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Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer Support for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Going Forward

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Billy Buskell

Billy Buskell
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Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer Support for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Going Forward:


Since the release of Patch 8 on July 6, 2015, some of you have been asking what sort of support we’ll be providing for Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.


The team had to make the tough decision to end new content and patch support for older systems. This affects single-player and multiplayer DLC content, as well as patches.


For single player and multiplayer, we wanted to provide some assistance to players who were preparing to make the jump to the new generation of platforms, which is where the Dragon Age save importer came in.


In the case of multiplayer, the DAIMP team remains committed to keeping the live service going for all players. This means we will continue to run weekly challenges on both PS3 and Xbox 360 for as long as we run them on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.





The DAIMP team



Note: In addition to this thread, please direct any comments, concerns, or complaints to @dragonage on twitter and facebook, or contacting EA support directly. These are the appropriate places to encourage people to post, or send messages.

Edited by Conal Pierse, 28 July 2015 - 09:37 PM.
Clarification: This feature was developed for Multiplayer as well as Single Player.

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That an drag :angry:

  • Innarra, Panda, Ewa and 2 others like this


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So we can play with what is available up to patch 8 and that's it. Not good.
  • Innarra, Brewskin and Orvar83 like this


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No patch either for PS3.

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No patch either for PS3.

biggest disappointment since this means the content has ended not will end
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biggest disappointment since this means the content has ended not will end


Wow :(

  • Brewskin and Spin-Orbit like this

Felis Menari

Felis Menari
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Ouch. I dare say this justifies discontent 360 and PS3 DA:I owners having the option of getting a full refund on their purchase(s), or a free upgrade to a PS4, Xbone, or PC version with free access to any DLC previously purchased. The refunds would hurt EA/Bioware, but it's the right thing to do.
  • Innarra, Shechinah, Kalas Magnus and 9 others like this


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Ouch. I dare say this justifies discontent 360 and PS3 DA:I owners having the option of getting a full refund on their purchase(s), or a free upgrade to a PS4, Xbone, or PC version with free access to any DLC previously purchased. The refunds would hurt EA/Bioware, but it's the right thing to do.



  • Innarra, Kalas Magnus, Brewskin and 2 others like this


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Ouch. I dare say this justifies discontent 360 and PS3 DA:I owners having the option of getting a full refund on their purchase(s), or a free upgrade to a PS4, Xbone, or PC version with free access to any DLC previously purchased. The refunds would hurt EA/Bioware, but it's the right thing to do.

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Yeah, a free digital version on the nex gen for previous gen users would be a super nice for BW to do, with saves/profile imported.  Glad I purchased this on XB!.  Feeling for previous genners...

  • Panda, Brewskin and SirMisterKitty like this

Kalas Magnus

Kalas Magnus
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so now 360 can glitch all they want?

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so now 360 can glitch all they want?



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Your parent company has done digital upgrades before to Next Gen: http://us.playstatio...digitalupgrade/

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Wow bioware..... this is one amazing way to ****** several thousands costumers off, not caring for any future products of you any more.

Seriously, if you guys didn't even want to fix and patch existing glitches and bugs at their current state on the older system,



Sorry, but with this worst case statement, I will not buy another BW game for a very long time.


I am usually not that salty, but gosh you guys ****ed it up this time!

  • MightyMalgar, Roninbarista, Kalas Magnus and 9 others like this


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I'm out.

  • EnemySpinach, Brewskin, Spin-Orbit and 3 others like this


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EA would be my guess. Sell the game to old gen as well and then **** them in the ass

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Once I heard that W3 wasn't going to be released on 360, I went ahead and upgraded my PC.  So, I have no dog in this fight.  It seems to me, though, that folks should be allowed to DL a digital upgrade using their existing key code.  It's not like BW/EA will be losing anything, and perhaps retaining future customers.  Not sure if this is even a thing, but it seems the most fair thing to do.

  • Robbiesan, llandwynwyn, Demonique and 6 others like this


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Wow. I don't even have anything to say to this. DLC is one thing but patches too? Jesus this is pathetic even by EA standards. A giant f*ck you from bioware.

  • ThePhoenixKing, Kalas Magnus, EnemySpinach and 3 others like this


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Too bad you couldn't have put some of this effort into continuing to provide reasonable support for the PS3/360 owners who bought your product in good faith; instead, after countless hours invested, dealing with massive bugs and glitches, and your deafening silence on the subject, our loyalty is rewarded with this outright kick in the balls.


