MP enemies health and armor values - work in progress.
Posted 15 July 2015 - 05:10 PM

For now there not many data there, pretty much NM demons and some red templars. (thanks for drasca to being able to die and get data)
Data taken from screens:
And yes there are in polish, I can't change language, for some whatever stupid reason.
Any help with gathering data is really welcome here. Best would be screenshot, because there give exact values. What is needed?
1. Obviously name and difficulty
2. Unit level. They vary even on the same difficulty. The same type of enemy in zone 1 has lower lower than those on zone 4. Higher level -> higher health and armor values.
3. Armor and health values, still look out for effects like sunder armor.
- capn233, Mocha and Gya like this
Posted 15 July 2015 - 07:16 PM

I can confirm that the demons and red Templars are correct on NM, I was also collecting these. The L24 Rage demon with armor sundered I need to check.Link for spreadsheet:
For now there not many data there, pretty much NM demons and some red templars. (thanks for drasca to being able to die and get data)
Data taken from screens:
And yes there are in polish, I can't change language, for some whatever stupid reason.
Any help with gathering data is really welcome here. Best would be screenshot, because there give exact values. What is needed?
1. Obviously name and difficulty
2. Unit level. They vary even on the same difficulty. The same type of enemy in zone 1 has lower lower than those on zone 4. Higher level -> higher health and armor values.
3. Armor and health values, still look out for effects like sunder armor.
Posted 15 July 2015 - 07:34 PM

I can confirm that the demons and red Templars are correct on NM, I was also collecting these. The L24 Rage demon with armor sundered I need to check.
If you got some data in that manner I would love to see this. Gathering this data is painful and any kind of help would be great.
L24 Rage demon appears on on zone 4. I've just assumed 20% sunder (From Lego - shield breaker) and reverse calculated it to 119.
Posted 15 July 2015 - 07:38 PM

- Mocha and Proto like this
Posted 15 July 2015 - 07:47 PM

I need more than one volunteer for this collection, also their damage output will be very tedious to collectDo enemies gain a boost to HP when someone gets faded? If so we would need to account for this boost as if you can see it, then there is at least one person in the fade.
Posted 15 July 2015 - 07:50 PM

I would need to submit to you my set of data collections since I found my demon numbers were different in zone 4 armor values only hp seems the same. I have Rage demon at 95 and lesser shade at 36If you got some data in that manner I would love to see this. Gathering this data is painful and any kind of help would be great.
L24 Rage demon appears on on zone 4. I've just assumed 20% sunder (From Lego - shield breaker) and reverse calculated it to 119.
Let me collect more data
Posted 15 July 2015 - 08:05 PM

Do enemies gain a boost to HP when someone gets faded? If so we would need to account for this boost as if you can see it, then there is at least one person in the fade.
I think it does not affect hp and armor, only damage. Also even Luke suggested this way of gathering data about health and armor and even give as how formula for this "works".
I will quote Luke:
If it helps heres how the health math and armor work:
There is a base health value for creatures in general for every level and then depending what the creature has for their health multiplier it multiplies by plus a value for the difficulty (which all have different multiplier values).
So: Base Health[level] * (HealthModifier + DifficultyModifier)
(elites and bosses calculate differently, this is just for standard enemies)
As for armor it is a little more static. There is again a base value depending on the level of the creature and then it has a static modifier that either adds or subtract a flat amount depending on what the individual creature has.
So: Base Armor[level] +/- ArmorModifier
Lastly, SP and MP use the same base values but not the same health and difficulty modifiers.
Good luck!
Maybe it will help us in someway.
Posted 15 July 2015 - 08:13 PM

Maybe the modifier includes overall promotion of the team? otherwise how do we explain the Armor value difference in demons. I will confirm some information since I will be with different teams on different days. Interesting thoughtI will quote Luke:
Maybe it will help us in someway.
Posted 15 July 2015 - 08:15 PM

Maybe the modifier includes overall promotion of the team? otherwise how do we explain the Armor value difference in demons. I will confirm some information since I will be with different teams on different days. Interesting thought
the same levels of enemies?
Posted 15 July 2015 - 08:18 PM

Yes they were the same and in fact all Rage Demon were the same there was 8 or so, all Pride Demon etc. So the armor value is determined prior to spawning based on the math you mentioned and they seem to spawn with that value. Will confirmthe same levels of enemies?
Posted 15 July 2015 - 08:21 PM

If only Luke saw it fit to simply open his spreadsheet and provide us with the numbers. Wouldn't take him more than 30 seconds for a quick copy/paste job...
Posted 15 July 2015 - 08:22 PM

