Updated 07/25/16
I think it's pretty obvious by now that there are a lot of aspects of combat that aren't well-documented anywhere, leaving us to essentially figure stuff out as we go. It's not very fun trying to build and optimize your party when you don't know what your choices ultimately mean in terms of gameplay, so I decided to conduct some tests in an effort to de-mystify some of DA:I's less transparent combat mechanics.
Below is a summary of my findings; hopefully it clarifies things and answers some common questions people have. I've included descriptions of mechanics that aren't explained in-game and clarifications where in-game descriptions are incomplete, misleading or incorrect. I've also made note of bugs where I was able to find and confirm them.
Please keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list when it comes to clarifications or bugs; just because it isn't listed here does not necessarily mean it works exactly as advertised.
Also, all results reported here are the results of empirical testing, so there is always the possibility of mistakes in the formulas and values I've derived. If you have reasonable suspicion that I've made a mistake somewhere, let me know and I will fix it once I get a chance to confirm.
Note 1: All testing was done on PC.
Note 2: For all [Mistake] and [Bug] tags: If the game version listed in the tag is older than the current version, that does not necessarily mean the mistake/bug does not exist in the most current version; it simply means I have not done any testing to confirm that it still exists. If a tagged item is fixed in a patch and confirmed by testing, I will make a note of it.
- Increases attack_bonus by 0.5% for each point above 10 (warriors only).
- Increases guard_damage_bonus by 1% for each point above 10.
- Increases attack_bonus by 0.5% for each point above 10 (rogues only).
- Increases critical_damage_bonus by 1% for each point above 10.
- Increases attack_bonus by 0.5% for each point above 10 (mages only).
- Increases barrier_damage_bonus by 1% for each point above 10.
- Increases maximum health by 5.
- Increases melee_defense by 0.5% for each point above 10.
- Increases critical chance by 0.5% for each point above 10.
- Increases ranged_defense by 0.5% for each point above 10.
- Increases attack_bonus by 0.5% for each point above 10.
- Increases magic_defense by 0.5% for each point above 10.
Damage Calculation
Note: When using the formulae below, first convert all percents to decimals (e.g. 150% -> 1.5).
The formula for damage dealt by party members against enemy NPCs is:
final_damage = (base_damage * rand(0.95 to 1.05) - armor * (1 - armor_penetration)) * (ability_multiplier) * (1 + critical_damage_bonus + flanking_bonus) * (1 + attack_bonus + damage_multiplier + type_bonus) * (1 - magic_resistance)
The formula for damage dealt by enemy NPCs against party members is:
final_damage = (base_damage * rand(0.95 to 1.05) - armor * armor_multiplier * (1 - armor_penetration)) * (ability_multiplier + attack_bonus + flanking_bonus + level_bonus + difficulty_bonus + rank_bonus) * (1 - magic_resistance) * (1 - min(defense + front_defense, 0.8))
- base_damage: Starting point for all damage calculations. For most attacks made by party members, this is equal to the value listed under the Attributes tab of the character menu as "Main-hand damage" and "Off-hand damage" (for more info on how this interacts with dual-wielding see the General Mechanics section below). Some attacks use their own specific base_damage values, most notably damage from runes and potions/grenades.
- Friendly Fire: For friendly fire physical damage (when both source and victim are party members), base_damage is multiplied by 2.5.
- armor: Armor value of the victim. Armor reduction only applies to physical damage. This value can be found under the Attributes tab of the character menu. For party members, if damage is taken from the front, the value listed as "Armor: Front" used, otherwise the value listed as "Armor" is used instead. Enemy NPCs do not have a separate "Armor: Front" value; they have one armor value that is used for incoming attacks from all directions (this armor value can be viewed in Tactical Mode by selecting/hovering the cursor over the enemy).
- armor_penetration: Armor penetration value of the source. Cannot be less than 0 or greater than 1 (default value is 0). For party members, this value can be found under the Attributes tab of the character menu.
- armor_multiplier: Used to normalize the armor values of party members to variations in enemy damage output across different difficulties. See the Difficulty Levels section for more information.
- ability_multiplier: Used mainly by abilities, but also by combo detonators. You can find specific values for abilities in their in-game descriptions. For the purposes of this guide, I will use the terms "ability_multiplier" and "weapon damage" interchangeably. For autoattacks this value is 1.
