Legs Reaver: Two are better than one -Tears through mobs like no tomorrow Level 8,000,000,000 Level 20 Dragon Rage, Combat Roll, Rampage, War Horn,010,010,000 Alternate:,000,000,000 Amulet: Dexterity or Stamina amulet Greatsword Weapon Upgrades: Critical Damage bonus / Offense leather Maul Weapon upgrades: All offense leather on Maul, specifically Bound Two Handed Haft and Firm Pommel, using Craggy Skin Rings: One Heal on Kill for safety is OK, but otherwise Critical Damage Bonus rings x2 or a Dragon Rage Ring Armor Upgrades: Constitution & Heal bonus Belt: Health Potions: Rock Armor, then Resist tonics. Cold and Electric for FC or swap out one for Pitch Grenade. Ideally the party all has different resist tonics available for the match since they can often affect the entire party for one player using a resist tonic. Elementalist: That's right, I did that. 5/11/2015 Recommended Equipment: Cooldown Amulet Ring of Firewall, Ring of Barrier Health Belt Spirit Resist + Cold resist armor upgrades Level 8 Level 13,00100,0a0,0 Chaotic Mines: My favorite Barrier Fire Wall Fire Mine -Chaotic Focus Fire Storm -Static Charge,11100,1a0,1 I am invincible! Barrier, Fire Wall, Fade Cloak, Firestorm,11100,0a0,1 Mad Bomber Barrier, Fire Wall, Fade Cloak, Fire Mine,00100,1a0,0 Mix-ups Replace Winter's Grasp, Fade Cloak or Fire Mine with: Fade / Frost Step Stonefist + Shatterstone Ice Mine + Ice armor (potentially replace firestorm for double mines) Keeper: 5/14/2015 Level 10,000,000,0 Starter Keeper: -Better for new players -Maximizes mobility and keeper self-protection -Very forgiving of mistakes via multiple escape & incapacitate abilities -Potential to do a lot of burst damage in the right hands,000,000,0 Fade Step, Barrier, Fade Cloak, Static Cage -Mana Surge, freezes nearby enemies as barrier runs out -Static Charge, paralyzes enemies as they attack while player casts barrier & static cage Skill strike: Go to sleep! Barrier, Veilstrike, Chain Lightning, Static Cage,111,110,0 This is my spot! Barrier, Disruption Field, Fade Cloak, Static Cage,010,010,0 Strike Spot! Barrier, Veil Strike Disruption Field, Static Cage -Mana Surge / Elegent Defense Synergy -Veilstrike / Static Cage Synergy,110,010,0 You shall not pass! Barrier, Mind Blast, Disruption Field, Static Cage,011,010,0 Destruction Field -Current Favorite Barrier, Disruption Field, Fade Cloak, Static Cage -Close Combat Keeper -Five forms of AoE CC, Freeze, Disruption field Static Cage & Charge Paralyze, FC knockdown -Static Cage setups enemies, Fade Cloaks knocks them down -Mana Surge end Barrier timing with proximity to enemy required,010,010,0 Mix-ups Dispel / Transmute Magic -- Extremely useful on FC map Mind Blast Assassin: Princess of Persia -Daggers mixed with time travel -Best sustained single target damage -Can place Fallback Plan, Stealth, and release FBP while remaining stealthed L9,000,00000,000 L14,010,00100,1d0 L20 Twin Fangs, Death Blow, Stealth, Fallback Plan,110,00100,1d0 HIdden Blades version: L18,110,00100,1d0 L20 Twin Fangs, Hidden Blades, Stealth, Fallback Plan,111,00100,1d0 Recommended Equipment: +cunning / flanking / crit bonus damage weapon upgrades +cunning armor +willpower armor Health Belt Cooldown / Dexterity / Stamina Amulet Princess of Deathblow --Deathblow everything --Requires Stamina Amulet --Best in parties who perform AoE Damage, letting them weaken enemies for you to Deathblow --Less stealth, more stab Level 11,000,00000,000 Level 19,111,00100,000 Arcane Warrior: Last updated 7/11/2015 Level 8 Spirit Blade, Fade Cloak, Chain Lightning,000,000,000,0 Combo King: -No Spirit Blade AW -Aggressive Fadecloak required -Best AW ever Stone Fist, Chain Lightning, Fade Cloak, Pull of the Abyss. --Get Static Charge asap L12 Stone Fist,010,01A,000,0 L14 Static Charge,010,01A,011,0 L16 Pull of the Abyss, Replaces Spirit Blade,010,01A,011,D L20 Weaken Passives + Chain Lightning upgrade,111,01A,111,D Extra Survivable version,010,01A,111,D Skill order: Alternate Pathing: Replace Chain Lightning with Dispel in NM and HB difficulties for debuff, barrier, detonation and damage bonus Avvar: Ball of Doom 5/20/2015 Hakkon's Charge, Korth's Might, Crushing Leap, Lady's Wrath L10,000,000,000,0 L13,000,000,000,0 Greatsword version (clear a path, more defense) L20,010,010,111,0 Maul version (higher damage, less defense, no clear a path) L16,000,000,000,0 L20,010,010,110,0 Skill usage order: LW KM CL KM HC KM Always keep LW up, and always use the KM elemental trigger. Basic attack for stamina replenishment There are times to break that pattern, like throwing in a KM w/o Elemental trigger to finish something off, or going straight into CL against a despair demon without barrier. Ideal Gear: Greatsword / Great Axe, whichever has higher base damage Health Belt /(Heal bonus if no Health) Life Drain Rings (Critical Damage Bonus or Attack if you have Dragon weapons or no HoK, stagger if none of the above) Stamina Amulet Armor Contitution / Heal Bonus Virtuoso: Power Overwhelming: -Power Chord, Fast beats, Hot Licks, Emergency Barrier -Run in and out with Fast beats -Power Chord at point blank range or behind cover -Works best with allies that AoE Sleep for nightmare combo. See Knockout bomb from Archers and Alchemists, and Static Cage or Chain lightning / Veilstrike or Stonefist from Keepers and AW -Power Chord is a finisher, like Deathblow, use it to finish off weakened enemies to gain the encore buff for a free next cast. Use 1-2 basic attack in between for the killer set buff to help weaken enemies to be finished off by another PC, or spam PC in a large group and watch as you gain encore after encore finishing off the entire group. Level 8,00120,1,010,0 Level 13,11121,1,111,0 Level 15,11121,1,111,0 Level 17,11121,1,111,0 Level 20,11121,1,111,0 Notes: Encore's description should read whenever you (virtuoso) kill an enemy Killer set passive ability's buff does not disappear until the basic attack hits the target. For extra long range targets like the Dragon on the Tower, multiple basic attacks may be buffed in the air until the first basic attack hits, then basic attacks after that will be unbuffed while the remainder in the air retain the maximum damage. To maximize this at the tower, use as many different types of magical songs possible while hard targetting the high dragon's head at maximum range, before engaging with multiple basic attacks, and cast your hot licks and/or power chord (to deal with dragonlings) after the first basic attack hits, then attack with 2-3 basic attacks between the next hot licks. Use lyrium potion and mighty offense to maximize this effect. Power Chord is best at stripping barriers, and enemies without barrier typically have low health. Use your basic attacks, particularly with Dragon Staff against Despair demons vulnerable to that fire, in order to conserve mana, before the enemy has barrier or after stripping them of barrier-- especially if they're far away or there aren't many enemies around. If there are 3 or more enemies around however, Power Chord is the more efficient bet. Power Chord is also most damaging at point blank range. Don't use basic attacks in order to maximize your speed toward the enemy, zoom past their side, and circle strafe them at high angular velocity, especially from their flank. Use the minimap to help. Run just as fast away and into cover to let your mana regenerate in peace. No need to expose yourself after unloading your mana into burst damage Alchemist 9/18/2015 Knockout Bomb Spam: -used alongside Power Chord on Virtuoso -Nightmare Combos everywhere,00100,000,0 Taste the Rainbow: -Speed Elemental Mines Spam -Requires gear Cast frost flask, freeze a target, then get behind it and twin fangs it for shatter damage. Flask of Fire + Elemental Mines x5 (more if you have bloody bargain) Use line of sight to force enemies to run into your mines Stealth as necessary to drop aggro after enemies run into your mines and wait for cooldowns. Equipment: Bloody Bargain (off hand) Stamina Amulet Belt of Urgency (health or resist if no urgency) Off-hand alternatives: Nameless Blade Stone Stalker Blade Audacity Heal on Kill ring + Critical Damage bonus ring (unless low on cunning, then Critical Chance or another Heal on Kill) You want at least 20% heal on kill from all sources combined. Level 9: Stealth, Flask of Frost, Flask of Fire, Elemental Mines,00000,000,0 Level 16:,001D1,000,0 Level 19:,001D1,000,0 Duelist: 9/19/2015 Flanking Cannon -Safer to use for elusive -Less offense than other two Flashing Steel, Bolt, Flanking Attack, Broadsides,111,010,1D1,1 Equipment: Dragon Dagger (main hand) + Offhand: