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A proper DPS Keeper (with barrier)

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First I want to say that I don't think that this is a particularly good build because I don't think much of DPS keeper builds in general. I am making this build just in case people want to explore some of the second-tree abilities while keeping barrier like a tricycle training wheel, and imo people should explore the second tree at least once because the second tree of keeper is pretty darn fun (but again imo not as good as barrier bots). People may wonder if I am just theorycrafting, but no, I actually have over 42 promotions on the keeper, with several of those promotions being barrier-less funny-builds.


Why have Barrier on a DPS Keeper?


1. You must obtain rejuvenating barrier if you are grabbing static cage, and you already have a point in barrier. Just having barrier on yourself is a big boost to your mana, and you need mana to cast things. And who can say no to a huge damage absorption ability?

2. You have so many good barrier passives and vs. weakened passives that you should get instead of energy barrage, lightning bolt, fade step, or fade cloak, and only so many ability points. It is simply more ability point-effective to keep your barrier in a DPS keeper build

3. Barrier means much less running away for you and affected teammates, as well as increased mana/stamina. It is great for making full use of the mana regeneration and cooldown bonus of the Winter Stillness, Gathering Storm, and Clean Burn passives, all of which are required to be obtained when getting static cage and the important mana gain vs. weakened passive.

4. Static cage and chain lightning are both quite good DPS abilities, and this build probably more than any other keeper build will let you spam more of these two abilities, especially the quite low cooldown chain lightning.

5. There will be times where your team gets somewhat overwhelmed, damaged, CC'ed, lagged out, or whatever, where you won't be able to benefit fully from having 4 CC/DPS abilities, and you will wish you had the flexibility that an OP defensive ability like Barrier gives.


Abilities, obtained in the following order:

1. Barrier upgrade at level 2.

2. Static cage upgraded at level 9.

3. Chain Lightning upgrade at level 10.

4. Veilstrike upgraded at level 14.

5. Restorative Veil passive at level 17.

6. The last three abilities is entirely up to you. I personally would get the following abilities and if you do too I suggest to get in this order: Knight-Protector, Guardian Spirit, and Mana Surge (or Strength of Spirits). If you want to go as DPS-like as possible with this build, avoid one or a few of the suggested first tree passives and go for one or a few of the remaining vs. weakened passives in the second tree, with Smothering Veil and Twisting Veil being my two preferred. Don't get stormbringer or static charge, they aren't good.


Ideal equipment:

1. Whatever staff you have. Fury of the veil's shock status from lightning damage and veilstrike proc is really nice with this build and does apply weaken status.

2. HP Belt

3. Cooldown amulet

4. Static cage ring, it is extremely powerful atm and you need to slot it if you have it. Even without, its still pretty OP and does more damage than is intended.

5. Chain lightning ring, especially since you will be spamming this a lot with this build.

6. Heal on kill ring if you don't have the above.

7. If none of the above rings, just whatever attack, crit chance, or crit damage rings you have available. Avoid barrier ring, it isn't working at the moment.


Ability rotation:

1. Barrier as much of the team as you can a few seconds before a fight, so that you have full or near full mana before starting the fight.

2. Static cage as many enemies as you can, either where they are standing or where they will be running to (yes sometimes even directly on the team).

3. Veilstrike as many enemies as you can.

4. Chain lightning the weakened enemies.

5. Keep using any abilities as soon as they are off cooldown until enemies are dead.

6. Try to avoid moving as much as possible and attack as many enemies as possible to maximize Winter Stillness, Gathering Storm, and Clean Burn passives. Naturally, you will have to move in this game, but preferably only forward toward the enemies you are trying to rid your chateau of.


Again, before people criticize this build for not being a barrier bot, know that I much prefer barrier bots, and before people criticize this build for not being enough DPS, note that I have given many examples of how having Barrier will result in more direct and indirect utilization of cooldown and mana regeneration passives and ergo more static cage and chain lightning damage. I acknowledge that in theory having 4 CC/DPS keeper might result in faster completion times but that in practice I think a DPS keeper with barrier would result in faster completion times the vast majority of times.


If you want to read my barrier bot keeper+3 archer perilous firing squad cheese build



  • Robbiesan, 21T09 and Yallegro like this


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This is my preferred CC build, why is it DPS? I like it for the sleep caused by SC/CL → Veilstrike.


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This is my preferred CC build, why is it DPS? I like it for the sleep caused by SC/CL → Veilstrike.


Static cage and chain lightning are damage.


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Good build Veramis. 


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This is my preferred CC build, why is it DPS? I like it for the sleep caused by SC/CL → Veilstrike.


Same. Pretty much my standard keeper right now. I still get easily out-dps by pretty much anyone (presuming they aren't super low prestige) except perhaps legionnaires. 


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Pretty good build IMO. I'll try that next on the keeper after I promote. What I tend to do with DPS is jump in the group of enemies and spam FC/FS with CL in between. FS essentially removes any aggro you have had and allows to recast the barrier. It is a lot of fun but a bit on the foolhardy side. However,  it is quite reliable on perilous if you are carefully watching for enemies with knockdown abilities. Damage is quite formidable and cooldowns are very low by default.

N7 Tigger

N7 Tigger
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Tricycles don't need training wheels. Reported.

  • veramis and Gya like this


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Tricycles don't need training wheels. Reported.

They do if you're really fat, lop-sided and have vertigo. Check your privilege.
  • orskar likes this