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How to Pro Legionnaire

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After seeing my friend tank three bosses at once, I wracked his brain on how. Having someone using this makes perilous a whole lot easier.


Active Skills:

Payback Strike

Walking Fortress

To The Death



All upgraded



Flow of Battle

Bear Mauls Wolves

Turn The Bolt


Last two skill points are negotiable, I prefer to take both armour upgrades myself.



If you have CaliBran then take 2 Critical Chance rings, otherwise one Crit Chance and one HoK.

Moon Axe is a suitable alternative to Caliban.

Cooldown Amulet.

Belt of Health (is their actually any other belt?)

You want the criticals to reduce your cooldowns via Flow of Battle.



There isn't much to say here that isn't obvious. Taunt with Counterstrike, use Walking Fortress when you need to. Using Payback Strike on a target you have used To The Death on will give you a nice guard boost.


There are numerous opportunities to use Counterstrike to taunt mobs so the whole wave will come at you in dribs and drabs. You generally don't need to do much in zones 1-4 assuming your backline is killing everything in good speed. Zone 4 maybe To The Death a big guy and keep hacking on him. The real point is zone 5, where you use To The Death on the boss and keep him/her occupied whilst the others do the killing.



Go straight for Walking Fortress

Then get Flow of Battle

Then To The Death

Then Counterstike

Then passives and upgrade Payback Strike

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This has been posted quite a few times, that build is your typical perilous (boss) set up.


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Oh. Why is there not a link to it in the sticked thread then?


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Here you go:



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People often sub out TTD for Lunge and Strike as a gap closer. 


Payback Strike is good because its a recovery skill for knockdowns or Demon commander panic.


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Oh. Why is there not a link to it in the sticked thread then?


Because occasionally I miss seeing threads, so unless someone shoots me a PM or replies to the Library thread, I have no way of knowing I missed something good that needs adding.




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It is a very good and informative guide Johnny. The more we know, the better we play (hopefully)


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It's a shame but I don't use the shield wall anymore either. Exact same build - he keeps on going and going. TTD is awesome.


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It's a shame but I don't use the shield wall anymore either. Exact same build - he keeps on going and going. TTD is awesome.

I think I must be using it wrong. Trying it on bosses never seems to berserk them, they just go about their business knocking me over or casting spells. Advice?


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I think I must be using it wrong. Trying it on bosses never seems to berserk them, they just go about their business knocking me over or casting spells. Advice?

I take it for the guard gen and of course the debuff on them. Total wreckage with team mates. Add in a Reaver and attack potion and laugh at the bosses.


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Haha, this is nice for people who have been blessed with an HoK ring, crit chance, and/or Caliban.  I am still slumming it.  I have Superb Crit Damage ring, Superb Cooldown amulet, Superb Sunder when hit belt.  No Caliban, but Thunderstrike works okay.  Will be a bit before I go pro. :P  I have been blessed with Bows and Staves though.  So, I just play Keeper and Elementalist all the time.


How many promotions do you need too?  ;)


It is a good guide, I just wonder how many people can use it.  Probably more on here than the general population, but still.


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I think I must be using it wrong. Trying it on bosses never seems to berserk them, they just go about their business knocking me over or casting spells. Advice?

The 'berserk' effect doesn't cause enemies to act any differently. It just increases their damage output and damage received over time.

Edit: also, make sure it's actually active. TTD has slightly wonky targeting at times, and a relatively short range for activation. Not sure if it's actually '15m' or not.


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Me on my lego:

Build: http://da-skills.net...1,00100,010,1,d


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Sadly my Lego play leaves something to be desired. I'm fine when it comes to demons, since my willpower is in triple-digit phase. Unfortunately I have a cunning of 8 and no HoK ring and only one enhanced crit chance ring of +5%. I do have caliban, so I get HoK from that. I also have a superb cooldown amulet but I find myself subbing that for my superb cunning amulet in order to make up the missing cunning.


This is a good build, but unfortunately it's highly dependent on crits, as with any good Lego build. Gotta work 'dem rogues.


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I've been lucky enough to get 2 superb crit chance rings, moon axe (16% crit chance), shield of the emperor, superb belt of health and a blue cunning amulet. Only thing I'm missing is heal on kill so I have to keep guard up at all times. I have caliban too but prefer axes because they attack faster and thus I can land more critical hits (if that made any sense). The amount of punishment I can endure with this build is just stupid.


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I have caliban too but prefer axes because they attack faster and thus I can land more critical hits (if that made any sense).


There should be guides laying around for animation cancelling => increase the speed of normal attacks!