- critical_damage_bonus and flanking_bonus: Multipliers applied on critical hits and when flanking, respectively. For party members, you can find these values under the Attributes tab of the character menu. For more information on how critical hits and flanking work, see the General Mechanics section.
- attack_bonus: Represented in-game as "Attack". For party members, this value can be found under the Attributes tab of the character menu.
- damage_multiplier: A catch-all statistic used by various abilities. Default value is 0. In general when an ability description mentions a damage bonus without listing it as a percentage of "weapon damage" this is the value that is affected (this is not a hard and fast rule however - see the Abilities sections for info on specific cases).
- type_bonus: The damage bonus from creature research. Default value is 0.
- level_bonus: Default value is 0. If the enemy NPC attacker is greater than 3 levels above the defender, this value is changed to 25% times the level difference.
- difficulty_bonus: Bonus applied based on difficulty level. See the Difficulty Levels section for more information.
- rank_bonus: Bonus applied based on enemy NPC rank. Possible values are: 0%, 12.5%, and 25%.
- magic_resistance: Either the fire, cold, electricity, or spirit resistance stat of the victim, depending on the type of incoming damage. If the incoming damage is not of one of the four aforementioned types, this value defaults to 0. For party members, capped at a maximum value of 80%.
- defense: Either the melee defense (vs. melee physical damage), ranged defense (vs. ranged physical damage), or magic defense (vs. magic damage) stat of the victim, depending on the type of incoming damage. Capped at a maximum value of 80%.
- front_defense: Additional defense only applied against non-flanking attacks (see the General Mechanics section for information on what constitutes flanking attacks). Unlike the general defense stat, the same front_defense value is used for all types of attacks (melee, ranged, and magic). Capped at a maximum value of 80%.
A note on convention used by this guide:
- All values for stat bonuses presented by this guide are chosen to allow for additive stacking when combining multiple bonuses, unless it is specifically stated otherwise.
- e.g. a +100% bonus to damage_multiplier means that when applied to a base damage_multiplier value of 50%, the final value of damage_multiplier is 150%.
General Mechanics
- Can only be applied by certain Mage abilities and passives.
- The initial strength of barriers applied by party members is based on the caster's max_barrier value:
max_barrier = (base_damage + 10) * 48 - 300
- This value is defined as 100% barrier strength for all abilities that apply barrier. So an ability that applies 100% barrier will summon a barrier with initial strength equal to the caster's max_barrier value, while an ability that applies 50% barrier will summon a barrier with initial strength equal to half the caster's max_barrier value.
- This value can be modified by the Strength of Spirits passive.
- The maximum barrier value for enemy NPCs is a fixed value based on the identity and level of the NPC and the game difficulty level.
- Incoming damage affects barrier first, then guard, and lastly health.
- Damage dealt to barrier ignores armor.
- Damage dealt to barrier is modified by barrier_damage_bonus. This bonus is calculated after all other damage calculations (see the Damage Calculation section):
final_barrier_damage = final_damage * (1 + barrier_damage_bonus)
- Barrier strength is reduced when absorbing damage. One point of absorbed damage reduces barrier strength by one point. When barrier strength reaches 0, the character loses active barrier.
- For information on how damage that "overflows" barrier is handled, see this post:
- All barriers on party members slowly decay over time, losing strength at a constant rate per unit time.
- The default barrier decay rate is 8.33% barrier per second.
- This rate can be modified by the Knight-Protector passive.
- Barriers on enemy NPCs do not decay, and can only be reduced by damage or abilities that can dispel barrier.
- Can be applied by certain Warrior abilities and the effects of certain Masterwork materials.
- For party members, maximum guard value depends on maximum health. The formula is:
max_guard = floor(max_health * max_guard_factor)
- max_guard_factor: Default value for all classes is 0.25. Certain Warrior abilities increase this number.
- The maximum guard value for enemy NPCs is a fixed value based on the identity and level of the NPC and the game difficulty level.
- Incoming damage affects barrier first, then guard, and lastly health.
- Damage dealt to guard is modified by guard_damage_bonus. This bonus is calculated after all other damage calculations (see Damage Calculation section):
final_guard_damage = final_damage * (1 + guard_damage_bonus)
- Guard is reduced when absorbing damage. One point of absorbed damage reduces guard by one point. When guard reaches 0, the character loses active guard.
- For information on how damage that "overflows" guard is handled, see this post:
- Guard provides some resistance to knockback and stagger.
