Thanks Owl/Penguin. Yeah, pretty much how I play this map too. Cool Beats!
Some good advice. I do think that level needs some tweaking though as it has quickly become a virtual horde fest where you find the right spot and let them come running into massively long battles. A few too many main stay camping points right now.
Some good advice. I do think that level needs some tweaking though as it has quickly become a virtual horde fest where you find the right spot and let them come running into massively long battles. A few too many main stay camping points right now.
True enough. Played on Thr last night using Archer and LBoG. With that passive (automatic crit from flank) and was OHK pretty much every mook coming down the ladder. Pretty easy to do.
Good advice there for any difficulty. A fair few pugs I've been on have wiped on wave 4 threatening.
Nice guide. I am a bit surprised that the trebuchets were recommended though. It seems like they usually end up being more trouble than they are worth, especially if you are talking random games.
If you have the class to open the first treasure room door, you can climb the ladder and open the door then hop back down. Makes for a nice choke point...
Nice guide. I am a bit surprised that the trebuchets were recommended though. It seems like they usually end up being more trouble than they are worth, especially if you are talking random games.
They do about 20k damage for each hit, plus it forced teammates to group together, so theres that too
Additional tip for Avvar at the zone 3 ladder: crushing leap and lightning hakkon smash thingy on an enemy at the bottom of the ladder will hit enemies at the top. Alas, ladies wrath doesn't seem to.
A lot of abilities dont seem to have a limit on the Y axis. Power chord for example is pretty effective like this.
I love to shoot a walking bomb at the guys in line to come down the ladder. Good fun.
Enjoy your increased XP and disappointing loot drops.
Haha, fitting
Using the Trebuchets is kinda annoying. I prefer to just go right in front of the dragon and shoot it in the face when I'm playing a ranged character.
I also use the Trebuchets. In the right situation you can finish off the dragon while it's perched on a building.
Using the Trebuchets is kinda annoying. I prefer to just go right in front of the dragon and shoot it in the face when I'm playing a ranged character.
Yep. Melee can fend off the 'lings.
I am not entirely sure what composition (besides maybe pure melee) is really best using the trebuchets, outside of low party DPS.
Trebuchets deal roughly 20k damage per hit. Unless you are in a coordinated team then its unlikely you will hit that much damage. Only an Archer or Zither could even come close to that on their own.
Some good advice. I do think that level needs some tweaking though as it has quickly become a virtual horde fest where you find the right spot and let them come running into massively long battles. A few too many main stay camping points right now.
The camping (and Virtuoso) is what makes the perilous castle accessible to low geared and low promoted players. This is a good thing. Farming dragon weapons is what is keeping this game "alive". Having a "good" chance to get end game gear compels many to stick with this game. You take this away from the main player base, and they will just decide to go play Witcher 3 instead.
Personally, I would suggest no changes.
Using the Trebuchets is kinda annoying. I prefer to just go right in front of the dragon and shoot it in the face when I'm playing a ranged character.
The safest place I find is right under his belly. I mean 'her' belly. No matter what class, I run right under the beast and try and concentrate on a leg.
The camping (and Virtuoso) is what makes the perilous castle accessible to low geared and low promoted players. This is a good thing. Farming dragon weapons is what is keeping this game "alive". Having a "good" chance to get end game gear compels many to stick with this game. You take this away from the main player base, and they will just decide to go play Witcher 3 instead.
Personally, I would suggest no changes.
Probably all true. It's just not very fun to play after a short period of time imo.
Trebuchets deal roughly 20k damage per hit. Unless you are in a coordinated team then its unlikely you will hit that much damage. Only an Archer or Zither could even come close to that on their own.
So basically an trebuchets are for teams coordinated enough to go to the trebuchet, but not coordinated enough to go right below it and shoot it?
There are a lot of permutations where 1 to 4 characters can do similar damage to the dragon. I will give this a whirl with some friends though to compare damage, since some don't have high promotes anyway.
The safest place I find is right under his belly. I mean 'her' belly. No matter what class, I run right under the beast and try and concentrate on a leg.
Cirvante was probably talking about when it is on one of the rooftops.
I've been going right below the Dragon to attack it (when it sits on the top of the tower) since Day 1. I've never fired a trebuchet nor I've seen someone firing one. I must have killed over 200 Dragons by now this way (with all sorts of teams, not just the super geared and super promoted ones). Thus I remain skeptical about the trebuchets utility, unless one is running a full melee party or the ranged attack damage is really bad.
The safest place I find is right under his belly. I mean 'her' belly. No matter what class, I run right under the beast and try and concentrate on a leg.
Yea, me too. Come in from side, attack one of rear legs.
Yea, me too. Come in from side, attack one of rear legs.
Just have to be carefull, she kicks back from time to time, I was once kicked to death because I am an idiot and wasn´t paying attention to her legs.
Just have to be carefull, she kicks back from time to time, I was once kicked to death because I am an idiot and wasn´t paying attention to her legs.
If you attack the front of her hind legs you're pretty safe. It gets iffy when she turns wildly. I often played with Isabella and have the gangway skill which is great in any situation of Dragon fight.
Dragon AoE attack? Gangway!
You need to get in close again? Gangway!
Dragonlings in your back? Gangway!
Just like Tech Armour - it's very useful.