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If you animation cancel one handed swords as soon as the first swing hits than the dps output vs axes is hardly noticeable, I have the top end one handers and there is a negligible difference in speeds between caliban vs firm tournament axe. I highly advise to do this because it dramatically increases your dps output for one hand swords.


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There should be guides laying around for animation cancelling => increase the speed of normal attacks!

Yes I'm aware of this, I use caliban on templar. Even so with an ax I can do 3 auto attacs - cancel - 3 attacks - cancel when with a sword you have to cancel after each hit, especially when enemies are blocking. So I guess I'm just lazy that way :P


Caliban's heal on kill is definitely nice but the way I see it, as a (legionnaire) tank I don't need to concern myself with killing, just staying alive and higher crit chance allows me to do just that. Plus having horn of valor proc ever so often helps out my team as well.


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To The Death, really?


Are we actually talking about the same game? its long past since we agreed Legos aren't necessary, even on Perilous. So i don't think the small benefice "To the death can give to the party counts" and is not like the Lego need the armor anyways.


As legionary you take the aggro and survive, is not wise to make the enemy hit you harder just to beg some armor. And TDD does not make the enemy fight you alone until the end (which would make the skill monstrous), The enemy will ditch you as soon he feels a Longshot on his back.


Walking Fortress

Counter Strike

Shield Wall



Is all a Lego need. Again is not like the party need the lego anyways....




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To The Death, really?


Are we actually talking about the same game? its long past since we agreed Legos aren't necessary, even on Perilous. So i don't think the small benefice "To the death can give to the party counts" and is not like the Lego need the armor anyways.


As legionary you take the aggro and survive, is not wise to make the enemy hit you harder just to beg some armor. And TDD does not make the enemy fight you alone until the end (which would make the skill monstrous), The enemy will ditch you as soon he feels a Longshot on his back.


Walking Fortress

Counter Strike

Shield Wall



Is all a Lego need. Again is not like the party need the lego anyways....



Shield Wall is bad.  Very bad.  Indefensibly bad.  If you're going to swap out TTD, you swap it for War Cry which gets you the godly Cutting Words (+20% to party damage basically) and the incredibly-powerful 200% armor evolution.  Which is fixed now, btw.  I'm personally fonder of War Cry than TTD--especially since the armor fix--but I can understand both arguments.


Also, Unbowed is...not good, especially relative to War Cry.  And if you're taking it for the cleanse, Payback is better given it often has 0 cooldown and costs 0 points..not to mention the CC/damage on it.  It gives half as much Guard on a 33% longer cooldown while not providing anything to your team.  So by taking Unbowed as your 4th instead of the standard Payback Strike (which also cleanses CC), you commit to spending 2 more points for a thoroughly mediocre ability on this kit.  Unbowed's primary virtue is that it costs no stamina.  A properly built Lego (one that doesn't take Shield Wall) has absolutely no stamina issues so that virtue is completely pointless.


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Shield Wall is bad.  Very bad.  Indefensibly bad.  If you're going to swap out TTD, you swap it for War Cry which gets you the godly Cutting Words (+20% to party damage basically) and the incredibly-powerful 200% armor evolution.  Which is fixed now, btw.  I'm personally fonder of War Cry than TTD--especially since the armor fix--but I can understand both arguments.


Also, Unbowed is...not good, especially relative to War Cry.  And if you're taking it for the cleanse, Payback is better given it often has 0 cooldown and costs 0 points..not to mention the CC/damage on it.  It gives half as much Guard on a 33% longer cooldown while not providing anything to your team.  So by taking Unbowed as your 4th instead of the standard Payback Strike (which also cleanses CC), you commit to spending 2 more points for a thoroughly mediocre ability on this kit.  Unbowed's primary virtue is that it costs no stamina.  A properly built Lego (one that doesn't take Shield Wall) has absolutely no stamina issues so that virtue is completely pointless.


Sure i use Payback Strike when i play Threatening or solo Routine, where i carry the team mostly, but for a tank that seek the defense in the times you have  everything shooting at you, normally after using Counter Strike. Unbowed is the call, you will have a fast full Armor bar on you.


On perilous where you will met with people with Void, Griffon and Sulevin? why worry about payback strike? everything will be dead before you arrive there, the best you could do to help is call everything at you with CS.





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Unbowed is the call, you will have a fast full Armor bar on you.


On perilous where you will met with people with Void, Griffon and Sulevin? why worry about payback strike? everything will be dead before you arrive there, the best you could do to help is call everything at you with CS.


War Cry pretty much does everything Unbowed does but better.  Double the guard generation and an option for armor invulnerability.  Lower cooldown and Cutting Words.  Not to mention, ya know, the whole taunt thing.  Again, Unbowed's ONLY significant plus is that it costs 0 stamina...which is absolutely pointless if you don't run Shield Wall.  Which you shouldn't because that skill is pure garbage.