Critical Hits
- Base critical hit bonus = 40%.
- For AoE attacks and attacks that proc multiple hits, each individual hit has an independent chance to trigger a critical hit.
- Extra damage from runes can trigger critical hits, but they will not proc effects that trigger on critical hits.
- Damage over time ticks cannot trigger critical hits.
- Base flanking bonus = 25%.
- To qualify as a flanking attack, the attacker must be positioned in an 180-degree arc behind the defender. In other words, if the defender is facing 12 o'clock, the attacker must be located between 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock.
- All attacks except damage over time ticks can benefit from flanking.
- If the attacker is more than 3 meters from the defender, the attacker suffers a flat 25% penalty to flanking bonus (whether the attack is melee or ranged is irrelevant for this check).
Damage over Time (DoT)
- All damage over time ticks at a rate of once every 2 seconds. This holds true even if in-game descriptions imply otherwise.
- General formula for calculating number of ticks of a DoT effect:
tick_count = floor(duration / 2.0) + 1
- Damage from DoT ticks cannot be critical hits.
- If a DoT is applied while a previous instance is still active on the same target, the new DoT will replace the old one. While the duration of the new DoT effect will be refreshed accurately, the timing of the ticks will still follow the same period. For example, suppose that a DoT effect ticks at t=0s and a new instance of it is applied at t=0.5s. Instead of a new damage tick triggering at t=0.5s, the first tick of the new instance will not trigger until t=2s. The practical effect of this is that a DoT instance that refreshes an existing one may not receive as many ticks as compared to a freshly applied instance.
- [Bug - Patch 11] All ticks of any DoT effect will deal only 1 damage if both of the conditions below are true:
- The damage source is in a flanking position relative to the victim.
- The tick would have had a flanking_bonus of greater than 0% (after the >3-meter penalty is deducted, if applicable).
- Rune damage is applied only on autoattacks and Spirit Blade attacks.
- Rune damage is applied separately instead of being added to the damage of attacks on which it procs.
- Elemental runes apply damage that is typed according to the element of the rune.
- Racial runes (runes that apply damage vs. certain creature types) apply physical damage that ignores armor.
- Rune damage has a base_damage value equal to the stated damage value of the rune (in other words, a rune that grants +10 spirit damage will have a base_damage value of 10).
- Rune damage has an ability_multiplier value of 100%, except when triggered by Spirit Blade, in which case the value is 300%.
- Rune damage can critically hit, and does benefit from critical_damage_bonus and flanking_bonus.
- Rune damage does not trigger effects that proc on hit or effects that proc on critical hits.
- One exception is that rune damage will trigger the extra damage from Lightning Cage.
Status Effects
- Types:
- Bleeding: Recipient suffers a DoT effect, taking physical damage (ignores armor) over time. Stacks.
- base_damage = 5.0 per level of the source.
- ability_multiplier = 100%.
- Does not benefit from attack_bonus, damage_multiplier, critical_damage_bonus, or flanking_bonus.
- Burning: Recipient suffers a DoT effect, taking fire damage over time. Does not stack.
- Chilled: Recipient suffers reduced movement speed. Does not stack.
- Shocked: Recipient suffers a -20% penalty to fire, cold, and electricity resistance. Does not stack.
- Stunned: Recipient is unable to move or take any action. Does not stack.
- Asleep: Recipient is unable to move or take any action. Taking any damage ends the effect. Does not stack.
- Frozen: Recipient is unable to move or take any action. Does not stack.
- Paralyzed: Recipient is unable to move or take any action. Does not stack.
- Fear/Panicked: Recipient runs in random directions and is unable to take any other action. Taking any damage ends the effect. Does not stack.
- Sundered: Recipient suffers reduced armor. Stacks multiplicatively (i.e. 2x 20% Sundered stacks is effectively equal to 1x 36% Sundered stack).
- Weakened: Recipient suffers reduced damage output.
- Poisoned: Recipient suffers a DoT effect, taking poison damage over time. Poison damage ignores armor. Does not stack.
- Bleeding: Recipient suffers a DoT effect, taking physical damage (ignores armor) over time. Stacks.
- For stacking status effects, each instance of a status effect on a single recipient maintains its own timer.
- For non-stacking status effects, each new instance of specific status effect applied to a single recipient replaces any existing instance on that recipient.
