I was trying to find datas on combo's radius and force (mainly) and that's quite hard to gather.
The recent thread on pull was not conclusive on either combos detonation AoE originate from the detonator power point of impact or either from the primed target.
For a list of combos and their basic principles, please go to Relix28's thread.
For a detailed thread with all math involved and most basic principles, look at corlist's test there.
Edit : after patient explanations form MGW7, it s pretty clear now : (I was going to quote MGW7 but i ll rewrite it a bit )
1. Detonation point and multiple priming handling by the game.
Each power can only detonate as many explosions as there are projectiles or impact points for power like Shockwave (see below). All other targets in range of each projectile loose one layer of priming, but don't get extra detonations (after the first one).
Exemple : cluster grenades have two projectiles, so can detonate twice, but the first grenade can remove the prime from all targets before the second gets the chance to detonate. On the other side, Reave has one projectile, and can only detonate once.
The use of the expression "layer of priming" is important because a target can be primed for multiple detonations. Being in the aoe from a detonator power removes 1 layer of priming (not in the area of the actual combo explosion!), so if an enemy is both primed for a tech burst and fire explosion (in that order of detonation) cluster grenades will cause a tech burst and a fire explosion.
A target cannot be primed with the same layer type twice: you cannot have 2 layers of biotic priming. But you can reach 4 layers of priming (BE, FE, CE, TB).
The combo detonation is centered at the detonator power impact point. For hitscan powers this happens to be the enemy. For Area Reave or Nades, it s not the case.
Snap Freeze is bugged and detonate in front of the caster.
Poison Strike detonation is also centered (1 - 3 m ?) in front of the starting point.
If 4 enemies are primed for one different explosion each, 1 for tb, 1 for fe, 1 for ce, 1 for be, and are all hit by a single projectile detonator, you will get one explosion depending on which enemy is handled first by the game, but you will not be able to detonate any of the others afterwards.
Powers like shockwave and biotic slash create multiple points of impact, and can detonate multiple targets as long as previous impacts didn't unprimed enemies.
Three Cannibals primed with one Incendiary Round boosted venom shot and hit by 3 instance of chain overload will suffer 3 FE .
On radius and force i only found the thread from GodlessPaladin and weekly balance change.
2. Radius
So it seems all combos have a radius scaling from 2 to 4 m except for TB scaling from 4.5 to 7.5m. But this last walue doesn t appear in weekly balance change (and so might need verification).
Anyway, I guess the radius evolution follow the same formula as the damage one.
I have only found one power evo that enhance combos radius and it s warp 4b for BE.
3. Force
Values are given in GodlessPaladin's thread.
But as damage have evolved to [100-250] for all combos I wonder if forces have been tailored too ?
BE force : 500-1000 N
TB force : 200-450 N
FE force : 300-600 N
CE force : 200-450 N
All power evos boosting BE boost both damage and force. I haven t check TB CE FE.
4. Bugged power evo which boost or should boost combos
I have only 2 bugged evo for now :
- Paladin SF 6b does nothing, however 4b reach gives 2 times boosted CE if SF is used as a primer.
- Electric slash detonate 5a tech combos *2 has no efffect
IIRC SF 6b works fine on the AIU for all Tech combos detonated and primed?
Note that Warp detonate evo 4b only boost BEs.
I ll try to add some basics bellow as i remind them :
while grenades have none and do damage through walls ... beware of swarmers...
7. Defense multipliers
BE have a golbal *2 multiplier against barrier and armor, FE against armor, and TB against shield.
8. Priming window duration :
Most priming window durations are the primer duration (warp/DC ...). Most tech primers have a 3 seconds primer (ED, incinerate). Overload is notably different with a 5 sec priming effect.
Primers such as Arc Grenades (with bleed damage), Submission Net and Inferno Grenades, can be detonated any time throughout the duration of the DoT.
The backfire effect of sabotage takes effect 1.5 sec after the cast and prime for TB for 2 sec, except on synthetics. Sabotage doesn't have a backfire effect on synthetics, and so doesnt prime them.
Flamer primes for 5 sec after stopping it.
9. Chaining combos :
Powers dealing direct damage can detonate a combo and prime for another in a single cast. The key point is to detonate a combo of one type and priming for another.
Ex : Incinerate>warp>throw give one FE and then one BE.
Characters that can self chain combos like this are the HE (incinerate and overload) and the QME (arc nades and incinerate)
Chaining two BE with 3 casts is also possible in 2 configs :
-Singularity detonate evo 6b : Singularity>warp>warp give a second BE when singularity vanishes if explosion evo 6b was chosen
-Biotic sphere both detonate (BE/TB/CE/FE) on deployment and then prime for BE if warp effect evo 6b is chosen.
Thx for any input.
I have finished a spreadsheet for having the values of combos damage force and radius.
A bit too much details maybe and few missing ones. I used the same formula for force and radius with no scaling.
For just the calculator, use this one.
Edited by Alfonsedode, 17 May 2016 - 12:53 PM.