And people don't take Payback Strike for damage.  They take it for the CC cleanse, which allows you to tank much better.  And, let's be fair, the AoE swipe to get multiple crits off, which is how Legos function.  But the CC cleanse is a huge deal.  Get knocked down/stunned?  Payback Strike.  It's the same as Unbowed in that regard except Payback Strike has 0 cooldown if you don't hit a target (easy to do with practice) while Unbowed has a 32 second cooldown no matter what and if you use without anybody near then you get 0 guard generation.  I mean sure, the damage/knockdown is nice too...but that's not really why you bring it.  And it's completely free.

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War Cry pretty much does everything Unbowed does but better.  Double the guard generation and an option for armor invulnerability.  Lower cooldown and Cutting Words.  Not to mention, ya know, the whole taunt thing.  Again, Unbowed's ONLY plus is that it costs 0 stamina...which is absolutely pointless if you don't run Shield Wall.  Which you shouldn't because that skill is pure garbage.


And people don't take Payback Strike for damage.  They take it for the CC cleanse, which allows you to tank much better.  Get knocked down/stunned?  Payback Strike.  It's the same as Unbowed in that regard except Payback Strike has 0 cooldown if you don't hit a target (easy to do with practice) while Unbowed has a 32 second cooldown no matter what and if you use without anybody near then you get 0 guard generation.  I mean sure, the damage/knockdown is nice too...but that's not really why you bring it.  And it's completely free.


One could argue for running both War Cry and Unbowed but that feels a bit pointless given what it means when things go wrong...


I have ran Warcry as well, but to me Warcry is a downgrade version of CounterStrike, of course Umbowed cost no stamina because if you use Shield Wall to block you will not have much stamina.


Fine, lets ditch Shield Wall, it will be hard for many, personally i fell naked without it, it had been only two times i did Lego without Shieldwall and ended needing it more of what Warcry did for me, because the enemies you pull doesn't stick to you forever, which is my same complain against TDD.


As OP stated, to tank the 3 bo3ses on perilous, i have done it, without moving a step, and umbowed did the work during the 2 seconds i had to wait for Walking fortress, at lv 16 you will be riding on it constantly, many times consecutively.


In the end, these are just builds, so we share each other's opinions. if they both work then is fine, if OP's build works, then is fine as well. But for me TDD is not working as the name and the intention of the skill dictates.





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I don't understand why anyone would pick unbowed over way cry, not only does the first only generate guard but it does nothing to generate aggro management at all. In fact it's not even a taunt and does nothing but push enemies back,the latter is an aoe taunt that keeps enemies aggroed. Any good Lego in perilous hardly ever uses shield wall and they ditch it asap because they are too busy hitting stuff with criticals and getting walking fortress up for near invincibility.

No offense, your build with unbowed and shield wall sounds like one made for threatening rather than perilous. It's only viable on templar since that's her only guard generating ability.

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I don't understand why anyone would pick unbowed over way cry, not only does the first only generate guard but it does nothing to generate aggro management at all. In fact it's not even a taunt and does nothing but push enemies back,the latter is an aoe taunt that keeps enemies aggroed. Any good Lego in perilous hardly ever uses shield wall and they ditch it asap because they are too busy hitting stuff with criticals and getting walking fortress up for near invincibility.

No offense, your build with unbowed and shield wall sounds like one made for threatening rather than perilous. It's only viable on templar since that's her only guard generating ability.



You have to try, then come back and give me your review, not because something "Sounds" bad its bad.


Warcry is mostly useless (at least to me) by the range of the Agro, and agro is not permanent, i used it many times and nearly didnt agro the enemy close to me, it was a bug of something i don't know,  but  instead of Warcry i use Counter Strike. I don't need to push enemies back, i need the enemies come to me and resist the the punishment until my team get rid of it.


Templar doesn't need anything besides Might Of Heaven and Spell Purge, well maybe run fast because everyone else is killing everything.


As stated before a build is a build and that build do the job, is not the only i use, because i change unbowed with payback Strike some times, if you put attention to my previous statement, umbowed is more preferred (Tor me) than To The Death because you get the full armor faster.


I remember my first build was this one:

Dwarven Juggernaut, by -PenguinFetish-: http://forum.bioware...ire-buildvideo/




After a while i started testing with different kind of skills, i change them a lot after each promotion, that who uses the same build promotion after promotion is a FOOL! so is not like i use unbowed in all of my builds, but i prefer to use Counter Strike instead of Warcry, and Umbowed instead that To the Death.



And shield wall?


Well i used to be a Legionary once, but them i took an arrow to the .....back!