Stamina/Mana Regeneration
- All characters regenerate stamina and mana passively at a fixed rate. Passive regeneration is deactivated when sustaining abilities that drain mana or stamina.
- Warriors: 4% of max stamina per second
- Rogue: 4% of max stamina per second
- Mage: 6% of max mana per second
- In addition to passive regeneration, Warriors and Rogues recover a fixed amount of stamina with every autoattack. If a single autoattack strikes more than one enemy, stamina recovery will proc once for each separate strike.
- 1-H Warriors: 5 stamina per strike.
- 2-H Warriors: 15 stamina per strike.
- Double Dagger Rogues: 5 stamina per strike.
- Bow Rogues: 6 stamina per strike.
Dual-Wielding (Double-Dagger Rogue): Stats and Damage Calculation
- Stat bonuses from both daggers are applied to the wielding character as a whole and used in damage calculations for every attack.
- When autoattacking, attacks will alternate between using main-hand and off-hand damage values (see Autoattacks section).
- In almost all other cases, including abilities and combos, only main-hand damage is used for calculating damage output (this is true even for abilities that result in multiple hits).
- There are two exceptions: Flank Attack (uses off-hand damage for both strikes) and Twin Fangs (uses main-hand damage for one strike and off-hand damage for the other).
- Focus is required to activate special Focus Abilities.
- Focus is gained by dealing damage to enemies.
- Each party member maintains his or her own focus pool. However, focus gain is shared between all active party members.
- Each tier (up to 3) of the party's focus pool filled increases the duration and magnitude of Focus Abilities.
- See the following post for more information on how focus gain is calculated: https://forum.biowar...ics/?p=20388687
If a character continuously autoattacks, they will run through their attack sequence in order and then repeat from the beginning when the sequence ends. If the character is interrupted for any reason (including being staggered, knocked down, stunned, or voluntarily taking another action such as casting an ability or moving to another position), the autoattack sequence will also be interrupted and the next autoattack will start from the first attack in the sequence.
Below are descriptions and schematics for the different autoattack sequences in the game. Note that for now, I only describe AoE and attack arcs in general terms, mostly because it is extremely difficult to gather precise data on those topics through empirical testing (enemy AI in the game don't stand perfectly still for you to line up your attacks at just the right angle).
[Bug - Patch 4] Using the search ping instantly resets autoattack sequences and the player-controlled character's animation, allowing that character to immediately restart their autoattack sequence from the beginning. Due to the timing of animations, this can be exploited to increase the effective autoattack speed of a character, most notably that of 2H Warriors.
Note that for all autoattacks except Spirit Blade, ability_multiplier = 100%.
1H Sword
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 -> 0.58 s -> attack_2 -> 1.00 s -> attack_3 -> 0.83 s -> attack_4 -> 1.33 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Attack hitting a medium arc.
- attack_2: Attack hitting a medium arc.
- attack_3: Attack hitting a medium arc.
- attack_4: Attack hitting a medium arc.
Total duration: 3.74 seconds
No. of attacks: 4
Effective DPS: 107% weapon damage per second
1H Axe/Mace
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 -> 0.58 s -> attack_2 -> 0.58 s -> attack_3 -> 0.83 s -> attack_4 -> 1.33 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Attack hitting a medium arc.
- attack_2: Attack hitting a medium arc.
- attack_3: Attack hitting a medium arc.
- attack_4: Attack hitting a medium arc.
Total duration: 3.32 seconds
No. of attacks: 4
Effective DPS: 120% weapon damage per second
2H Sword/Axe
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 -> 0.87 s -> attack_2 -> 1.12 s -> attack_3 -> 1.12 s -> attack_4 -> 1.38 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Attack hitting a large arc.
- attack_2: Attack hitting a large arc.
- attack_3: Attack hitting a large arc.
- attack_4: Attack hitting a 360-degree arc around the attacker.
Total duration: 4.49 seconds
No. of attacks: 4
Effective DPS: 89% weapon damage per second
2H Maul
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 -> 1.12 s -> attack_2 -> 1.28 s -> attack_3 -> 1.84 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Attack hitting a small AoE at the point of impact.
- attack_2: Attack hitting a small AoE at the point of impact.
- attack_3: Attack hitting a small AoE at the point of impact.
Total duration: 4.24 seconds
No. of attacks: 3
Effective DPS: 71% weapon damage per second
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 -> 0.42 s -> attack_2 -> 0.60 s -> attack_3 -> 0.37 s -> attack_4 -> 0.60 s -> attack_5 -> 0.52 s -> attack_6 + attack_7 -> 0.57 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Attack hitting a small arc. Uses main-hand damage.