Audacity (preferred) or Nameless Blade (next best), with + critical damage bonus weapon upgrade. Stamina Amulet Health Belt Critical Damage Bonus rings, secondarily attack. Heal on Kill if no Dragon Daggers. Broadsides, Bolt x3-5 --> Flashing Steel Bolt -> Flank attack as necessary to maintain elusive Sword and Cannon -Better at Solo -Excellent balance of offense and defense -Best vs enemies that can block Flashing Steel, Bolt, Parry, Broadside,111,010,1D1,0 Cannon Ambush -Better in teams -Maximum offense Flashing Steel, Bolt, Ambush, Broadside,111,010,1D1,1 Swashbuckler: -Maximizes Elusive -Maxmimum single target damage Level 19: Flashing Steel, Bolt, Swashbuckle, Flanking Attack,111,010,111,1 Combo: Bolt, Flanking, Swashbuckle Bolt, Flashing Steel, Swashbuckle Put vendetta on someone, with bolt, conver it into Elusive and immediately use it with Swashbuckle for major damage. This works to annihilate bosses. Silent Sister: 8/15/2015 Whirling Dervish, --Dancer of Death --Attack Spam --Parry Counterattack against knockdown attacks Spinning Blades, Parry, Throwing Blades, Hidden Blades --Upgrade everything Mandatory Passives: Terrifying Fury Flow of Battle Shield Breaker Optional Passives: Unyielding / Turn the Blade / Turn the Bolt / Grisly Mutilation Optional Parry replacement: Combat Roll Spinning, Throwing and Hidden Blades all recharge each other via multiple hits with Flow of Battle, allowing the player to spam attack abilities. The other passives support this. Spinning is melee range, used to slice up anything close by, single or multi-target. It is absolutely devastating against a closely packed group of enemies. Throwing is close to medium range, unable to hit anything beyond medium range. It hits multiple targets, or finishes one off. Hidden Blades is used up to long but not ultra long range, best at single targets. Parry is used situationally. Hit parry half a second before an enemy attacks, as it lasts 1 seconds, but is spammable. It counters attacks that would otherwise knockdown the player and keep the player stuck in a continual knockdown 'getting up' animation lock from multiple enemies with knockdown abilities by countering attacks. Spam it when you're in trouble vs Shield Chargers that'd otherwise knock you down, Behemoths, High Dragon and occasionally Shadows (3+) in between attack abilities. Parry isn't used very often overall as you'll be spamming attack abilities most of the time, but when it is needed, it is absolutely amazing. Alternatively use Combat Roll to get up and back into the fight, trying to outflank the enemy and hidden blades them instead. Terrifying Fury will likely proc between all the hits causing enemies to panic as you're tossing multi hit blade attacks at them, causing them to panic and allowing you time to fight in between their attacks, engaging one on one as necessary. Ideal Gear: Hakkon's Dagger (main hand / right hand) Savage Thorn (off hand / left hand) Main hand is on the top left side of the screen, and visually on the right hand of the character Off hand is on the top right side of the screen, and visually on the left hand of the character. Ornate Dagger Grip: 6 Metal Attack Penetration Dawnstone 3 Critical Damage bonus Craggy Skin if you have high cunning. If your critical chance is low, use Critical chance Great Bear hide. You will need the Armor Penetration, in addition to shield breaker, on NM against the high armor value targets in order to do decent damage against them. Rings: Heal on Kill, mostly for safety. Guard will be full most of the time. Critical Bonus Damage (If your crit chance is low, critical chance) or Armor Penetration Amulet: Dexterity ideally, Cunning if chance is low, Stamina if other two are not available. Armor Upgrades: 8 Willpower Prowler Mail Legs Bring it on! --Close Range Brawler --Warcry Spam + Parry counterattacks all melee Spinning Blades, Parry, Throwing Blades, War Cry --Cutting Words Passive War Cry + Parry combo ensures full guard, armor and stamina while continuously damaging the enemy and evading their attacks. Cutting words passive means 20% more damage for the entire party against those taunted targets as WC is spammed, meaning each spinning blades and throwing blades attack is that much stronger along with the party doing more damage too. Parry