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[Reference] Exact modifier values for all difficulties

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| Modifier name \/ Difficulty  | Heartbreaker | Nightmare | Perilous | Threatening |  Routine |
| HealthMultiplier             |        1.800 |     1.800 |    1.250 |       1.100 |    1.000 |
| DamageMultiplier             |        2.000 |     2.000 |    1.875 |       1.375 |    1.000 |
| Anticipation                 |        1.500 |     1.500 |    1.500 |       1.100 |    1.000 |
| Negative-effect-duration     |        1.000 |     1.000 |    1.000 |       1.000 |    1.000 |
| GlobalSpeed                  |        1.250 |     1.250 |    1.250 |       1.100 |    1.000 |
| Creature-Cooldown            |        0.500 |     0.500 |    0.750 |       0.900 |    1.000 |
| Resistance                   |     1000.000 |  1000.000 |   50.000 |      50.000 |   50.000 |
| Resistance_immunity          |     1000.000 |  1000.000 |   90.000 |      90.000 |   90.000 |
| Resistance_weakness          |      -50.000 |   -50.000 | -100.000 |    -100.000 | -100.000 |
| CreatureMomentum             |        0.150 |     0.150 |    0.150 |       0.150 |    0.150 |
| MovementSpeed                |        0.400 |     0.400 |    0.250 |       0.100 |    0.000 |
| Creature_CombatStartCooldown |        0.500 |     0.500 |    0.750 |       0.900 |    1.000 |
| Resurrect_Health             |        0.400 |     0.400 |    0.400 |       0.400 |    0.400 |
| Breaker_Armor                |       25.000 |    25.000 |   25.000 |      25.000 |   25.000 |
| Breaker_GuardBarrier         |      200.000 |   200.000 |  200.000 |     200.000 |  200.000 |

  • ParthianShotX, Finoderi, Sinistrality and 2 others like this


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Wonder what that trial promote chance is at the end.


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Wonder what that trial promote chance is at the end.


Some modifiers are shared with the SP difficulty configuration files, so they probably don't make sense for MP even though they're initialized