"I'm going to volunteer my leadership to this platoon. An army without leaders is like a foot without a big toe." - John Winger
I threw this guide together after leaving a comment to a fellow player about the Veilfire event but I figure why waste good material to leave in a comment. I've edited the original comment and threw in a few more points plus a video to go along with it.
Do/Don't list:
1. Don't try to run the torch with a Lvl1 kit. All my stats are above 55 and I have great gear but even I can go down on a Threatening match if I get surrounded (without good backup). Let someone with a higher lvl run it.
2. Let the melee kit run the torch if you have one around, preferably warrior. Melee kits tend to have more CON and aren't as useful as a ranged fighter by being restrained inside the circle.
3. Don't loot during the event. *in Obama voice* That's just dumb. If the rest of the team decides to skip the zone rather than go back to loot, then don't throw a fit on mic.
4. Walking can be more advantageous than running. The zones are small enough that you don't really need to sprint the entire way there. Walking also allows the rest of your party to keep up with you and a Barrier kit to protect the runner because they can cast while keeping up. The runner can use sprint to blow by or shake mobs while giving the rest of the team time to distract them.
5. If the runner gets hit, then the person closest to him/her should pick up the torch and keep it moving. The original runner will need to defend him/herself, so recovering the torch should be secondary.
6. Don't get ahead of the runner. The person carrying the torch has the element of surprise. If someone sprints ahead of them then they will trigger the alerted state of the enemy AI. The AI then select who they will attack. This doesn't bode well for the runner since he/she loses the advantage of shaking unalerted mobs.
7. If the person who grabs the torch is a noob (he/she is forcing players to loot treasure rooms or doesn't know where he/she is going), then go alert an enemy unit and make it follow you back to the runner. Unfortunately they didn't make a way for you force them to drop the torch other than enemy contact or team kick.
8. Take the path of least resistance. Some areas have backdoors or alternate paths to the brazier. Take those routes instead of taking on enemies head on.
9. Stick together like bees in a glue factory. At the most, the Veilfire Torch event should take all of 60 seconds to complete (most are less than 30). Now is not the time to be running off to do your own thing (that applies to both SpeedRacers and Leprechauns).
10. Don't try to kill everything. The objective is the get from Point A to Point B while taking a little damage as possible... in a timely manner. Once you reach the end of the zone and lit the brazier, then you worry about kill the remaining enemy units as well as new spawns.
Veilfire Torch Event Vutorial
Update: According to Jesheezy alot of you suck at Darkspawn (their words not mine ). He or she recommends that you stop Rambroing Zone 4. If you're not sure what Rambroing is then see my other guide in sigblock.