Hello BSN!
I have recently finished my poison challenge drudgery and quite conveniently, I am at lvl 19 and I am looking to my next promotion. I can now leave my Stealth/PW/PC/KB build behind that I was using to farm kills and switch to something more interesting. What sorts of builds do people use nowadays for little Luka?
I have a handful of questions:
-What kind of builds are you all using and seeing success with?
-Has anyone tried a stealthless double flask build like this:
FoFire+EM spam / FoFrost+SS for shatter so you always have a combo to use and you aren't waiting for cooldowns.
-Anyone know what Alchemy Mastery does? What would be a "status effect caused by your alchemy"? Is this poison? Flask Freeze effect? Does it extend the chill/burning/shock on EM?
I really don't like many rogues. I think the Alchemist is fun and could see myself promoting her many times if I can find a good non-gimpy build that will work in perilous. I'd love to hear what you guys think about making the trash tier class not so trashy.
-----UPDATE 6/17/15-----
I have played this build for a few promotions and can give some more detail.
Final Build: (lvl 19)
Unlock order:
I will usually beeline for upgraded FoFire (level7)
Then upgrade mines (level8)
Then grab FoFrost (level9) -no upgrade
After that I work my way down to upgraded shadow strike (level3)
Then just build in the rest of the passives starting with Ride the storm, Easy to miss, then Killer's Alchemy.
This build is very centered around active abilities and the passives are just really icing on the cake with the exception of Ride the storm which will greatly increase the synergy.
This build really shines on maps like FC when you turtle in one place (rooms to the side in wave 3 and 4, Font stairs area in wave 5) so you can predict where enemies are coming from.
I will usually litter the entrance with mines using FoFire and EM, then pop FoFrost in between, using shadow strike to shatter and reduce Cooldowns (it's easy to run around to the flank of a frozen pack of enemies. By the time your Frost flask is out, usually it is only a few seconds before the Mines are back up and you can repeat. If you are conscious about it, you can hold off doing your last EM to leave it off cooldown, allowing you to recast FoFire faster (if you do hit the last mines after the Flask wears off, you tend to have to wait until the ride the storm passive wears off before you can re-Fire flask and litter with mines).
If you have a mob that is immune to freezing, you can pop FoFire and spam them with Shadow strike. This is usually ineffective as Shadow strike doesn't do very much damage at it's base without bonuses but I have found this better than auto attacking. This is mostly an issue with Brutes, Fear demons, pride demons, Red templar knights. That said if you can set your mines effectively, this is the better way to burn them down if it is not on cooldown and there are no range restrictions (you'd throw your mines past them.
Frost Flask is particularly good for taking out Arcane horrors as they constantly get refrozen over the duration of the flask, allowing you and your team to burst him down with no trouble.
As I have mentioned in posts below, there are some essential weaknesses in the build to be aware of.
-Mobs that are immune to freezing (mentioned above).
-You have to be very careful and tactical about where to put your mines. It takes some getting used to but judging the distance and trajectory of an incoming foe can spell success with the mines. Miss and they lie uselessly on the ground.
-Dragons. The mines do not seem to affect the dragon (not sure if a bug or not). And shadow strike is mostly useless. You need to rely on your team to DPS the Dragon. The Dragonlings, however, are like sheep to be slaughtered.
This is a fun and slightly unorthodox build that allows you to take advantage of the synergy in the alchemy tree. It helps provide damage, survivability, CC, and combos. I highly recommend it to anyone that wants to try something new that completely Differentiates the Alchemist from the Assassin.