After spending the whole weekend thinking long and hard about the best solo build for the Saarebas, I believe I've found a reliable setup that can work well for all players regardless of promotions. This build is barrier-less, ring-less and glyph-less (for reasons explained in FAQ section) but can still be very team-friendly as its focus is to maximize CC opportunities (even better than a necro) and to output massive DPS. This build is risky and requires practice; while you may not solo Nightmare to completion on your own (unless you're a promotion lord), it will allow you to stay alive on your own. This build satisfies all the requirements I had in mind:
- Very good mobility (Necessary for evading terrors, fast targets such as shadows/brutes/rage demons and recovering from bad situations)
- Very good CC (Slowed, Chilled, Frozen, Paralyzed, Knockdown, Panicked)
- Extremely good overall DPS
- Good focus on defense
- Has to work well against all factions
- Optimized synergy between abilities (no overlap)
The Build
Demo (stats: 21 constitution, 42 cunning, 74 willpower)
Extra strategy tips (after watching demo)
- If you suddenly find yourself surrounded, either fade step to position yourself better (Asaara's leap opener), or cast Gaatlok Blast in the flow-stance to paralyze/discharge an enemy and use that enemy to leap to. The discharge will incapacitate the enemy for more than 6 seconds.
- Have a good knowledge of each enemy's immunity list.
- E.g. #1: A shadow is immune to Frozen/Panicked but is vulnerable to Paralyzed and Knockdown. Use Gaatlok Blast to Knockdown, then Gaatlok Blast again to Paralyze/Discharge and deal massive damage or Wall of Hissra.
- E.g. #2: A Red templar knight is immune to Frozen/Paralyze/Knockdown but is vulnerable to Panic. Use Wall of Hissra's finisher to Panic and eventually kill him via damage over time.
- When casting Wall of Hissra's finisher (Wall of Fire which inflicts Panicked), make sure to stay close to a chokepoint to keep good positioning. Spam Ice wall/Lightning wall to prevent enemies from going behind you. If they do get behind you, leap to the farthest enemy via Gaatlok Blast / leap and repeat.