I plan to buy a PS4 in the fall, but despite having been a Bioware fan since there have been Bioware games, I'm going to have to re-evaluate my gaming options. Any company that would willfully mislead it's customers in such a manner is certainly not worthy of my continued support. The only way I can see myself continuing to support your company and it's products will be if you decide to man up and do the right thing by providing a free, or at the very least, heavily discounted upgrade to new gen consoles for those of your customers you've currently decided aren't worthy of your time.


Thanks Bioware.

  • Paul E Dangerously, Innarra, MightyMalgar and 9 others like this


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Well this was a slick way to get the XP bug off the radar. I wonder if they had to flip a coin for who was gonna break the news. Billy gets this thread while Blar gets the two good news items.

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I am glad the other versions are going to receive new content after more than eight months after release.
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EDIT: Some things that I regret saying.


Okay, So the way I see it. My opinions only, I don't claim to work for BioWare/EA I just make them laugh with gifs.


First of all, I'm not blaming anything on BioWare, but mostly EA.


When the development of DAI started, the older consoles were still popular. Hell, the development started even before the new consoles were announced. Releasing it for the older consoles as well as the newer ones was a sensible choice because a) More people buying the game, meaning more money, and happier customers. Imagine the storm that would have followed if they would have announced the game only for the newer consoles and PC back then. It would not have been pretty. After their initial announcement and realization that this decision was risky as hell, they couldn't retract the statement due to backlash and the fact that they were already working on the ps3/360 version, and scrapping it meant that they would also scrap the possible extra cash they were going to make. (this was probably EA's idea as devs need to get paid, yo).

EDIT: It wasn't partly due to money, but also technological reasons. It's difficult as hell to port over a next-gen game to a 10-year old console and have it to work as it should. Basically see what Bryan has said a couple dozen pages in.


However, anyone who has played the game on newer consoles can see that the game suffered due to the fact that they had to spend resources on a ps3/360 version of the game on the side. Also my guess would be that the game and the DLCs didn't sell all that well on the older consoles, and it just simply wasn't profitable in any shape or form. (plus technological reasons) As much as I hate EA's money laundering antics (from two years ago), games aren't made from sugardust, but money (meaning: devs have to get paid, not just EA). So the most logical decision to make here to keep everything afloat is to stop developing for the older consoles alltogether. The newer consoles get MUCH better quality DLCs and content, BioWare and EA has money, everyone is happy except for everyone who bought the game for older consoles and was wounded in this failed experiment conducted by EA. I take this back. You buy a game for a 10 year old console at old risk. You can run DAI on a laptop from 2012 on lowest settings.


I have mixed feelings about this issue, but I totally see where they are coming from and WHY they ceased to care about the older consoles. Answering the question of "Should they even have developed the game for older consoles in the first place?" is VERY tricky, because as evidenced by the internet, it would have been a mess no matter what they would have done. (plus all the technological reasons completely slipped my mind, because let's face it I was out of it when I wrote half of this crap.)


What I don't really condone is EA using this opportunity to get even more money from game sales. Yes, I know, what I said above about money, but these people have already purchased the game (+ the DLCs) and the least you can do is give them a free game upgrade to the newer consoles, then host a contest to win a couple of xbones/ps4s.


(Brojo explained the server thing so free upgrade is out of the question.)


tldr EA took a risk which didn't pay off all that well and I totally understand why they did it.

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Well this was a slick way to get the XP bug off the radar. I wonder if they had to flip a coin for who was gonna break the news. Billy gets this thread while Blar gets the two good news items.



Billy Buskell

Billy Buskell
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Too bad you couldn't have put some of this effort into continuing to provide reasonable support for the PS3/360 owners who bought your product in good faith; instead, after countless hours invested, dealing with massive bugs and glitches, and your deafening silence on the subject, our loyalty is rewarded with this outright kick in the balls.


I plan to buy a PS4 in the fall, but despite having been a Bioware fan since there have been Bioware games, I'm going to have to re-evaluate my gaming options. Any company that would willfully mislead it's customers in such a manner is certainly not worthy of my continued support. The only way I can see myself continuing to support your company and it's products will be if you decide to man up and do the right thing by providing a free, or at the very least, heavily discounted upgrade to new gen consoles for those of your customers you've currently decided aren't worthy of your time.


Thanks Bioware.


While I understand that some are frustrated or upset by this news, I must ask (since it's mentioned by several posters) what was done by BioWare, or the teams, to mislead players?  If there are examples, I am happy to try to address them here.




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