- attack_2: Attack hitting a small arc. Uses off-hand damage.
- attack_3: Attack hitting a small arc. Uses main-hand damage.
- attack_4: Attack hitting a small arc. Uses off-hand damage.
- attack_5: Attack hitting a small arc. Uses main-hand damage.
- attack_6: Attack hitting a small arc. Uses main-hand damage.
- attack_7: Attack hitting a small arc. Uses off-hand damage.
Total duration: 3.08 seconds
No. of attacks: 7
Effective DPS: 130% main-hand damage + 97% off-hand damage per second
Dual Blade Daggers
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 + attack_2 -> 0.78 s -> attack_3 + attack_4 -> 0.67 s -> attack_5 + attack_6 -> 0.93 s -> attack_7 + attack_8 -> 1.15 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Attack hitting a medium arc. Uses off-hand damage.
- attack_2: Attack hitting a medium arc. Uses main-hand damage.
- attack_3: Attack hitting a medium arc. Uses main-hand damage.
- attack_4: Attack hitting a medium arc. Uses off-hand damage.
- attack_5: Attack hitting a medium arc. Uses off-hand damage.
- attack_6: Attack hitting a medium arc. Uses main-hand damage.
- attack_7: Attack hitting a 360-degree arc around the attacker. Uses main-hand damage.
- attack_8: Attack hitting a 360-degree arc around the attacker. Uses off-hand damage.
Total duration: 3.53 seconds
No. of attacks: 8
Effective DPS: 113% main-hand damage + 113% off-hand damage per second
Note: This autoattack sequence is used even when one dual-blade and one regular dagger is equipped.
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 -> 1.00 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Standard projectile.
Total duration: 1.00 seconds
No. of attacks: 1
Effective DPS: 100% weapon damage per second.
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 -> 0.50 s -> attack_2 -> 0.50 s -> attack_3 -> 0.67 s -> attack_4 -> 1.00 s -> attack_5 -> 0.62 s -> attack_6 + attack_7 + attack_8 -> 1.35 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Standard projectile.
- attack_2: Standard projectile.
- attack_3: Standard projectile.
- attack_4: Standard projectile.
- attack_5: Standard projectile.
- attack_6, attack_7, attack_8: Arcing projectiles. Applies either Burning (3 ticks over 4 seconds, 100% weapon damage per tick), Chilled (4 seconds), or Shocked (3 seconds) depending on staff element type.
Total duration: 4.64 seconds
No. of attacks: 8
Effective DPS (Fire): 237% weapon damage per second
Effective DPS (Cold, Electricity): 172% weapon damage per second
Spirit Blade
Attack Sequence:
attack_1 -> 0.91 s -> attack_2 -> 0.91 s -> attack_3 -> 1.17 s -> [repeat]
- attack_1: Attack hitting a 180-degree arc in front of the attacker for 300% weapon damage.
- attack_2: Attack hitting a 180-degree arc in front of the attacker for 300% weapon damage.
- attack_3: Attack hitting a 180-degree arc in front of the attacker for 300% weapon damage.
Total duration: 2.99 seconds
No. of attacks: 3
Effective DPS: 301% weapon damage per second
Difficulty Levels
The following values are known to change across different difficulty levels:
Enemy Damage
- Changes in damage are applied via changes to the global difficulty_bonus stat (see the Damage Calculation section). The possible values are:
- Casual: -35%
- Normal: 0%
- Hard: 40%
- Nightmare: 100%
- To adjust for the variations in enemy damage across difficulty levels, armor for party members is scaled accordingly using the global armor_multiplier stat (see the Damage Calculation section). Note that this scaling is not reflected in the in-game UI. The possible values for armor_multiplier are:
- Casual: 65%
- Normal: 100%
- Hard: 140%
- Nightmare: 200%
Enemy Health
- See the following post for information: https://forum.biowar...ics/?p=20384570
- Detonating a combo will remove the status effect (Stun, Asleep, Frozen, Paralyzed) that was used to set up the combo.
- Extra damage from detonating a combo only uses the detonating character's stats for damage calculation.
- The game treats the detonating character as the source of the extra damage from detonations.
- Extra damage from detonations is treated like any other attack: it is eligible for critical hits, flanking bonuses, and can trigger effects that proc on hit.