Yes they were the same and in fact all Rage Demon were the same there was 8 or so, all Pride Demon etc. So the armor value is determined prior to spawning based on the math you mentioned and they seem to spawn with that value. Will confirm
Cool, even if there is some variations in values, which we can't explain with why, it's still better to have some range of values than just plain nothing.
With maybe enough data I could crack this formula Luke mentioned. For this I need pretty much data from different difficulties.
Posted 16 July 2015 - 07:59 AM

Here are some of my observations:
NM FC Frost with Demon Faction:
Wave 4:
Lv. 24 Rage Demon 19789 Health/ 95 Armor
Lv.? Despair Demon 15487/ 0
Lv. ? Pride Demon 25836/ 118
Lv. 23 Black Wolf 18407/ 36
Wave 5:
Lv. 30 Frost Dragon 492634/ 99
More scattered observations:
NM FC Frost with Red Templars
Wave 4:
Lv 24 Red Templar Knight 17638/ 64
Lv 23 Horror 14405/ 75
Posted 16 July 2015 - 08:42 AM

Venatori on Heart Breaker:
Spellbinder: lvl 25, hp 16609, armour 0
Mage: lvl 25, hp 16609, armour 39
Zealot: lvl 25, hp 16609, armour 78
Marksman: lvl 25, hp 12456, armour 39
Will post more of everything next time I'm in the fade
Posted 16 July 2015 - 09:40 AM

Mage having armor? this is something I wasn't aware of.
- K_A_Rnage likes this
Posted 16 July 2015 - 10:39 AM

Brute: lvl 23, hp 20408, armour 108
Spellbinder: lvl 22, hp 13360, armour 0
Confirm dragon hp: 492638
Posted 16 July 2015 - 10:41 AM

Posted 16 July 2015 - 01:25 PM

Posted 16 July 2015 - 06:00 PM

Yarpen I will volenteer to go on some of your leet group NM FC runs and just sit in the fade and collect data...... You get data.... I get a coordinated group for NM FC runs... Win win right? Worth a shot at least
Posted 16 July 2015 - 06:03 PM

Some additional infoUpdated, thanks for data.
Venatori - NM
Zealot L20 HP 11,389 AR 62
Mage L22 HP 13,360 AR 34
Spellbinder L21 HP 12,355 AR 0
Marksman L20 8541 (in zone 1, 9266 when player went to fad) AR 31 (32 after faded player)
Gladiator L21 HP 14,071 AR 81
Stalker HP 16,609 AR 79
I have some additional data on player going to fade effect I need to get from friend taking notes will post that later
Posted 16 July 2015 - 06:18 PM

Some additional info
Venatori - NM
Zealot L20 HP 11,389 AR 62
Mage L22 HP 13,360 AR 34
Spellbinder L21 HP 12,355 AR 0
Marksman L20 8541 (in zone 1, 9266 when player went to fad) AR 31 (32 after faded player)
Gladiator L21 HP 14,071 AR 81
Stalker HP 16,609 AR 79
I have some additional data on player going to fade effect I need to get from friend taking notes will post that later
Thank you very much.
How you see the difference between before and after fade? Mobs spawn before someone got to fade and after that?
Yarpen I will volenteer to go on some of your leet group NM FC runs and just sit in the fade and collect data...... You get data.... I get a coordinated group for NM FC runs... Win win right? Worth a shot at least
you can add me, yarpen21 origin id
Still NM runs I run pretty much mostly with Drasca and he is the person who carry everyone there.
But I would love to get perilous data and I can solo it on most of my kits now so why not.
Posted 18 July 2015 - 03:34 AM

I know that much of this is about NM, but I did some checking in the fade on perilous (mainly because the dragon just loved to fireball me to the face when I wasn't looking).
Demons: Armor HP
Lesser Shade 20 4706
Rage Demon 55
Fear Demon 49 8572
Fearling 0 354
Despair Demon 0 4358
Terror Demon 23 6780
Demon Commander 23 71801
Pride Demon 55 6717
Zealot 41 3793
Marksman 20 2844
Brute 66 6972
Stalker 46 4843
Mage 23
Deepstalker 0 1896
Dragonling 23 4843
Inferno Dragon 62
Arcane Horror 22
Revenant 69 25181
Also, the informant only has 17 armor on Perilous as well, less than anything that has an armor value > 0.
Don't know if any of this helps, but it gave me something to do while looking at the green.
- A-T-R-A likes this
Posted 18 July 2015 - 05:24 AM

Hyena L 22, HP 20782, A 34
RT Guard L 21, HP 14071, A 81
RT Knight L 22, HP 15215, A 103
RT Marksman L 20, HP 8541, A 31
RT Horror L 21, HP 12355, A 81
Posted 18 July 2015 - 06:59 AM

Updated with my data also, some high level RT NM enemies from zone 4 FC.
Posted 18 July 2015 - 08:16 AM

Making the presumption that their Barrier is 100% HP