Alternative: Charging Bull --Loses counterattack vs shield guys --Panic everything by targetting enemies that cannot block (archers), then outflank and charging bull shield bearers and use spinning blades to finish them knocked down on the ground. War Cry Alternative: To the Death --Loses AoE for single target damage. Really best for Heartbreaker difficulty vs Commanders, as NM and below don't have enough HP and the Dragon will fly away before TTD becomes useful. Even HB difficulty enemies don't have enough hp most of the time. Throwing blades alternative: Hidden Blades Nice to have, but expensive to get. TB is typically 'enough' damage to kill when combo'ed with Spinning Blades. Saarebas: updated 9/4/2015 I think of her as a musician, that plays the death of her enemies along different chords. She plays different songs of death based upon the order of spells she casts as she crescendos to her bigger 'nuke' spells. Normal spell, fast spell, then big nuke. 1, 2, 3. I'd ship her with the virtuoso, if I didn't ship her with the Avvar and thought our Bard was capable of long term relationships. The Hydrogen Bomb Glyphs of Aqun -Cast the fire and forget about it. Baquon Barrage (initially) -Do not upgrade Athlok Burst -Upgraded, shatters enemies frozen with AB3 on next hit Asaara's Leap -Leap of Freedom, gets out of dodge Ring of Asaaranda (late teens) -R1 and R2 Damage and Attack Speed buff OP Important Passives: -With Balance Stillness -With Strength Endurance -In Ignorance Weakness -From Power, Mastery -Power of the Dead Optional: Stormbringer Guardian spirit Saarebas is interesting because each ability is really three depending in the order of cast. For this guide, I will asssign 1 for opening 2 for flow and 3 for finish. BB for barrage, AB for Athlok Burst and AL for Asaara's Leap. For example, against a Despair Demon we want fire damage so... Fire Combo: -Kill the Despair Demon and Frost Dragon AB1, BB2, AL3 Ice / AL Shatter Combo --Best against pure ice weak enemies, that are fire immune. Anti-Rage demon AB2, AB3, AL1 Can start off with AL1 Ice / Fire AoE Shatter Combo --Best against almost everything else AB2, AB3, AB1 AL & BB should finish off single enemies not covered by the above Fire and Ice Combos. Equipment -Maximize heal on kill on staff. -Critcal Damage bonus Rings -Dexterity Amulet Example: The Support Glyphs of Aqun, upgraded --Can be placed on entire party permanently with enough casts Ring of Asaaranda -Amazing location based buff Saar-Taar Shield -Can barrier from anywhere on the map, preferably cover Asaara's Leap -Upgraded Optionally: -Upgraded Amazong CC Required Passives: With Strength, Endurance Optional: Guardian Spirit In Ignorance, Weakness Get glyphs on everyone at the start, and do the following support combo: Ring Buff Combo: Ring 1 Ring 2 Shield 3 Wall/Barrier as necessary on 1 and 2. Leap away as necessary. Hunter: Stealth CQC Stealth, Leaping Shot, Spike Trap, Full Draw, Level 15,001a0,01d,0 Level 19,001A0,01d,1 Exploding Bow is ideal, Hakkon, Heartstring and Longshot bows next The ability rings are really nice to wear. Try to have at least 10% heal on kill, but more is recommended if you're struggling. Stealth in behind enemies, Lay down spike traps, up to three, and full draw a target. Leaping shot out of trouble and reset the cooldown on stealth. Rinse, repeat.
-Warhorn does AoE Damage in addition to Panick, proccing heal from Rampage
-Massive Damage / Critical / Cooldown synergy between passives
-Situational awareness, positioning, and Combat Rolling away from Danger required
Replace Combat Roll with Mighty Blow,00000,000,0
Fade Step
Critical Bonus Damage or Flanking Rings. If none of those, then +Attack Rings / HoK Life Drain.
Walk toward enemy, Fade cloak at 5m, walk into enemy, Pull of the Abyss, Chain Lightning, Stone Fist, Fade Cloak, repeat.
Encore! passive ability descriptor is wrong.with a song, the next song you play is free. It actually activates the next song free buff whenever the Virtuoso gets the kill. A magical song is not required to get the kill. Basic attacks can buff Zither with a free song. Only one buff is active at any time. Stagger your kills in order to maximize benefit.
Hakkon's Dagger (main hand)
16 Cunning Superior Prowler Arms
Wall of Hisaara in place of Leap
With Balance, Stillness