Darkspawn is a two-in-one faction. One consists of random creatures and the other of dwarves (Sha-Brytol, lost dwarves). You won't ever see dwarves grouped with creatures in mp.
List of enemies:
- Creature Faction
Genlock Alpha
Hurlock (archer)
Hurlock (guard)
Hurlock Alpha
Emissary Alpha (boss)
- Dwarf faction:
Sha-Brytol Earthshaker,
Sha-Brytol Bolter,
Sha-Brytol Revered Defender,
Sha-Brytol Stonestalker
I haven't really tested much, but here are a few things I can share:
- Genlocks have two attacks: one slashing attack and a charge which can knockdown
- Hurlock archer has the same AI as venatori marksman. Full draw shot deals Weakened as well.
- Hurlock Alpha has a taunt ability (red shockwave visual effect) that will buff ALL nearby enemies and temporarily grant them immunity to hard CCs, such as Frozen, Panicked, Stunned, ... (most likely Paralyzed as well)
- Genlock Alpha is immune to nearly everything. You can avoid the knockdown attack with a jump. They also seem to have armor penetration, although I'm not sure how it functions. Damage with or without barrier seems to be about the same, so I'd say it works as a maximum armor penetration preset damage rather than a %
- Shriek has the same AI as RT shadow, can be Frozen but not Panicked
- Emissary has fire resist, can be Frozen
- Earthshaker has a massive HP pool and has CC immunity to nearly everything, including burning. Deals nature damage on all attacks (?)
- Bolter seems to have armor penetration or high weapon base damage. If armor pen, would work the same way as Genlock Alpha. Can be Frozen and Panicked. Disruption Field likely to be helpful
- Stonestalker can be Frozen but not Panicked
- Revered Defender can be Panicked
- Emissary Alpha is most likely vulnerable to Disruption Field if it wasn't fixed in Beta. Beam attack is part spirit and part physical damage. Physical part doesn't bypass armor