Basic Impact Combo
Triggers: Stunned + Impact Detonator
Deals moderate physical damage to the victim.
- Shield Bash, Lunge and Slash: 250% weapon damage.
- Mighty Blow: 150% weapon damage.
- Whirlwind: 115% weapon damage.
Basic Precision Combo
Triggers: Asleep + Precision Detonator
Deals moderate damage to the victim.
- Twin Fangs, Death Blow, Shadow Strike (dagger): 415% weapon damage as physical damage.
- Hidden Blades: 530% weapon damage as spirit damage.
- Long Shot, Shadow Strike (bow): 300% weapon damage as physical damage.
Basic Eldritch Combo
Triggers: Frozen or Paralyzed + Eldritch Detonator
Deals moderate damage to the victim.
- Dispel, Mind Blast: 500% weapon damage as spirit damage.
- Energy Barrage: 500% weapon damage as elemental damage (based on staff type).
- Immolate: 500% weapon damage as fire damage.
- Spell Purge: [Bug - Patch 11] Extra damage is not applied when detonating basic eldritch combos.
Triggers: Frozen + Impact or Precision Detonator
Deals massive cold damage to and knocks down the victim.
- Shield Bash, Lunging Strike: 325% weapon damage.
- Mighty Blow: 225% weapon damage.
- Whirlwind: 190% weapon damage.
- Twin Fangs, Death Blow, Hidden Blades, Shadow Strike (dagger): 550% weapon damage.
- Long Shot, Shadow Strike (bow): 400% weapon damage.
- Stonefist: 650% weapon damage.
Triggers: Paralyzed + Impact or Precision Detonator
Deals moderate electricity damage and applies Shocked (8 seconds) in a medium AoE around the victim.
- Shield Bash, Lunging Strike, Mighty Blow, Whirlwind, Twin Fangs, Death Blow, Hidden Blades, Long Shot, Shadow Strike: 300% weapon damage.
- Stonefist: 500% weapon damage.
Rupture (Precision/Impact)
Triggers: Stunned + Precision Detonator OR Asleep + Impact Detonator
Deals massive physical damage over time (4 ticks over 6 seconds) that ignores armor to the victim.
- Shield Bash, Lunging Strike: 125% weapon damage per tick (500% total).
- Mighty Blow, Whirlwind: 70% weapon damage per tick (280% total).
- Twin Fangs, Death Blow, Hidden Blades, Shadow Strike (dagger): 175% weapon damage per tick (700% total).
- Long Shot, Shadow Strike (bow): 150% weapon damage per tick (600% total)
Rupture (Eldritch)
Triggers: Stunned + Eldritch Detonator
Deals massive spirit damage and applies Weakness (10 seconds) to the victim.
- Dispel, Mind Blast, Energy Barrage, Immolate, Spell Purge: 1200% weapon damage.
Rupture (Stonefist)
Triggers: Stunned + Stonefist
Deals moderate spirit damage to the victim.
- Stonefist: 500% weapon damage.
Triggers: Asleep + Eldritch Detonator
Deals massive spirit damage and applies Fear (10 seconds) to the victim.
- Dispel, Mind Blast, Energy Barrage, Immolate, Spell Purge: 800% weapon damage.
Triggers: Shocked + Weakness (Weakness must be applied on top of Shocked)
Deals 100 spirit damage (unaffected by ability_multiplier, attack_bonus, damage_multiplier, or type_bonus) and applies Sleep (8 seconds) to the victim. Removes Weakness from the victimbut not Shocked.
- Bonus damage is added as a flat value to base_damage. As a result the damage of all attacks that use base_damage (autoattacks, ability damage, etc.) is increased.
Tears of the Dead
- Cannot be used by Mages.
- Only applies poison on autoattacks.
- [Mistake/Bug - Patch 4] Poison damage is not consistent with the stated damage values. In all cases the actual damage seems to be somewhat less than the stated damage (holds true with the unupgraded version and with the Damage I/II upgrades).
- Poison damage ignores armor.
- Unlike other poison effects, the damage from Tears of the Dead is not typical of DoT effects.
- Ticks every second instead of every 2 seconds.
- Each tick can independently critically hit (still does not benefit from flanking_bonus however).
- Poison damage does not stack with itself.
- Poison effect receives the bonus from Fighting Dirty and will trigger Explosive Toxin.